I have no doubt the driving will get better eventually...or they'll just consider me the incident reporter and stay clear of me like a whistleblower at a major corporation...
Ha! This was me when I was D1. I was a steward and I would take it upon myself to review the replays of whatever division I was in at the time and go over OB penalties and obvious driver infractions that were not reported. Well, you can imagine how they felt about that in D1

Blah blah I could REALLY go on but I won't...
I feel for ya @
chuyler1, you get there and think it's going to be a great learning experience and super fun driving with the top hot lappers in SNAIL. But then you realize that the first rule of Fight Club...
Some people don't understand what race craft means.
I'll give you a hint, it does not mean "the ability to get through a whole race without hitting anything".
Well I do know what race craft means and in all my time driving here, albeit not with you or a few other drivers currently in D1, my experiences driving with D1 drivers have been, on the whole, the worst race craft experiences I have had in SNAIL. There are some really great D1 guys that have always had my utmost respect because they could actually drive D1 fast without making contact or caring about their own ego. @
OwensRacing , @
Nicktune , @
qwietstorm, @
kendawg, @
JLBowler, @
racefan78 are some really great examples. I probably missed a few because I haven't seen them in awhile...like @
Worst_Driver I didn't drive with for very long and @
Adventuruss who I have driven with a few times as well.
I know a few great racers that have left SNAIL D1 permanently because their experience in D1 was less than exemplary. I quit D1 for quite some time due to my experiences there as well. But I'm back just plugging along in "fun" mode.
But, on the bright side, I'm sure everyone there has a great respect for each other and a great time every Sunday

This post was not directed at anyone in particular but the D1 experience is a bit, different, than the other divisions because it is the top division. There are egos to be bruised and bragging rights to fight for so things are more intense and stress levels run high. All the GT Academy hopefuls need to show each other who will win next year and past Academy guys need to show why they made it. Reputations to uphold...pressure is high.
Anyways...all that is not for me. My racing buddies are my racing buddies