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  • Thread starter zer05ive
AP, talk about "out of context". Could you offer at least a little more context than quoting me with "...some stuff..."??
I don't think Ap's point invalidates anything you were saying, Devious. But, I think you did miss it. I think he was saying that at least tickets are worth more than cars in the trading forum because there are cars that one can get from tickets that one can't get from trading.
I understand that cars are sought after more than anything else in this game. But when you have 1500+ cars in a game that only has 1100+ different cars, collecting more cars is pointless. All of the SNAIL_Division accounts are signed-in everyday, a load of the GT5 game would collect paints and cards at random with a maximum of 10 per day for each account, for a total of 30 random paints and cards per day. A list would not need to be kept, just an offer for a look-see at what is available would be nice, and is all I was asking for. These items would start to build up with each day, on their own and as a result could be offered as a possible Prize C alternative. I completely understand cars are what most people want more than anything else in the game.

^This is where our disconnect is. It may seem as if the SNAIL_Division accounts are signed-in everyday, but it's usually just to send friend requests to new members who have requested to join our league. I don't ever load up the game while I'm signed in to those accounts because there's no need to do so. More importantly, doing so would take time because the GT5 loading time is anything but fast. A conservative estimate for the time it would take to log on and off of each account and load up the game would be 5 minutes per account. Multiply that be three accounts and that's 15 minutes a day. That might not seem like a lot, but it adds up in the long run. For example, if I were to follow this procedure for one year, it would mean I'd have spent four days of my life logging onto PSN accounts just to collect paint chips and museum cards. :crazy:

Then comes the hard part, which is awarding the paint or museum cards. Without a maintaining a list of what was available, it would be a tedious process. I know you said just an offer of a look-see would be nice, but that seems like it would lead to some very ambiguous requests that would get old pretty quickly. I like simple requests like, "I'll take the level 20 ticket". Nice and simple. More importantly, quick and easy.

something to think about also, who is usually winning the prizes for D1?
Have you ever heard the expression, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"? I guess to make it more relevant to our league, maybe it should be, "Don't look a gift car under the hood" :lol:

In all seriousness, I love the fact that you are always throwing out suggestions to improve the league. You have made several suggestions that we've used (Thursday Tutoring and the elimination of a sliding points scale to name a few). Keep the ideas coming! Not all of them will stick (and I hope you don't take offense when they don't), but you'll never know unless you throw it out there!
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How about another option for prize C:

Maybe the opportunity to pick the format of one of the weeknight events? Like maybe a "Prize C Winner" night. They wouldn't have to assume hosting duties or anything, just let the host know what they want to do. We have tons of options to choose from, and it could even be something different like shuffle, dirty PP, tag, etc...

Just an idea.
AP, talk about "out of context". Could you offer at least a little more context than quoting me with "...some stuff..."??

I wasn't trying to render your post invalid. I just figured that quoting the whole thing was unnecessary and would just serve to clutter things up. Some of us only have so much download speed. ;)

That said, Vol summed up my point quite nicely.

I'll quote it this time in case you missed it. I can sacrifice a few bytes:

tickets are worth more than cars in the trading forum because there are cars that one can get from tickets that one can't get from trading.
How about another option for prize C:

Maybe the opportunity to pick the format of one of the weeknight events? Like maybe a "Prize C Winner" night. They wouldn't have to assume hosting duties or anything, just let the host know what they want to do. We have tons of options to choose from, and it could even be something different like shuffle, dirty PP, tag, etc...

Just an idea.

Fantastic idea! With diabolic on hiatus, this suggestion is as much timely as it is awesome. 👍

Were you thinking Friday would be "Prize C night" as well, or were you laying your "Dirty Thursdays" on the table too?
Either is fine, but as you've seen, I often have trouble making it even on my night. :(

Maybe get some feedback from everyone on what night would be best and if they even like the idea.
^This is where our disconnect is. It may seem as if the SNAIL_Division accounts are signed-in everyday, but it's usually just to send friend requests to new members who have requested to join our league. I don't ever load up the game while I'm signed in to those accounts because there's no need to do so. More importantly, doing so would take time because the GT5 loading time is anything but fast. A conservative estimate for the time it would take to log on and off of each account and load up the game would be 5 minutes per account. Multiply that be three accounts and that's 15 minutes a day. That might not seem like a lot, but it adds up in the long run. For example, if I were to follow this procedure for one year, it would mean I'd have spent four days of my life logging onto PSN accounts just to collect paint chips and museum cards. :crazy:

Then comes the hard part, which is awarding the paint or museum cards. Without a maintaining a list of what was available, it would be a tedious process. I know you said just an offer of a look-see would be nice, but that seems like it would lead to some very ambiguous requests that would get old pretty quickly. I like simple requests like, "I'll take the level 20 ticket". Nice and simple. More importantly, quick and easy.

