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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I'll bet there are some out there who have no idea how to clear cache in GT6....tell 'em or link 'em please. Also I have noted that shutting down...rebooting PS3 is necessary to cure a freeze like many of us had last week...doubt that can be done in three minutes...actually I know it can't.
One tip is if you find yourself frozen try ejecting the disc instead of pressing the power button,first. I don't know if it's just been luck but sometimes I don't have to do the restore going that route.

EDIT: I heard a guy the other day( not a snail) say that clearing the cache would make things slower. That the data saved makes gt6 acces info quicker.... Lol, wow man :banghead:

Main menu screen not online lobby , press start , options , network , clear cache , be sure to press yes
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One tip is if you find yourself frozen try ejecting the disc instead of pressing the power button,first. I don't know if it's just been luck but sometimes I don't have to do the restore going that route.

Also, don't know if people know this as it seems I'm constantly hearing people say "oh, my PS3 crashed and then had to go through the whole system scan thing..." but you don't *have* to do the system scan if you hit Circle when it comes up... it's a bit misleading since the only option is "OK" but Circle will cancel it and load your PS3 normally.
@zer05ive, @ExoSphere64, @JLBowler, @Dragonwhisky

Just chiming in to let the stewards know...

If I am not dropped back down to D2 I am done with SNAIL. I have had enough with being completely outgunned by everyone in D1. Please don't misinterpret this as the desire to win as you have before. It isn't that at all. It is the desire to race. 3 out of the 6 races each week I have been the back marker or close to it instead of in the thick of pack racing. The finish results above last place almost always involve other drivers crashing bad enough that they end up behind me. The other 3 races I am simply in the way getting pushed aside by faster drivers making aggressive moves. My only defense at this point has to become aggressive myself. Rather than stoop to their level I would prefer to drop down to a division where I can battle drivers cleanly and actually have fun.

Please don't give me the lap time excuse either. My lap times are right in line with D2 for mid-pack racing. The only time they might exceed D2 is when a combo stays for numerous weeks. For example the Megane at Spa was in the line up long enough to give my performance the illusion of having D1 status. The fact is I don't have time to practice as much as D1 drivers and that is not going to change anytime soon.

As others have said, an ultimatum is not going to get you very far. The bottom line is that two drivers were moved from D1 to D2 for the start of this month. They were both drivers that you out performed every time you were on track with them. One of them has already been moved back to D1 due to domination in D2 and the other hasn't shown up to a race since being moved. You may or may not be next in line for a move out of D1 and there may or may not be space in D2 to facilitate a move but demanding to be moved is not the way to go about it.
With this attitude I would rather you leave. You are giving yourself and D1 a bad name. It's not as dirty as you think. It's pretty hard to complete a clean pass when someone brakes 5-10 meters before they should. It catches everyone out. I think you might be overstating how much people practice in D1 also. Many people, including myself, only practice the day of the race usually. Do I think you are D1 material right now? No, but you have to deal with it until you get relegated. I was dropped into the vipers pit when I first got to snail. It wasn't fun for the first few weeks, but I kept with it and have come out a better drive for doing so. Keep in mind I am only expressing my opinion. I am not speaking for D1 or Snail as a whole.

I would not believe your words after seeing your progress in GT A lol. Perhaps I'll know soon.
I just posted this to Division 7 chat page...IMHO this is what is happening when you look for a Friends page Sunday Nights
IMHO when we dump over 100 guys on line all of whom are friends the system to ID Friends web pages crashes or slows down. Thus the ONLY way to find the room is to go to the track and look for you "friends only page for your division."
I'll bet there are some out there who have no idea how to clear cache in GT6....tell 'em or link 'em please. Also I have noted that shutting down...rebooting PS3 is necessary to cure a freeze like many of us had last week...doubt that can be done in three minutes...actually I know it can't.
To clear your cache:
From the main menu press start;
go down to options;
go down to network/something or other;
select clear cache.

Also if you experiencing crashes please use this link and do the "Rebuild Database" and "Restore File System"
It will help, and really everyone should do that on a regular basis. Even more so if you use your PS3 a lot (netflix, HBOgo, or w/e.) The longer you go with out doing those two things the more likely you are to crash.

I put about 30-50 hours on my PS3 every week and I do those once a month. My first crash in over a year was just the other day on the new Bathhurst.
I just posted this to Division 7 chat page...IMHO this is what is happening when you look for a Friends page Sunday Nights
IMHO when we dump over 100 guys on line all of whom are friends the system to ID Friends web pages crashes or slows down. Thus the ONLY way to find the room is to go to the track and look for you "friends only page for your division."

