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  • Thread starter zer05ive
@ParkerMO125... I still can't believe you managed that, I had the best view right behind in 3rd. I was catching up, going into the chicane & tried to pressure the two of you into a mistake and take it but the quality of D2 racing definitely showed!
Oh boy, with all the respects for the person who choose it, I hated that Diablo with a passion. All my practice laps were disastrous and the race was no different. That thing doesn`t go with my average joe driving
skills... just doesn`t. So glad it`s gone.
Is it gone? Haven't seen any results posted.

I liked it. Think I could have taken race 2 if I hadn't had someone spin in front of me and take me out. Caught the leaders but made a couple mistakes at the end. Race 1 was learning the combo...race 2 was throwing down faster laps :)
I'm pretty sure combo 2 is going to stay, unless D4 has 10 more people that voted for 2, and none for 1 or 3. That was the worst combo IMO. Oh well! Now I need to figure out how to shave 1.5 seconds off my lap times 🤬
The Miata combo is weak simply because it becomes a procession due to the narrow track. That car could benefit from a wider track if it has to stay :/

Close racing and single file processions don't necessarily have to happen at the same time.
Close racing and single file processions don't necessarily have to happen at the same time.
Proof: combo 1 from last night. I just watched both replays and it was some incredibly close racing for most of us. Sometimes 3-4 of us wide headed down a straight or into a corner.
Division 3 Combo 1 Race 1
Abarth 500 @ Apricot Hill

@dabneyd gets a no surprise pole position, but @Dragonwhisky gets an awesome launch at start...

and by turn 1 he is quickly on the attack.

This is a D3 Snail Group Hug between @Dragonwhisky @dabneyd & @Schmiggz

.. and @intoflatlines did not get invited to it

Battle for 3rd and the movement begins, @JLBowler leads @JoeW @Wolfsatz @dabneyd @intoflatlines

Hairpin Lap 1 and everyone trying different lines to avoid contact

Hairping Lap 1 same time frame from the back.

At the chicane DW leads the pack in 1st

But @Schmiggz is able to get a good run and uses draft advantage to pass and leads @Dragonwhisky into turn 1

Peek a Boo

Going into the chicane @Schmiggz still leading the pack

Close encounters of the 3rd kind and applying some pressure

... @Wolfsatz attacks the inside carefully without any contact...

...but @intoflatlines is able to keep the lead before coming to the hairpin...

...going into the 3rd lap, instead of going 2 wide I pull up and follow @intoflatlines setting up the chicane perfectly, meanwhile 2 pairs decide to go 2 wide which causes a pile up

2 wide at the chicane DW and Bowler fighting for position..

...not being able to take the chicane at full speed...

.... which allows me to clear 4 position by the beginning of lap 4

... Lap 5 and the chicane and Schmigglio has about a 2 second lead

and the rest of the pack following closely

@JoeW leads @JLBowler fighting for 5th

Thanks to the breakdown of @Schmiggz abacus lap counter computer, he begins celebrating at the end of lap 5 and loses his precious advantage.

Meanwhile, @Dragonwhisky sets up a text book pass on @intoflatlines by keeping momentum on the Ss and avoiding brakes and steals 3rd from him

Final Lap at the hairpin and 1st through 6th within a few meters (yards for you non metric kind of guys) of each other

50 Meters from the finish line @Schmiggz holds a lean lead

But at the finish line this is what 6 thousands of a second look like from different angles

Top 3

Abarth 500 '09

This win was a total surprise, as I thought this was my weakest combo, but showing patience and knowing when to lift off instead of fighting each corner proved the key to going from dead last at lap 1, to sealing the win with 6 thousandths of a second.
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D4 drivers, if none of you can upload the replays from last night, can one of you please at least post the results last night here on the thread? @FloydC3's laptop is dead, so @ATLskydiver will be taking over as scorekeeper next week. In the meantime, @hooker4 can't load the results into the scoresheet until the morning. The problem with that is it'll be another long day at work for me tomorrow. If I can't post the results tonight, it won't be done until tomorrow night.
D4 drivers, if none of you can upload the replays from last night, can one of you please at least post the results last night here on the thread? @FloydC3's laptop is dead, so @ATLskydiver will be taking over as scorekeeper next week. In the meantime, @hooker4 can't load the results into the scoresheet until the morning. The problem with that is it'll be another long day at work for me tomorrow. If I can't post the results tonight, it won't be done until tomorrow night.

Check out these 2 posts from the last couple days:

D4 finally score for the ones that left early
1:unleashed159-87 points
2:hooker4-86 points

5 votes 3
2 votes 1
1 vote 2
Check out these 2 posts from the last couple days:

That's a nice summary, but we're going to need the finishing positions of each race to enter the results properly. The calculations for prizes kind of depend on full results.
That's a nice summary, but we're going to need the finishing positions of each race to enter the results properly. The calculations for prizes kind of depend on full results.

