- 474
- Reston, VA, USA
- Wardenclyffe
I only saw one person lag and it was only a minor isolated incident. I don't recall who it was but I'm pretty sure it wasn't you; it was the person pirate said was lagging in chat who then left, cleared their cache, and returned without incident (to my knowledge).Yellow room drivers from last night - did you see my car (bright blue metallic) lagging in the first 2 races? Was it just me or was it everyone. From my point of view a lot of people were lagging at the same time, which makes me think it could have been just me that was lagging. Hopefully not an indicator of things to come... I think that if anything perhaps my particular connection did not play nicely with someone else's connection... didn't we have a non-SNAIL in there from Portugal or something?
I did race close to you a few times in those two races and you seemed fine to me (please note you were mostly way ahead of me; we weren't close very often). I recall you mentioning you were packing it up due to the lag which surprised me, as it hadn't been showing for me. I agree with the person who in recent history posted that they believed lag issues grow the closer one gets to the lagging participant and also mentioned the vagaries of the "snowflake" nature of GT6 connectivity (you to me could be fine and turnup to me could be fine but turnup to you could be fatal); might it have something to do with your connection to the folks immediately around you on the track at the time?
Piru frequently races with my most active non-SNAIL racing friends and I've never experienced any issues with him there, nor did I see anything going on with him last night. But given we're all snowflakes you two could have connectivity beef.