Have you ever heard the expression, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"? I guess to make it more relevant to our league, maybe it should be, "Don't look a gift car under the hood" :lol:

In all seriousness, I love the fact that you are always throwing our suggestion to improve the league. You have made several suggestions that we've used (Thursday Tutoring and the elimination of a sliding points scale to name a few). Keep the ideas coming! Not all of them will stick (and I hope you don't take offense when they don't), but you'll never know unless you throw it out there!

I understand your point of view on the time factor and I respect that. The longest part of loading GT5 is the garage - the more cars you have in your garage, the. Longer it takes to load the game's main menu. 5 minutes a while to load, I agree, bit when you reach 1500 cars and the load time take 7.5 minutes to only reac the Main Menu then talk to me about time. LOL

I'm all in favor quick and easy but to be honest another car really is of no interest to me - which is why I've been telling you to give my Prize C to (insert name here). The prize offered is a nice jesture but I yet to hear of anyone in this league who has a chance to pick a prize to actually pick Prize C - no, it's always been a default prize. Granted I've not been here as long as you so perhaps I'm mistaken on the zesty selection of a Prize C, but I some how doubt it.

As for offering suggests, you are welcome. I fully appreiciate the consideration you put towards the suggestions presented, truly, I do. I will cotinue to offer suggestions as I come across them, like holding Wednesday Night Races in a public lobby given that you've expressed a desire to recruit new members.

As for the Tutoring, I've been thinking of dropping it for a couple of reasons, of which I'm not going to get into here.
I understand your point of view on the time factor and I respect that. The longest part of loading GT5 is the garage - the more cars you have in your garage, the. Longer it takes to load the game's main menu. 5 minutes a while to load, I agree, bit when you reach 1500 cars and the load time take 7.5 minutes to only reac the Main Menu then talk to me about time. LOL=QUOTE]

I also suffered from this loading problem. That is in part why i joined SNAIL. I could start a new account and still be able to race. Since you only need 3 cars to start with and they are all premium, it makes it super easy to do this on a new account. It took me about 5 hours to level up and purchase the cars and then all i had to do was brake them in. I also now receive double sign in bonuses and in a pinch can always send a car or ticket from large account to SNAIL account.
I wasn't trying to render your post invalid. I just figured that quoting the whole thing was unnecessary and would just serve to clutter things up. Some of us only have so much download speed. ;)

That said, Vol summed up my point quite nicely.

I'll quote it this time in case you missed it. I can sacrifice a few bytes:

I understand the point that Vol made,and yes, it's a good point. Now let me make mine - Zer05ive has gone out of his way to make sure that ALL members are treated equally. The DLC Car & Track question for example, the reason we (the league) are barred from running DLC content is because not all members have DLC. In essence, allowing everyone to take part in all race events - which is cool but restrictive for the rest of us who have the DLC. According to Zer05I've, 4 member off the approximately 33 polled don't have the DLC. 1 of the 4 stated in D1 that it didn't matter to him if DLC was selected or not, so than mean 3 of the 33 would not be able to run the race events with the league. The minority just made the policy we are now using. With that being said, I'm obviously the minority of this league with having all the cars in game. Prize C (before and after the upgrade) is completely worthless to me. Where is equality for all members now? If the league is going to cater to minority, like it did with the DLC, then where is that concern now? It's nowhere to be found. I'm told to take my prize and good elsewhere with it. If the league is going to take care of the minority like it did for the 3 then it should take care of ALL it's minority. That does seem to be the motto of the league, "All or Nothing". If the league is going go out of it's way for the minority then it should do that for All it's minoritys, not just some of them - or screw them all. Either way, be consistant in the matter.

I'm merely asking for the same thing, although on a different topic, DLC - Prize C. The minority were taken looked after on the DLC issue, but apparently not the Prize issue.

Having said all that, let me be clear about something. I really don't care about Prize C issue at this point. The prizes mean very little to me because they are easy to come by, as I have been sharing my prizes with the rest of the league for a while now. Yes I would like Prize C to be some more than a car, but even the idea that Dude has no interest for me. Sorry Dude, no offense, but it just doesn't.
If I understand this correctly, you're saying that you want the league to change to suit what benefits you as a minority even though you don't care about those benefits.
I understand the point that Vol made,and yes, it's a good point. Now let me make mine - Zer05ive has gone out of his way to make sure that ALL members are treated equally. The DLC Car & Track question for example, the reason we (the league) are barred from running DLC content is because not all members have DLC. In essence, allowing everyone to take part in all race events - which is cool but restrictive for the rest of us who have the DLC. According to Zer05I've, 4 member off the approximately 33 polled don't have the DLC. 1 of the 4 stated in D1 that it didn't matter to him if DLC was selected or not, so than mean 3 of the 33 would not be able to run the race events with the league. The minority just made the policy we are now using. With that being said, I'm obviously the minority of this league with having all the cars in game. Prize C (before and after the upgrade) is completely worthless to me. Where is equality for all members now? If the league is going to cater to minority, like it did with the DLC, then where is that concern now? It's nowhere to be found. I'm told to take my prize and good elsewhere with it. If the league is going to take care of the minority like it did for the 3 then it should take care of ALL it's minority. That does seem to be the motto of the league, "All or Nothing". If the league is going go out of it's way for the minority then it should do that for All it's minoritys, not just some of them - or screw them all. Either way, be consistant in the matter.