Yea, I get that. Just trying to help a little.

I do find it hard to believe that no one else in D4 saved the replays and can't get these entered.
Wardenclyffe has uploaded 5 replays. I've got them downloaded and will get the data entered, tonight.
I don't know yet which race he's missing but someone will need to either get it uploaded so I can get it or enter the data from it.
Yea, I get that. Just trying to help a little.

I do find it hard to believe that no one else in D4 saved the replays and can't get these entered.

The help is appreciated. 87 points for the win might be low enough that it's not in contention for the prizes and zer05ive could go ahead with the results post without detailed results for D4. That would allow us to get the prize selection process started tonight.

Is this the third or fourth week in a row we are experiencing delays because of D4...

That would be four weeks in a row.
I think I have the replays but I need to know what info you need and will try and get them shortly. Being new, not sure what it is you need
So, is it possible the room settings last night were different for D2 and D3? The fast lap times seem a bit wonky to me at first glance. Maybe ice changed his oil this week.
I think I have the replays but I need to know what info you need and will try and get them shortly. Being new, not sure what it is you need
I'm not sure which one of the Diablo races Wardenclyffe had. It's the one where Unleashed started first.

I need to know if that was the first or second race and after that I need the results of the other Diablo race.

5 of 6 D4 races entered in Director's doc. Getting scores over to Results now, while I wait for race 6 data. @GGGMotorsport , just post the results for the other Diablo race here and we'll get the replays taken care of later.
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Unleashed started from pole in the first Diablo race.

Here are the results from race 6

lfarris3 - 1
Unleashed 159 - 2
hooker4 - 3
floydlovesbritt3 - 4
Zii1993 - 5
GrimGrnninGhost - 6
chatva - 7
shmibal43 - 8
Wardenclyffe - 9
Unleashed started from pole in the first Diablo race.

Here are the results from race 6

lfarris3 - 1
Unleashed 159 - 2
hooker4 - 3
floydlovesbritt3 - 4
Zii1993 - 5
GrimGrnninGhost - 6
chatva - 7
shmibal43 - 8
Wardenclyffe - 9

Thank you.

Right or wrong, the scores for D4 are in. So far as I'm concerned, they've abrogated their right to vote by not getting the scores done in a timely fashion.
@Skills Thanks for showing me everything that I need to join you guys. I pretend to race this Sunday, so I'll get on driving on the Time Trial as fast as possible! :D Again, thank you!
I have a question for those of you who have a DFGT wheel.

This is the first wheel I have used, I got it used, and I am not sure if it is supposed to act like this.
1. If I am driving in a straight line and take my hand off the wheel the force feedback makes the car start to sway left and right, back and forth. It gets worse the longer I let it go until it spins out. Is that normal?
2. I also notice that it is harder (than a controller) to correct a mistake when I break traction in a corner. Again the force feedback seems to fight against my attempts to catch myself. Is that normal?

It is getting easier, by I am not sure if this is normal
I have a question for those of you who have a DFGT wheel.

This is the first wheel I have used, I got it used, and I am not sure if it is supposed to act like this.
1. If I am driving in a straight line and take my hand off the wheel the force feedback makes the car start to sway left and right, back and forth. It gets worse the longer I let it go until it spins out. Is that normal?
2. I also notice that it is harder (than a controller) to correct a mistake when I break traction in a corner. Again the force feedback seems to fight against my attempts to catch myself. Is that normal?

It is getting easier, by I am not sure if this is normal
Turn the force feedback down a ways. Maybe half what it's at now. Both my G27 and DFGT do that when the wheel is not in hand. Certain cars in the game will make it more pronounced.
@JLBowler / @zer05ive
I was also going to comment on practice rooms etiquette. Some of us, may have very limited time to get behind the wheel and practice, but sometimes practice rooms with the 'SnailRacing.Org' banner do not follow any format whatsoever.

Sometimes it seems they are set up for just hot lapping, instead of actually hosting races. I propose that if you open a room with the SnailRacing.Org title, that we always follow the Sunday Format (No of Laps, reserve grid, etc). Sometimes they also don't get announced on the thread.

If it were up to me, I would have "snailracing.org" in the name of every single league-related online room that is hosted by one of our members. And when I say "league-related", I mean related to any of our series - not just the Sunday night series. The benefits of advertising our league far outweigh the inconsistencies in practice format IMO. Of course, that's not to say that there aren't ways to reduce those frustrations. See below.

