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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Yeah, I had the best night since I joined back in January, I was within a chance of winning the division night, but we'll never know now.

I'll stick poke around this thread, but you won't see me in any official races any time soon.
Thanks guys! This is my first overall win and I must thank people who made me think!
I'll start with @AJKVail I ran into him a lot, dove in when I should have followed, he always said "YOU JUST DONT GET IT", I GOT IT now!
@Drgreenthumb977 who is so fast it's hard to keep him in sight, we've raced together for a very long time! before SNAIL.
@Schmiggz who used to be slower then I, always losing it in a corner somewhere but now is fast, also raced him before SNIAL.
@kcheeb who setup the cart series where I learned a lot about car control.
@keys88, she's not in SNAIL but runs untuned races without ABS and running with her, you learn a lot about car control or your last!
There are more but for now these guys and gal where instrumental.
Well, 45 min before the start of the races I decided to buy the cars and join. I haven't raced in a few months and thought I'd be a little rusty but did ok. Good racing overall by everyone. Just might see everyone in D3 next week;)
Well, I got a new nickname: Angry Brazilian hahahaha :lol:

Thanks everyone at D2 for the great racing. Guess I need to find why I can't drive the car consistently... I do one lap perfect, and in the next lap I go off-track even though I did exactly the same line, braking points and everything from the lap before...
Since my dad wants to act the way he does, I will not be able to race in this league until further notice.

This is my goodbye for now, I hope to be back at some point.
I'm sure that you can make reparations. Just going to have to satisfy the terms of the treatise that was imposed.
I need to practice, lacking speed consistency and control right now, and it's starting to frustrate me. If next week I find myself not being able to practice any amount of time, I might take a leave of absence from snail until I can get my schedule sorted out.
As an aside ....this old body REALLY hated the Viper with grossly inadequate sneakers...it really does not make much sense to tip toe in a fire breathing monster. So having said that, and being in the perfect position to bitch (two LAST PLACES in combo 3....I AM NOT THAT BAD). It might be that the PP TO TIRE formula needs to be revisited....or perhaps , when OBVIOUS tire car mis- matches occur, that exceptions be made.

Being a true bunch of rabble rousers and being egged on by our assigned adult supervision AKA Coach...we conducted an impromptu tire test fun race. We reshod the unloved VIPER with Racing Hards and as the french would say..ET VOILA...sort of Holy 🤬. It WAS FUN to drive....I actually drifted around another car....it ACTUALLY WENT AROUND CORNERS....and yes Virginia it stopped when required. The slower went faster...the faster guys went a little faster....but mostly smiles could be seen behind all visors. I vote keep the combo...loose the tires. Can that be done :dunce:.

Like the Ferrari GTB ...IT COULD BE DRIVEN WITH VERVE AND ABANDON. Pretty please let us play with it Daddy !
I really like the viper but the tire chart would need to be extended to make it enjoyable.
Something like:
Street Cars
below 450 PP -> Sports Hards
450-499 PP ---> Sports Mediums
500-549 PP --> Sports Softs
550 & up Racing Hard

Assuming the Viper was a racecar, it'd be on RMs. Just a thought.

Had another great night with D6, @Azure Flare took all 3 poles before DC, hope to see you back. Tight racing with @Rockhound18 was awesome!
I am also willing to backup host D6 if needed
Just the three of us again in WC so thanks @Ryan F and @RodeRuner1967 :cheers:

I wish I could say that the replays are currently uploading, but google drive is deciding that now is a good time to be difficult and won't let me open anything :rolleyes:

Edit: now it's fine....go figure :lol: Currently at 10% uploaded.
Scores and Vote Status:

Scores (who placed where, race by race):


Votes (who voted for what):


If either division is unable to enter the data, please let me know. If you have the data, PM me the race by race results and/or scores and I can help. I know WC was affected by not having your regular host set up.
D4 replays for C1 R2, C2 R1, and C2 R2 have been uploaded to both the open replay drive and the stewards drive. I was disconnected from the others, though I did finish C3 R1 (was disconnected before I could save the replay).

D4 compadres - would someone please upload the very first race and the last two races with the Viper? I wasn't able to grab them.

It was a rough night, connection wise. I definitely need to step down as backup host - I couldn't race period; it was a lag bomb fest for the one lap of the first race I did host. I checked Speednet from my desktop after the middle disconnect and my stats were essentially identical to the testing I did with Tex a few weeks back (meaning generally good enough to host). I'm not sure if anything can be done - are there any options, things we can do, or other fixes or patches we can try?

I became the host by default when Wardenclyffe got disconnected. My connection seemed fine for the evening. I would not mind stepping forward as D4 host.
I became the host by default when Wardenclyffe got disconnected. My connection seemed fine for the evening. I would not mind stepping forward as D4 host.
Can you post your pingtest.net and speedtest.net results to areas of the continent as far away as you can get and still be in North America?

Something along these lines would be good. SNAIL hosts should be B+ rated or better. No, the below results are not my home connection. I wish.



I will even go so far as to say, all SNAILs should be working to have at least a B rated connection to servers as far away as they can get on the North American continent.

I'd be interested to know what our international SNAILs are getting to various servers here in NA.
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I ended up with a power outage right as the last race was starting last night. We had a storm come through. I had zero practice at any of the tracks but I have to admit it was still a great time and it was great to be racing again after a few weeks off.
How did d2 go tonight sorry didn't get to make it was at a family's house
Other than my "blonde" moment in round 2, running on SH tires (so embarrassed) I had fun in my first experience in SNAIL. I particularly liked the Mustang (a personal real car favorite) and Daytona. I liked the Viper too but not fond of Leguna Seca. Overall it was a fun experience.
Well, I got a new nickname: Angry Brazilian hahahaha :lol:

Thanks everyone at D2 for the great racing. Guess I need to find why I can't drive the car consistently... I do one lap perfect, and in the next lap I go off-track even though I did exactly the same line, braking points and everything from the lap before...
You weren't alone with having issues with consistency. I found both the Mustang and the Viper to be very difficult to judge braking points. I had the most trouble with the viper. It would just start sledding off the track if you tried to brake late, yet when you braked correctly you weren't rewarded with the feeling of a perfect turn...it just felt slow...so the next lap you'd push it a little more and then boom, off the track. Sometimes for me it wasn't an off track experience...it just felt like I was coming to a complete stop before the car would turn in.
You weren't alone with having issues with consistency. I found both the Mustang and the Viper to be very difficult to judge braking points. I had the most trouble with the viper. It would just start sledding off the track if you tried to brake late, yet when you braked correctly you weren't rewarded with the feeling of a perfect turn...it just felt slow...so the next lap you'd push it a little more and then boom, off the track. Sometimes for me it wasn't an off track experience...it just felt like I was coming to a complete stop before the car would turn in.
You are asking too much from a muscle car
@Dragonwhisky My speedtest and pingtest from Sâo Paulo, Brazil to Los Angeles, CA.



Those results aren't really good... '-'

You weren't alone with having issues with consistency. I found both the Mustang and the Viper to be very difficult to judge braking points. I had the most trouble with the viper. It would just start sledding off the track if you tried to brake late, yet when you braked correctly you weren't rewarded with the feeling of a perfect turn...it just felt slow...so the next lap you'd push it a little more and then boom, off the track. Sometimes for me it wasn't an off track experience...it just felt like I was coming to a complete stop before the car would turn in.

Exactly my problem! But now I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. :lol:

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