I'm merely asking for the same thing, although on a different topic, DLC - Prize C. The minority were taken looked after on the DLC issue, but apparently not the Prize issue.

Having said all that, let me be clear about something. I really don't care about Prize C issue at this point. The prizes mean very little to me because they are easy to come by, as I have been sharing my prizes with the rest of the league for a while now. Yes I would like Prize C to be some more than a car, but even the idea that Dude has no interest for me. Sorry Dude, no offense, but it just doesn't.

The difference between the two is, for DLC you force people to spend money that they may not have or can't afford to spend or just don't want (hmm echo in here). Or you force them out of the race, not what we want.
Devious, your politically correct snidness cracks me the hell up! The easy answer to your "wheres my equality" is an easy one to answer. DLC cost real life money, majority, minority. that doesnt matter, what does is that its not credits, cars, paint cars, museum cards yadda yaddaa, that can easily be dubbed. This is peoples real life hard earn cash that they should not be forced to spend just to participate. Minority or not. Even if one person abstains from getting the DLC, that is a right to which we can not force them to give on. We don't put money in their pocket. Pretty easy right?
I've said it in the lounge before and I'll say it again here; I'll buy the tracks for people who can't/don't want to afford it.
If I understand this correctly, you're saying that you want the league to change to suit what benefits you as a minority even though you don't care about those benefits.

Funny, I was pretty sure I used English in my post. I did clearly state what the issue was about. To be completely honest, I want the DLC tracks to be an option for the Prize Winners. The fact that a decision was made on an All Or Nothing basis (as usual) I figure why not use that to my bebefit by pointing out the flaw in the logic of the entire All Or Nothing objectivity in most if not all matters.
I don't have every car, but I have to agree, the prize of a car that I can just as easily purchase on my own isn't appealing. Mind you, I won't ever be in that position, so it is completely moot.

Completely unrelated... the only outstanding protest from this past weekend has been resolved.

Psycho-Tuber brought forth a protest again Aubdogg concerning 4 Wheels Off-Track violations in both Round 1 races in Division 2. We have been unable to contact Aubdogg, and have had to proceed with reviewing the protest without any input from him.

The four stewards that were able to review the races all agree that the protest stands. Aubdogg has lost 22 points from his 5th and 7th place finishes. This does not affect any podium finishes. Both spreadsheets have been updated.

I would like to apologize to Aubdogg. In the same breath, I have to remind everyone that they need to participate here. Even if they don't post, they at least need to keep in touch. It is your responsibility to be available for protests.

I would like to thank Psycho, though I have to ask, why didn't anyone else in D2 bring this to our attention? Yes, this is just casual racing, and it doesn't really matter. In this case, though, I think it was simply someone not being aware of the track rules. He may simply not have realized these sections were not part of the track. The protest system isn't meant to be a negative. It is simply a means to make sure everyone is aware of and following the same rules.

Now, having said all of that, I did notice, while review this, a case of someone gaining or retaining a position because of ghosting. I am very solidly against the penalty system. Since we will continue to use it, I will make it a mission to protest against "ghosting violations". If you ghost through someone, give the position back.

I thought you guys were going to run with penalties off this past weekend. Clearly D2 left them on.
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Now, having said all of that, I did notice, while review this, a case of someone gaining or retaining a position because of ghosting. I am very solidly against the penalty system. Since we will continue to use it, I will make it a mission to protest against "ghosting violations". If you ghost through someone, give the position back.

Just to play devils advocate :)

I watched a few replays myself and saw more than one instance of the penalty system saving an innocent bystander. The ghosted car went through another car completely out of control. Had it not been ghosted it would have gathered the unsuspecting driver in the process.

EDIT: granted not real life, but pain and suffering averted.

I thought you guys were going to run with penalties off this past weekend. Clearly D2 left them on.

I didn't think we were going to run without penalties on Sunday, until I saw a post made late that day. The division directors took a vote and we decided to only go with the post race vote on penalties.
I thought you guys were going to run with penalties off this past weekend. Clearly D2 left them on.

