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  • Thread starter zer05ive
D5 scores and votes are entered.

Thanks for volunteering to grab the replays, @ExoSphere64 - good racing (for the rest of D5) tonight.

I should have gone to bed early. :banghead: Poorest driving night I have had in some time - and my fault on every car/track. On the flip side - next week has to be better!
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Yeah that seemed to out well for a last minute thing. Can we put you down as official back-up host? Maybe even primary unless @quattpequatt speakes up.

D2 scores and votes are in and replays are up on the drive.
You can put me up as backup! There are some weekend when I can't host, and I don't wanna put you guys through what we went through tonight.
FYI - I think it was @Mirado_7 - when we had to make a new room, before he left he changed the room name to "Snailracing.org D5 WRONG ROOM" - nice trick!

And on that bombshell... Good night, Gracie.

If anyone sees that guy ever again, dispose of him ASAP.
Great racing tonight in div2, since I joined snail in Jan. I had my up and downs getting on probation for making igrorant mistakes and I set me a goal to learn better racecraft and become a better racer most importantly be respected. My other goal was to get 1st place in points in the very competive div 2 group and I accomplished that tonight and man it feels gd.
Hope the RX7 sticks around since I didn't get to run it. Was looking forward to it. And as disappointing as it was to end without getting to run combo 3, I'm happy with 3/4 podiums. Probably my best showing in D6 to date. There's always next week. Thanks for hanging in there through all the connection issues guys. 👍
I messed up a bit tonight at my first D8 replay duties, I got carried away with the excitement of rd 1 racing and promptly forgot to hit the button. I did get rd 2&3 so I sent those to the D8 folder as I wanted the practice. @jaybocc2 will send rd 1.
Sorry, won't do that again!
Had alot of fun tonight in division 6. Made a mistake during the 2nd stint at Laguna Seca which had me getting into another driver because i didn't leave enough braking distance. Got a win during my first stint at Laguna. Will keep working in the future to have a better braking distance between me and the driver in front. I do take responsibility if their is any penalty for me getting into the other driver in front of me at Laguna.
How do I upload a replay? I did watch the video that shows to do it, but I don't have access to the Google Drive.

Could I send a .zip file to someone that does have access?
How do I upload a replay? I did watch the video that shows to do it, but I don't have access to the Google Drive.

Could I send a .zip file to someone that does have access?
I'll help you in the AM....I also have the other 5. BTW
I still have no idea what to do.

As an aside.... hats off to all guys in D6 ...that was a major cluster 🤬 Of biblical proportions. I lost count of the tries it took me to find the lobby time and time again after multiple forced ejections and Discos....and I, being an optimist... was certain that the worst was behind us each time when we all got there only to get blasted into the ozone....Again . I think that everyone was helpful and we kept our cools...and kept gaming (pun intended) the various bizarre situations...like when about 6 of us were scrambled in the buffer of the transporter...we could hear and talk with each other and even talk with those in the room...some had dark screens...some waving track flags...we finally decided em masse to shut our PS3s down...as if we had a choice as we had already "mashed all the buttons".Great comm between everyone saved the day/ night. Trying to Defeat the damn system was almost took the fun out of the racing...but not with this crowd.

And ....the friggin Alien :bowdown: won....on a controller ..drifting through the corners...because even he could not keep the DS3 smooth in a straight line.

Seriously...when is this 🤬 Going to get better....as the Queen of England would say "We are not amused".
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Well, any potential connection issues given I was hosting were quickly filed under 'not a problem' since we only had three people show up so it wasn't tested much. That said, the three of us were of similar pace so it made for some good fun. Kudos to @Ryan F and @RodeRuner1967 for racing tonight, it made for a casual atmosphere and meant I wasn't racing by myself :lol:

Replays are at 81% uploaded and I took screenshots of the results and will fire them off to the appropriate people to enter the data in.
Well, any potential connection issues given I was hosting were quickly filed under 'not a problem' since we only had three people show up so it wasn't tested much. That said, the three of us were of similar pace so it made for some good fun. Kudos to @Ryan F and @RodeRuner1967 for racing tonight, it made for a casual atmosphere and meant I wasn't racing by myself :lol:

Replays are at 81% uploaded and I took screenshots of the results and will fire them off to the appropriate people to enter the data in.

I think you did a great job of hosting for only having us 3. :)
Can't wait till next Sunday. :)