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  • Thread starter zer05ive
So I (along with the others that were moved up) can expect to participate in the ROC at the end of May?

Perhaps not, but you didn't state ROC specifically as a goal. I'm sure you have a chance at ROC in D3 in the future. I've been in SNAIL over two years and have over 100 podiums ( actually 47 Sunday nights raced, 9 weekly wins, 34 poles, and 124 podiums consisting of 38 1st, 55 2nd and 31 3rd - can't believe how many stats we track), yet I'm sure will never race in ROC.
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When promotions/relegations took place at the end of last season and I found myself still in D4, I set two goals for myself. Win the D4 Season Title which in turn would move me to D3 even though I knew I would be a back-marker in D3. In order to achieve this goal, I was going to have to put in far too many hours practicing to have a chance at it. More hours than I normally have time to dedicate to sim racing.

After the first two weeks, I was seeing that effort starting to pay off and had put myself in position to battle for the title and hopefully achieve a goal I had set out to achieve.

Then comes today and I find out that someone else has effectively crushed that goal. I use the word crushed because I’m a very goal driven person. I set goals that I have a reasonable chance to achieve and this was one of them. I spent hours trying to achieve a goal and now it was a waste of time.

When I read the post about being moved, I was pissed as I don’t feel I was that much faster than the other D4 drivers under normal circumstances and without the extra effort I had to put in prepping for these combos.

It would have been nice to have received a PM explaining the situation and some understanding that perhaps going for a championship might have meant something to someone.

I’m I happy with being moved to D3, yes and no. Yes, because it is a promotion and who doesn't like a promotion. No, because I will be racing at the back of the field going forward as I wont be able to dedicate the hours to be competitive with these guys.

I regret posting my initial frustration in the forum and should have just left quietly. Most if not all of you may think that I want “whine with my cheese” or I’m looking for an ego boost and your welcome to think that, I really don’t give a **** at this point.
Don't feel bad I'm stuck in d7 despite making many podiums lol buuuut it's just a game to me.
So I CLEARLY do not belong in D3. First race (Brands Hatch) I'm 6-seconds off the pace of the guy who took pole. In the second race, in a car I was more familiar with, I was going balls-out just to fight for last place. I've been sim-racing for years, so I can handle myself in a race, but I don't have the time to invest to practice that will be needed to keep up with these guys. Can I voluntarily drop back a division or two? Maybe division 5 would be better for me.
Stick with it. If your qualifying time put you there you will do fine. If you are off the pace you will be moved when the next shuffle happens.
One of my favorite quotes from a sitcom is fitting in this promotion drama...

"It appears as if he is displeased with the latest golden nugget to fall out of his ass".

Bonus if you guess the show :)
D5 results and votes are in. D5 Replays uploaded also.

Heck, @Oshawa-Joe I'm here 2+ years. I can't find the link, but I'm sitting (behind several others... @cmbeal317 koff koff... at least night wise, not podiums!) About 80 nights, zero weekly wins, I am not sure how to check, but I'd bet on zero poles, and maybe 50 podiums total. My sympathy violin can be pretty small, I guess.

In SNAIL, I've learned a great deal about sportsmanship, driving, how to become a better driver, and actually, I've even gotten faster. I picked up some friends. Been relegated. Been promoted. Didn't complain about any promotions nor relegations in the past, and it's a mindset unfathomable to me - "Gee, honey, I wanted to get a promotion within two years, but they gave it to me today. That boss, he's such a jerk!"

And now.... With the power (not really) vested in me, I dub the guys who were winning their division and were promoted up, and continued to race in their newly placed division, the Mid-May-Blooming-Flower-Champions-Of-Happiness-And-Joy. I can draw up a certificate if that helps.

No awards for the other mid-month promotions - just be happy it was not below the tier of steak knives, I suppose.
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Div-4: Very sorry about the mixup as to the Combo Order. Sure got things started off on the wrong spark plug.
Should have looked more closely at what I thought was correct. My Bad.
Also just noticed that the 2nd race of each combo was NOT labelled "R2"
Sheeesh what a mess
I feel betrayed after all that time I passed in snail. In september 6 2012 I joined the league and came in division 3. It was hell of fun and I started learning race-craft spacecraft and from that time trying to step my game up. 1 month after I was promoted to D2 and this division I have learn everything I need for be a snail, I wasn't passionate like that when I came. I saw some bad and good things in that time. I've always took the nice part from it and I know there is some people against me and for some reason for trying to giving me hard times. When you quit a room because you don't see a racer and you very fast on the closer second to join back and they started the race its hurtful. That happened to me tonight after missing the 1st race because psn playing with 2 guys in my friends list to erase them often or keep on a certain list I don't know and its weird. Rarely in my snail time I was making the room wait and I think it was my time of rough entry and I didn't get my time. It was 9h35 when I came and I saw more than 5 min of waiting in my past in snail. Cheap shot I felt after missed the 2nd race by a purpose start when I said brb just because I didn't see someone .I need talk to a guy not implicate or get apologies from the guys I'm pointing. If you think I deserved anything from that unlucky situation with a possible fast way to resolving. Just say it!
Its nice to see that when someone respectfully voices a concern or an issue with something while not making it with personal attacks that the same respect is given back. I particularly like the attacks from the room host that I was moved too, and it appears that SNAIL management is OK with this approach.