As for the practice rooms using the SnailRacing.org. I think as long as they are running the combos for the current week with the proper track and weather/time settings, the format they are using doesn't really matter. Hot lapping is a form of practice. The Thursday night practice should stick to the Sunday night script though in the official rooms. You shouldn't have the room titled SnailRacing.org and be doing something completely off the wall
I agree that that the only practice session that should be required to stick to the Sunday night format is the "official" practice session on Thursday nights. Any "unofficial" practice should follow the format that those in the room want to follow. Of course, be ith this for the most part. If rooms just have "snailracing.org" and little else, then yes they should be focused on the Sunday combos.

Assuming you're asking for thoughts by the rest of us, I think that the snailracing.org title should be used with practice rooms such as hot lapping, or anything with the current combos. I hosted my "snailracing.org practice room" with usually hot laps followed by a slowest-first grid start (no qualifier). I think it's fun and great practice.

But for non-combo rooms, that could go both ways. One could argue that since the combos are not being practiced, it should not be a snailracing.org room. On the other hand, one could argue that if the room is being run with the SNAIL mindset and values (i.e., close racing, proper racecraft, etc.) then why not have snailracing.org in the title to draw attention to the league?

But then what about if some of us want to get together to race some old SNAIL combos? Or test for future combos? etc. Should we not be allowed to title it "snailracing.org...."?
This is a perfect example of what I mean. Rooms like these could be called:

snailracing.org - Open Practice
snailracing.org - Old Combos
snailracing.org - Test Session

I'll leave the final decision to @zer05ive on when to use the SnailRacing.org in the room title but I would go with this. Use the SnailRacing.org when you are practicing current combos, running old combos, practicing for any of the other series we have and title the room as such. For example, use SnailRacing.org-practice when racing the current weeks combos, use SnailRacing.org-karts if you're practicing or testing for the kart series, use SnailRacing.org-old combos if you want to run past combos. Just remember that anytime you have your room titled using the SnailRacing.org that you are representing us and need to behave in a way that reflects well on the group as a whole.
Agreed. Use snailracing.org if you are hosting any league-related room. Just be sure to add additonals details to the room name to help members and non-members alike know what kind of room you're hosting.

Also, please note that our new logo is going to have "SNAILRACING.ORG" (all caps) incorporated into it. With that in mind, please start putting our web address in call caps when hosting a room so that there's more of a visual link between the room names and our newly designed logo. Thanks!
I have a question for those of you who have a DFGT wheel.

This is the first wheel I have used, I got it used, and I am not sure if it is supposed to act like this.
1. If I am driving in a straight line and take my hand off the wheel the force feedback makes the car start to sway left and right, back and forth. It gets worse the longer I let it go until it spins out. Is that normal?
2. I also notice that it is harder (than a controller) to correct a mistake when I break traction in a corner. Again the force feedback seems to fight against my attempts to catch myself. Is that normal?

It is getting easier, by I am not sure if this is normal

Yes it is normal, try force feedback setting of 6. I have one also, if you are using steering assist turn it off. Do you use active steering when playing career? If so it will fight back with the feedback making the car lose traction and harder to correct. Good settings that work for me are 6 force feedback, power assist steering off, and steering sensitivity -2. Hope this helps, any questions let me know through PM.
When S.N.A.I.L. gets real! I hope you guys are all stoked about GT Academy starting up rather soon. I knew it was all in the works but not an exact date on anything. Of course I'm supposed to be hush about things even though I don't want to haha. You guys better kick some ass this season! I need an awesome teammate next year! I'll be putting in times since I'll be home for the time it's open. Hopefully some racing with you guys as well! Keep at it and again if any of you have any questions feel free to message me cause I'm more than willing to help out.

Oh, and you guys ******g rock! Can't thank you enough for all the support! I knew there was something good with this group when I joined back in 2012.

Maybe I'm biased, but that's got to be the coolest looking helmet in the history of motorsports!! :sly:

Thanks for posting a picture of it, Nick! Would it be possible for you to save those decals when they're removed from the helmet? I'd like to auction them off in the S.N.A.I.L. Marketplace so that the hard-working members of Team S.N.A.I.L. have a chance to own a piece of league history! :)
Got back into town much later Sunday than I originally thought, hence why I was absent sunday.

For anyone interested, here is my karting video from Saturday night. I do say a naughty word when I get caught behind some dummy who didn't pay attention to what blue flags meant.

The track has a wall you can sign if you can run a sub 30 second lap. Starting around 3:15 I run at lap of 29.421!

Nice video and nice sub-30 lap! Did you just use your own helmet that already have a GoPro (or something similar) already mounted to it? Or you were you able to mount a camera to one of their helmets?

EDIT: Is there any one up still? I could really use a teeny weeny bit of help getting to post #55620 and #55621 :D