If that is the case, and I'm not saying it is or isn't, it's one more reason for everyone to give themselves some time to find the room on race night. If you have ever had and issue with friends only rooms not showing up, you should prepare for that to happen. Logging in 3 minutes before race time and trying to find the room is asking for problems. I was amazed last night at the number of people that posted either within five minutes of race time or well after race time that they couldn't find the room for their division.

Get your poop in a pile and give yourself 10 or 15 minutes to make sure you are going to be able to find the room. Like the old saying goes, failure to plan is planning to fail.
To clear your cache:
From the main menu press start;
go down to options;
go down to network/something or other;
select clear cache.

Also if you experiencing crashes please use this link and do the "Rebuild Database" and "Restore File System"
It will help, and really everyone should do that on a regular basis. Even more so if you use your PS3 a lot (netflix, HBOgo, or w/e.) The longer you go with out doing those two things the more likely you are to crash.

I put about 30-50 hours on my PS3 every week and I do those once a month. My first crash in over a year was just the other day on the new Bathhurst.
I doubt that the DC at Bathurst was YOUR problem
Also, don't know if people know this as it seems I'm constantly hearing people say "oh, my PS3 crashed and then had to go through the whole system scan thing..." but you don't *have* to do the system scan if you hit Circle when it comes up... it's a bit misleading since the only option is "OK" but Circle will cancel it and load your PS3 normally.

Never knew that...
With this attitude I would rather you leave. You are giving yourself and D1 a bad name. It's not as dirty as you think. It's pretty hard to complete a clean pass when someone brakes 5-10 meters before they should. It catches everyone out. I think you might be overstating how much people practice in D1 also. Many people, including myself, only practice the day of the race usually. Do I think you are D1 material right now? No, but you have to deal with it until you get relegated. I was dropped into the vipers pit when I first got to snail. It wasn't fun for the first few weeks, but I kept with it and have come out a better drive for doing so. Keep in mind I am only expressing my opinion. I am not speaking for D1 or Snail as a whole.

Anything I say will come out sounding cranky and whiny but I will add that I did give D1 a month, in fact I gave it two. From my driver's seat, there are issues that prevent me from surviving the night without incidents. I didn't say the word dirty and I am not implying that all or any D1 drivers are dirty. I did, however, say they are aggressive.

I'm sure the fast drivers have the capability to race spot on clean, especially amongst each other, and I have messaged some of them privately to commend them on their stellar passes. I'm sure it is more of an issue with where I brake or how I carve lines through corners. I'm slower, so obviously I'm losing time somewhere. I may even take a turn slower on purpose to make sure I don't give up the apex, but that doesn't excuse contact below the belt (err I mean behind the driver's door).
To clear your cache:
From the main menu press start;
go down to options;
go down to network/something or other;
select clear cache.

Also if you experiencing crashes please use this link and do the "Rebuild Database" and "Restore File System"
It will help, and really everyone should do that on a regular basis. Even more so if you use your PS3 a lot (netflix, HBOgo, or w/e.) The longer you go with out doing those two things the more likely you are to crash.

I put about 30-50 hours on my PS3 every week and I do those once a month. My first crash in over a year was just the other day on the new Bathhurst.
I do HOPE that while this beast is Restoring the Database that the screen is black ? If not I'm, going to shoot my self...or better yet I'll throw the PS out of the window :boggled:

Edit: and I'll let the German Shepard (King...as in Kong) and Germain Wirehair (Bear as in Griz) play with it for an hour or two...that ought to fix the little sucker.
I do HOPE that while this beast is Restoring the Database that the screen is black ? If not I'm, going to shoot my self...or better yet I'll thrown the PS out of the window :boggled:

Did you fully back up all your files on all accounts, just to be sure?

I was going to do that today, actually. 👍

I hope you get good news, man.
I do HOPE that while this beast is Restoring the Database that the screen is black ? If not I'm, going to shoot my self...or better yet I'll thrown the PS out of the window :boggled:

"Restore the Database" is a geek term for "Turn my device into a brick". You didn't know that joke? :lol:
It's like the ol' System32 joke. :P
"Restore the Database" is a geek term for "Turn my device into a brick". You didn't know that joke? :lol:
It's like the ol' System32 joke. :P

What you want is the other two options:

A) "Rebuild Database" which should be option 4 (this might take a little time be patient).