I never attacked anyone personally in my posts yet is seems ok and accepted for others to attack me personally. Makes me want to race in D3 even more now. Nice.
All scores are entered in the directors doc for D6.

It truly was bizarre when we tried to start at Silverstone. We were on track to make sure we saw everyone and our host, @Azure Flare disconnected. Then a couple minutes later, he came back on track. But we didn't get a notification that he entered in the room. And in our division PM, he said he couldn't find the room. Yet, we all could see him on track. It was very strange.
I wish I was so amazingly awesome to get promoted mid month...just to get that damn certificate.

But not yet...I have goals...and I must reach them in the manner I envisioned and the time frame I specify...or it's all ****.

Then I quit...
Its nice to see that when someone respectfully voices a concern or an issue with something while not making it with personal attacks that the same respect is given back. I particularly like the attacks from the room host that I was moved too, and it appears that SNAIL management is OK with this approach.

I never attacked anyone personally in my posts yet is seems ok and accepted for others to attack me personally. Makes me want to race in D3 even more now. Nice.

Both of you can drop it now. If you have anything else to direct at each other, or discuss about promotion and relegation, take it to a private conversation.
Don't feel bad I'm stuck in d7 despite making many podiums lol buuuut it's just a game to me.
Time to chime in.... On the ....hell ...I was about to win the division discussion. Joe and I were closely vying for the D7 championship...we both just got promoted "before our time". My initial reaction was WFT...NOT NOW. After a night with D6 it was indeed time to go. Are they faster...yup. Are they a bunch of wild new guy punting, backstabbing speeders...with the exception of Alien....no (LOL!) Did I have a miserable night...not really... In fact in the last race I was the bait in the hounds and hares race. I was being very careful not to cause a four star carambolage while the pursuer behind me was being overly careful not to punt me aside...sort of reminded me of Division 7 when I first arrived... complete with Alien :crazy:. Crazy bunch of bastards in 6... Gonna be fun. Hurry up Joe there is strength in numbers....
D5 results and votes are in. D5 Replays uploaded also.

Heck, @Oshawa-Joe I'm here 2+ years. I can't find the link, but I'm sitting (behind several others... @cmbeal317 koff koff... at least night wise, not podiums!) About 80 nights, zero weekly wins, I am not sure how to check, but I'd bet on zero poles, and maybe 50 podiums total. My sympathy violin can be pretty small, I guess.

In SNAIL, I've learned a great deal about sportsmanship, driving, how to become a better driver, and actually, I've even gotten faster. I picked up some friends. Been relegated. Been promoted. Didn't complain about any promotions nor relegations in the past, and it's a mindset unfathomable to me - "Gee, honey, I wanted to get a promotion within two years, but they gave it to me today. That boss, he's such a jerk!"

And now.... With the power (not really) vested in me, I dub the guys who were winning their division and were promoted up, and continued to race in their newly placed division, the Mid-May-Blooming-Flower-Champions-Of-Happiness-And-Joy. I can draw up a certificate if that helps.

No awards for the other mid-month promotions - just be happy it was not below the tier of steak knives, I suppose.
Handlebar you really know how to tell it like it is...sportsmanship,race craft, friends...oh yeah don't forget the absolute thrill when.. For a moment...you are really there with (pick one) Jimmy, Nigel, Piers, Giles, Niki, James, ....on and on. This is FUN DAMNIT...don't get too serious. Unless of course you are gifted enough to end up at Silverstone in a Nissan...in which case...take it VERY seriously...with all our blessings.

