West Coast Report
It was a bit of a mixed Bag. I was late so held everyone up and I apologize for that. It shows we still need a Host. I think @
RevStar-9 said he might be able to help out. If so awesome and it was fun having you back. We also had some new guys (@
RinnFah, @
vitalik79, @
Jose Torres) with us and I hope you had a good time. Unfortunately some of them did not make it the whole night.
Big downsides were that @
NDRK1088 was having lag issues and ended up having to bail out. We hope next week is better. @
Neovre also did not make it a night which is a real Shame because @
GranStand Bill was on fire and giving him a good run.
Bill went on to win the night which is awesome.
Over all I had a good night with a win, a second and two thirds. I had no terrible races and recovered well from the few mistakes I made. The Redbull suited me very well. I think I had a 1:08.6 but will need to check that. My goal all night was to just relax and try not to make mistakes. I think I managed that.
Less good was the 4 "Dust Bunnies" I had to self report in the first race. Luckily my second race was clean. Those chicanes at Ascari suck!
tezgm99 seemed to be complaining a bit but got a well earned third overall
Hopefully next week will be a bit better with no connection issues. The new guys will have a week to settle in and get past the first week nerves. And hopefully we will all finish the entire night. We started with 9 West Coasters which is awesome!
To all the new guys. Please be sure to file an incident report if you feel that someone caused an incident with you. Also if you have any questions or thoughts about last night let me know. Just make sure not to discuss any incidents in the main thread.
Finally @
RevStar-9 Stick with that Redbull. It can be a lot of fun. Just remember High Downforce means it works best when going flat out!
Thanks guys