B) "Restore File System" which should be option 3 (your bootup code, restoring is almost instant). Again, "DO NOT CLICK ON 'RESTORE PS3 SYSTEM"

Did you fully back up all your files on all accounts, just to be sure?

I was going to do that today, actually. 👍

I hope you get good news, man.
of course not...all is black... system is on...no HD light...might be a cinder block. :gtpflag:
Remember the old days of DOS when you were ready to do something HUGE to your system and up came the immortal Prompt...AS YOU REALLY SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS. I wonder how many millions of people sat there (for hours) with their finger poised over the button in indecision. Screw it...gonna hit the PS button and see what happens...Azure if you see a mushroom cloud in the Big South Fork on the Cumberland Plateau...send flowers .
of course not...all is black... system is on...no HD light...might be a cinder block. :gtpflag:
Remember the old days of DOS when you were ready to do something HUGE to your system and up came the immortal Prompt...AS YOU REALLY SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS. I wonder how many millions of people sat there (for hours) with their finger poised over the button in indecision. Screw it...gonna hit the PS button and see what happens...Azure if you see a mushroom cloud in the Big South Fork on the Cumberland Plateau...send flowers .

Honestly, if it's been sitting there for 15-20 minutes without a single light flashing, or sound of the hard drive spinning, reading and writing... I'd start mashing buttons... if that did nothing I'd give it a restart, hope for the best, and then attempt to fix any problems that may have happened by doing that.

(I'm in IT (so, mashing buttons is the technical term), and people like to think it's all cushy and no stress, but when you're staring down at a system that could potentially get you fired and doing one thing may either fix the problem or break it completely... I challenge anyone not to sweat a little.)
Honestly, if it's been sitting there for 15-20 minutes without a single light flashing, or sound of the hard drive spinning, reading and writing... I'd start mashing buttons... if that did nothing I'd give it a restart, hope for the best, and then attempt to fix any problems that may have happened by doing that.

(I'm in IT (so, mashing buttons is the technical term), and people like to think it's all cushy and no stress, but when you're staring down at a system that could potentially get you fired and doing one thing may either fix the problem or break it completely... I challenge anyone not to sweat a little.)
Turned it off...it came back on when I turned it on. Made sweet music...the wheel tried to kill itself as normal....THEN...Came to a prompt that said it had detected a HDMI did I want to export music or images. Hooked up DS3 so I could respond. Said No. Now its Black as Night but there is an occasional brief yellow light flicker...and It will not shut off. Slowly losing it. I'll give it hour and then unplug the bastard. I hope you all are taking notes...this could happen to you.

Edit: Chat with SONY....yes...and they explained how to get my PS3 back...intact will post

Another subject. I have two PS3s one downstairs and one upstairs. I have a wireless logitech downstairs that I would like to use from my Barca lounger when my back has had enough racing upstairs in my SORTA comfortable rig. Is it possible to have the exact same account on two PS3s so I can race in either location?? If so how do I do it?? Lets go PM if the answer is lengthy.
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What you want is the other two options:

A) "Rebuild Database" which should be option 4 (this might take a little time be patient).

B) "Restore File System" which should be option 3 (your bootup code, restoring is almost instant). Again, "DO NOT CLICK ON 'RESTORE PS3 SYSTEM"


Will this affect save data or anything?
As others have said, an ultimatum is not going to get you very far. The bottom line is that two drivers were moved from D1 to D2 for the start of this month. They were both drivers that you out performed every time you were on track with them. One of them has already been moved back to D1 due to domination in D2 and the other hasn't shown up to a race since being moved. You may or may not be next in line for a move out of D1 and there may or may not be space in D2 to facilitate a move but demanding to be moved is not the way to go about it.
This is not correct. I just went back and looked at the stats. The only out performing I did of the drivers that were dropped back to D2 was a) showing up more weeks/races and b) on occasion managing to hold up more traffic on reverse grid races. Both drivers always qualified faster than me, often by several positions, and only twice did I finish ahead of one of them, both times which can be explained by off-track incidents.
Turned it off...it came back on when I turned it on. Made sweet music...the wheel tried to kill itself as normal....THEN...Came to a prompt that said it had detected a HDMI did I want to export music or images. Hooked up DS3 so I could respond. Said No. Now its Black as Night but there is an occasional brief yellow light flicker...and It will not shut off. Slowly losing it. I'll give it hour and then unplug the bastard. I hope you all are taking notes...this could happen to you.