Hey I want my certificate....before my IV runs out and I expire.
This is what I got for d2 for someone to upload

Pole 1:floydlovesbritt3
Pole 2: x3no-asx
Pole 3: dirttrackj

Combo 1
Total time: 11:01.274
Fastest lap during race:x3no-asx 1:31.516

Total time:10:53.481
Fastest lap during race:kgffty- 1:31.690

Combo 2:
Race 1:
Total time:11:15.605
Fastest lap during race:x3no-asx 2:13.582

Total time:11:23.893
Fastest lap during race:x3no-asx 2:13.813

Combo 3
Race 1:
Total time:9:41.594
Fastest lap during race:dirttrackj 1:54.814

Race 2:
Total time:9:44.160
Fastest lap during race: dirttrackj 1:55.003

Final points for the night:
7-vrapplus /10
What a crap night anything and everything went wrong for everyone hope they get this stuff lined out before next Sunday. And for the replays u can get them from either x3no-asx, dirttrackj, xrad-11, or kgffty I'm out for tonight lol
When promotions/relegations took place at the end of last season and I found myself still in D4, I set two goals for myself. Win the D4 Season Title which in turn would move me to D3 even though I knew I would be a back-marker in D3. In order to achieve this goal, I was going to have to put in far too many hours practicing to have a chance at it. More hours than I normally have time to dedicate to sim racing.

After the first two weeks, I was seeing that effort starting to pay off and had put myself in position to battle for the title and hopefully achieve a goal I had set out to achieve.

Then comes today and I find out that someone else has effectively crushed that goal. I use the word crushed because I’m a very goal driven person. I set goals that I have a reasonable chance to achieve and this was one of them. I spent hours trying to achieve a goal and now it was a waste of time.

When I read the post about being moved, I was pissed as I don’t feel I was that much faster than the other D4 drivers under normal circumstances and without the extra effort I had to put in prepping for these combos.

It would have been nice to have received a PM explaining the situation and some understanding that perhaps going for a championship might have meant something to someone.

I’m I happy with being moved to D3, yes and no. Yes, because it is a promotion and who doesn't like a promotion. No, because I will be racing at the back of the field going forward as I wont be able to dedicate the hours to be competitive with these guys.

I regret posting my initial frustration in the forum and should have just left quietly. Most if not all of you may think that I want “whine with my cheese” or I’m looking for an ego boost and your welcome to think that, I really don’t give a **** at this point.

I really understand the discouragement that can be a part of the process. As Brayland (@K1utch) has pointed out to me, and some others who have been around for more than a little while (@jobyone for one), everyone is learning and trying to get better. We are really all in the same boat in more ways than are apparent at many times. I almost did not race tonight because I was having a tough time with some things (in my over thinking tendency I even have questioned how much I even like racing itself) but I found myself racing anyway and after it was all done, I was glad that I ended up partaking. Not so much for the racing itself, but more for the involvement with the other racers -- not even so much direct involvement, but just seeing all the variations and individual dramas unfolding around me. Everyone has bad and a little good, at least sometimes. There seems to be a kind of emotional relaxation that takes place in spite of my lack of being able to consciously get past just trying to be first, and it just seems to take time. After a while I start getting past worrying about winning (yes, even though that is why we are here and my ego can't seem to forget that) and start just finding myself focusing very slowly increasingly on doing well with the car and whatever track. One thing I want to say is nothing is perfect even on the S.N.A.I.L. league level. @JLBowler, imho, has a tough job, can't please everyone, seems to have good intentions, seems to be fair, and, again, imho, is just trying to make it all work. I don't think we can expect that every decision will be totally consistent given all the elements he is trying to balance. Imo, we need to give @JLBowler some poetic license and definitely appreciation. I am sure I will have my disappointments from league decisions (I was disappointed that I did not get promoted to D5 at the end of April, but it came at a time when I needed a little breathing room anyway-- even tho my ego did not like it). The lap times between divisions, and even across several levels, are not really that different (I think) and so a person can do reasonably well given the 'human' mistakes and actual race idiosyncrasies that occur in any division, and in a higher division as well. Just various thoughts. I think that S.N.A.I.L. gives us a lot of flexibility, the way it is set up, and is basically a positive experience. I hope this may be encouraging. Nice to have you here, I hope you will continue.
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I feel betrayed after all that time I passed in snail. In september 6 2012 I joined the league and came in division 3. It was hell of fun and I started learning race-craft spacecraft and from that time trying to step my game up. 1 month after I was promoted to D2 and this division I have learn everything I need for be a snail, I wasn't passionate like that when I came. I saw some bad and good things in that time. I've always took the nice part from it and I know there is some people against me and for some reason for trying to giving me hard times. When you quit a room because you don't see a racer and you very fast on the closer second to join back and they started the race its hurtful. That happened to me tonight after missing the 1st race because psn playing with 2 guys in my friends list to erase them often or keep on a certain list I don't know and its weird. Rarely in my snail time I was making the room wait and I think it was my time of rough entry and I didn't get my time. It was 9h35 when I came and I saw more than 5 min of waiting in my past in snail. Cheap shot I felt after missed the 2nd race by a purpose start when I said brb just because I didn't see someone .I need talk to a guy not implicate or get apologies from the guys I'm pointing. If you think I deserved anything from that unlucky situation with a possible fast way to resolving. Just say it!

Sorry @Drgreenthumb977 for your let down. I had a similar experience once, and I am much more careful about leaving a room now. Kind of like defensive driving, a little self protection seems to be in order. If it is really a definite need then it is protocol, but, I am reluctant to leave the room unless really necessary, and I try just going back to the room lobby first, un-entering my car, and then re-entering the track before leaving the room. Sometimes it is hard to determine which driver is causing the issue and I have noticed that aspects that I may have missed may make it clear to someone else that they are the one who needs return to the room. Sometimes people were kind of just noticing various other drivers being affected by this driver but did not realize those individuals were not the source of the troublesome connection. And sometimes it is a more general problem with the servers themselves. Waiting a little to let things kind of shake down can reveal whom it may be more incumbent upon to actually leave and return. Kudos for trying to make it better for everyone!.
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Sorry @Drgreenthumb977 for your let down. I had a similar experience once, and I am much more careful about leaving a room now. Kind of like defensive driving, a little self protection seems to be in order. If it is really a definite need then it is protocol, but, I am reluctant to leave the room unless really necessary, and I try just going back to the room lobby first, un-entering my car, and then re-entering the track before leaving the room. Kudos for trying to make it better for everyone!.
How that can be similar, you wasn't here see what happened. Nothing about what you saying are supporting me. I didn't see a racer and 30sec I did a brb as a speed-light ( I was ready on the button) and after I saw him but the race was start on purpose. I agree with the issues connectivity but its not the point.
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How that can be similar, you wasn't here see what happened. Nothing about what you saying are supporting me. I didn't see a racer and 30sec I did a brb as a speed-light ( I was ready on the button) and after I saw him but the race was start on purpose.

Without being too specific, because the subject may still be a little sensitive, my experience was kind of close to yours. Again, sorry for what happened. I know you are a considerate person and desire a positive, fair experience for everyone and you deserve positive, fair treatment yourself, as does everyone. I really appreciate your approach and support for S.N.A.I.L. I just want to say I feel for you and am sorry this has happened to you. Is it possible to file an incident report for something such as this? Even if it would not result in penalty points, it may still be recorded in the Google Incident Sheet and may give the person involved pause in the future. Another idea is that maybe a request could be made to make it S.N.A.I.L. standard operating procedure (S.O.P.) to give a certain (reasonable) amount of time to a driver who leaves a room to return before a race is started. We certainly seem to have a fair share of drivers who can not be seen, who have to cycle their entry to the room, and it might be nice to have a formal policy regarding how it is handled in regards to the starting of the race (if there isn't a policy already).
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What a crap night anything and everything went wrong for everyone hope they get this stuff lined out before next Sunday. And for the replays u can get them from either x3no-asx, dirttrackj, xrad-11, or kgffty I'm out for tonight lol

Yes, please. Who's going to do it?

I will enter the scores and votes for D2.


Scores and votes have been rec'd from all divisions except:

Division 2 - no votes
Division 4 - no scores, no votes recorded.

You may PM the results, or a photo of results for each race with a note on which race the results display, and info on votes/poles.

it might be nice to have a formal policy regarding how it is handled in regards to the starting of the race (if there isn't a policy already).

from #58261 - see @JLBowler signature link. Driver & Host responsibilities.

4. Before starting qualifying or any race, the host/director should have all drivers gather in turn one and ask if everyone can see the same number of drivers listed in the upper left corner of the screen. Drivers must be on the track for this and not sitting in the pits. If all drivers don't see the same number of drivers the host should ask those drivers to leave and rejoin while the host waits to start the night.

5. The host/director is responsible for handling any lag issues during the night. If a driver is lagging, the host/director should ask them to leave the room, clear their cache, and re-enter the room. The host/director should allow 3 minutes for the driver to take care of this. If the lag is still present, the host/director should ask the driver to leave for the night. If the host/director doesn't make the lagging driver aware of the issue and give them the chance to rectify the issue then the fault lies with the host/director....

If a room didn't follow this, PM @JLBowler - I have no doubt he'll take the appropriate action.
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