I think it was going to vote, and if the vote was for penalties off that it would be tried first in the Wednesday practice night, not the Sunday race night.

Edit: Cheeb, you ninja....must be that extra hour you have on me in the province next door :lol:
M3 GTR Race Car Challenge Halfway Report​

This past Saturday marked the halfway point for the M3 GTR Race Car Challenge. Over the past four weeks we've visited tracks in America and Japan, also including Italy for our interest check night. The races have been great to take part in and I'm glad to see that it has gone off without a hitch, excluding the grid problems Saturday night. The series as a whole has been pretty successful though I was hoping to have more drivers attend. The points race is pretty close and it was nice to see it change up a little bit after last Saturday's race. The current standings are as follows:

#1 - AJKVail - AJK-VAIL - 103pts.
#2 - fzappa - tcrash15 - 88pts.
#3 - cmbeal317 - cmbeal317 - 86pts.
#4 - sharkie - M1SS-D3V10US - 85pts.
#5 -kcheeb - kcheeb - 48 pts.
#6 - dabneyd - dabneyd - 48pts.
#7 - zer05ive - zer05ive - 42pts.
#8 - irmopars - Mighty_mopar - 20pts.
#9 - dudeondacouch - dudeondacouch - 9pts.

I had originally planned to upload pictures every week though I never found time to until today. I have some pictures from the past few weeks that I think I'll just save and share with at the end of the season. For now I'll give you a few pictures from this past Saturday.

Fuji Speedway F_3 by cmbeal317, on Flickr

Fuji Speedway F_7 by cmbeal317, on Flickr

Fuji Speedway F_10 by cmbeal317, on Flickr

Fuji Speedway F_8 by cmbeal317, on Flickr

Fuji Speedway F_11 by cmbeal317, on Flickr

Fuji Speedway F_12 by cmbeal317, on Flickr

Last Saturday night was the best race of the entire series so far in my opinion. I had an amazing time racing along side AJK-Vail for a good part of the race and ending with an extremely close finish.

Over the next few weeks we'll be heading to the world of fantasy and concluding our series in Europe. After that I'll probably have another interest check and try to decide which car we will use for another season.

As I had announced before I am going to be giving away a few BMW specific prizes. They are as follows:



Alpina BMW 2002 Turbo

Once again I want to thank all those who have participated for joining me in the great racing series. After all it wouldn't be possible with out all of you. I also wanted to take this time to announce that I'll be taking part in another endurance race on Saturday afternoon in this.

Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps_3 by cmbeal317, on Flickr

Yes, that is the CR-Z Touring Car! I'll be driving this along with 7 others, in addition to 8 R35 GT-R Touring Cars in a multi-class race for 35 laps of Spa Francorchamps. I'm really excited to see how this goes, and see if I would have liked it if we had been able to do a multi-class race.

Once again a massive thank you to all the participants of the M3 GTR Challenge.
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I watched a few replays myself and saw more than one instance of the penalty system saving an innocent bystander. The ghosted car went through another car completely out of control. Had it not been ghosted it would have gathered the unsuspecting driver in the process.

EDIT: granted not real life, but pain and suffering averted.

I for one would rather you take me out in a blaze of glory rather than cheat past me.

There are some tracks that I hate being out front at the start of the race. One of them is Nurburgring GP. I don't like to be out front for that first corner. I drive all careful to keep from stuffing the guy infront of me, just to be stuffed by someone else.

The problem with ghosting is, someone ghosts through me and I lose several positions. They just drive on. If they wrecked us both, then they would either have to wait for me to get back on the course, in which case they suffer and they hopefully learn to just be more careful next time, or they drive on and get a penalty and suffer even worse.

I am hoping they will get a penalty going forward for ghosting, but it is harder to do. Crashing is more of an instant notification that you've effed up and don't do it again.

Okay, that is cool.

Would be nice if GT5's photomode let one put more than one car in the shot (even though that picture isn't from GT5). Then you could have the BMW and GT S in the background, kind of looking over the SRT8's shoulders.
I for one would rather you take me out in a blaze of glory rather than cheat past me.

The problem with ghosting is, someone ghosts through me and I lose several positions. They just drive on.

Sorry, I forgot to include that part of the story in my reply to you. I totally agree, the person that ghosted, must not gain advantage from the fact they ghosted, period.

I am hoping they will get a penalty going forward for ghosting, but it is harder to do. Crashing is more of an instant notification that you've effed up and don't do it again.

Maybe we need to be more vocal during the races, I know I could be. Problem I see for myself is, I get so focused on hitting my marks a lot of times I don't know who's where. I know someone is there, not always who.