Another subject. I have two PS3s one downstairs and one upstairs. I have a wireless logitech downstairs that I would like to use from my Barca lounger when my back has had enough racing upstairs in my SORTA comfortable rig. Is it possible to have the exact same account on two PS3s so I can race in either location?? If so how do I do it?? Lets go PM if the answer is lengthy.
If it is flashing yellow you have the yellow light of death happened to one of my wife ps3. U will have to take it to a shop to fix it. If I remember what the guy said to me when he fixed it is , it was getting to hot and the flux broke lose of the cerkit board and he har to reflux it. But hope that ant the problem.
Turned it off...it came back on when I turned it on. Made sweet music...the wheel tried to kill itself as normal....THEN...Came to a prompt that said it had detected a HDMI did I want to export music or images. Hooked up DS3 so I could respond. Said No. Now its Black as Night but there is an occasional brief yellow light flicker...and It will not shut off. Slowly losing it. I'll give it hour and then unplug the bastard. I hope you all are taking notes...this could happen to you.

Another subject. I have two PS3s one downstairs and one upstairs. I have a wireless logitech downstairs that I would like to use from my Barca lounger when my back has had enough racing upstairs in my SORTA comfortable rig. Is it possible to have the exact same account on two PS3s so I can race in either location?? If so how do I do it?? Lets go PM if the answer is lengthy.
I followed the steps just before you did , took less than 5 minutes , I never saw a black screen or yellow flicker
This is not correct. I just went back and looked at the stats. The only out performing I did of the drivers that were dropped back to D2 was a) showing up more weeks/races and b) on occasion managing to hold up more traffic on reverse grid races. Both drivers always qualified faster than me, often by several positions, and only twice did I finish ahead of one of them, both times which can be explained by off-track incidents.

You either need to learn how to read a results sheet or you need to stop making stuff up to try and make your case. The truth of the matter is as follows:

In the 12 races you and Ariemilian were racing together in the month of April, you finished ahead of him in 10 of those. In the 8 races that you and msgt were racing together in the month of April, you finished ahead of him in 5 of those.

Guess what. They get relegated before you based on this comparison. There isn't anything overly obvious in the limited number of fast lap times to show that you are as far off the pace as you say you are. Sure there is a combo here and there where you are quite a bit off the pace but it's not 2 to 4 seconds a lap in every race as you would like us to believe.

If you really want me to have the full picture (meaning data, and replays) then I suggest you spend less time making threats to leave and more time saving and uploading replays and entering data, or making sure your division has someone in place to do it. Until then, you are where you are based on the data that I have been presented. I am now finished with this matter. I will revisit your (and everyone else's) division placement when and if the data I'm presented with supports it.
If it is flashing yellow you have the yellow light of death happened to one of my wife ps3. U will have to take it to a shop to fix it. If I remember what the guy said to me when he fixed it is , it was getting to hot and the flux broke lose of the cerkit board and he har to reflux it. But hope that ant the problem.

Re-flow it. Flux is an acidic substance that helps the solder connect to the metal parts of the circuit board.

I did this procedure when I installed a larger hard drive on the PS3. The OS of the PS3 is stored on board and can restored to a new drive in case of failure. Which is much better than the Microsoft XBox product which cannot be done.

If all else fails, see if you have another hard drive laying around and do the restore procedure to it to make sure your PS3 will do the restore procedure properly.

I did this procedure when I installed a larger hard drive on the PS3. The OS of the PS3 is stored on board and can restored to a new drive in case of failure. Which is much better than the Microsoft XBox product which cannot be done.

If all else fails, see if you have another hard drive laying around and do the restore procedure to it to make sure your PS3 will do the restore procedure properly.

OK here is what happened...as I said before take notes so you know what to do.

I followed the instructions to get into safe mode (the menu). (So far so good.)

I selected rebuild (ditto)

When the message "did I want to export data to HDMI "...I said no...well duh I want a rebuild not a music video.

WRONG ANSWER. if this message pops up SELECT YES.

It than wants to know if you can read the screen SELECT YES.

Voila! Then it automatically dumps into a fix corrupted database. Which it does.

It then...now that all is fixed... dumps you into Rebuild Data.
Which it did in under two minutes.

This was figured out in an on line chat with outer Mongolia (SONY)...the guy (Romeo P. ...in a pigs eye!) said...SEND IT (my PS3) TO US. I said NFW can we save the data...he said lets try something. The exact same thing happened....the HDMI export message came up ... I ask if I should say NO ...he says in effect F it...say YES. Lets see what happens...EUREKA!

The system is trying to tell you that the data is corrupted and that you need to fix it BEFORE you can rebuild.

JUST SAY YES 🤬 :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers: