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  • Thread starter zer05ive
D6 is a nightmare. Before every race so far, which is only 3, we've had at least 2 people who have had to leave and come back. It's 11:11 and we're halfway done.
D5 done, scores and votes entered.

Other than the room blowing up after Combo 2, we had a couple of disconnects (more than usual), CMBeal couldn't make it back, and Volcoman was gone in Combo 3. A couple of tight battles in front, and a few good ones later in the field as well.

D5 replays also uploaded.
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Had fun in division 6. It is weird how the drivers are not able to see each other but is worth the wait after all the drivers can see each other. I clear my cache daily so i am able to always see the other drivers.
D-7 done and over. We had some connectivity issues but all in all good racing tonight. replays are gonna be uploaded within the next 30 min or so
Can someone post the link to the director's doc. I've been trying to get in but it says I need permission. I know I had it in the past/
D4 replays are uploaded to both the open replay drive and the stewards drive.

@Schmiggz had issues accessing the Google Drive and it is currently incomplete. @MajorBlixem is sending him screenshots of the last races; Schmiggz left early and will add the rest of the scorekeeper data tomorrow (today really, at least for me in the EDT zone).

There were no connection issues at all as far as I can tell and we're the Model U.N. SNAIL division (lots of flags). A first, for me at least, and a huge relief after last week's connection debacle. Unfortunately it seems we passed the bad bandwidth mojo to the other divisions.
So how are fellow snails doing for Gt Academy this year?! I pushed and I pushed but a D2 like me only managed to do 105 =(. Good luck to all those who are finalists!! I will work harder to make it in next year. Make us proud!
With gt academy less then 35min I'm sure happy with my time 2:15.241 good for 21st but
With the people who don't count good for 15th just what i wanted I told me self last year I was going
To top my last year qualifyer being 32nd last year and this year I smashed that :)
Now all that's left is to pass nationals then the rest will be history :)
I last saw my US rank days ago, but I was in the top 650. I was aiming for 2:18, but I'm not quite there yet.

Oh well, I got a ton of cash and a sweet-ass GT-R GT3 out of it.
D6 is finaly done, my head hurts...
Joe CINC d6 said his head hurt.....No 🤬 This 🤬 Has to stop. The racing is GREAT.....WHEN WE GET TO DO ANY.
JOE what was total elapsed time for races and the total overall time....I'm going to guess we spent over 20 minutes exiting, reentering and generally trying to make a very broke system work every combo and often twice a combo. You and Coach...well hell .....everybody..... did a great job...no tantrums...no BS...but we are about out of patience. If the problem is in fact that over 100 friends on the same tracks at the same time are overloading a very stressed system that often does not work even in the afternoon... Much less in prime time....perhaps we might either go back to where we were...or divide up the Divisions into ( wait for it....sacrilege...). DIFFERENT NIGHTS. I would say rant over....but this in NOT a rant it is a well thought out comment by a frustrated TEAM SNAIL MEMBER (BTW DIVISION 6 REPLAYS ARE UP....request a shell please)....

Really guys enough is enough...please fix it.:gtpflag:
The only BS is your lime green cars with orange wheels. :P

Fun fact: Next week, I'll have this rim on my T500RS. :D
The only BS is your lime green cars with orange wheels. :P

Fun fact: Next week, I'll have this rim on my T500RS. :D
It's Awful Green....or OBNOXIOUS MOPAR green even ...Why...so you can't say you did't see me when I ....Blue Bayou. Heh heh. Good to see ya to night. Will the pretty wheel (actually it looks like a B-52 YOKE...fighters have sticks.) make you faster.....I hope not LOL.:cheers::cheers:
@Nail-27 Well, just having a wheel had improved my laptimes by over a second, having the GTE rim didn't do anything, but I was never expecting it to, I just wanted paddle shifters ON THE ****ING WHEEL!

It isn't like that on the standard-issue GT rim (You could buy a T500RS with the F1 rim already attached to it.). The rim is larger than the GTE rim, but a lot lighter, and the button layout is similar to a DS3, and has powerful FFB, but the huge fixed paddles just weren't enough for me, so I got the GTE rim. I love this rim, I stuck it on once, and never thought to switch back again, I only took it off to remove the paddles from the base.

I do kinda hope that the F1 rim is lighter that the GTE rim, it weighs close to 3 pounds. While I am perfectly capable of using it on full FFB with no power steering in GT6, the weight is still noticeable. With a lighter rim, I could have better steering reaction time.

While a T500RS will never look as good as a Fanatec CSW or any of the wheels it has for it (making a custom case might work, but I don't really care for doing that), having something that resembles an actual F1 wheel (resembles the wheel that Ferrari used on the 150 Italia) is really cool, even if I'm not very fond of Scuderia Ferrari.

It would also bring my total money spent so far on the T500RS ever closer to a $1000 total, not counting the awesome GranStand it's mounted on or the previous WSP I bought as a placeholder until I found a proper cockpit that I didn't need to spend too much money on.

And exhale...
I have to agree a bit with Ryan. I haven't checked the thread very often lately and I had a few minutes last night to run a few laps...so where do we always go to know about the new combos or risk a fish slap? That's right...the first page.

So I ran a few laps at Monza Nazionale in my shiny new 430. To no avail apparently.

The official main page should at least be right...my phone is not very good at links etcetera. I mean that is the "official" page linked for all things Snail.

Thank You
@JoeW I was really starting to feel like I was being one of those guys who is annoying and is a newbie and figure out out pal! But to be honest you guys who work on this stuff tirelessly are doing a fantastic job, and you owe me nothing. It was a moment where I just needed to take a deep breath. Thank You to all snails who work hard to make this thing work. I mean that Sincerely
Joe CINC d6 said his head hurt.....No 🤬 This 🤬 Has to stop. The racing is GREAT.....WHEN WE GET TO DO ANY.
JOE what was total elapsed time for races and the total overall time....I'm going to guess we spent over 20 minutes exiting, reentering and generally trying to make a very broke system work every combo and often twice a combo. You and Coach...well hell .....everybody..... did a great job...no tantrums...no BS...but we are about out of patience. If the problem is in fact that over 100 friends on the same tracks at the same time are overloading a very stressed system that often does not work even in the afternoon... Much less in prime time....perhaps we might either go back to where we were...or divide up the Divisions into ( wait for it....sacrilege...). DIFFERENT NIGHTS. I would say rant over....but this in NOT a rant it is a well thought out comment by a frustrated TEAM SNAIL MEMBER (BTW DIVISION 6 REPLAYS ARE UP....request a shell please)....

Really guys enough is enough...please fix it.:gtpflag:
The problem I see with every division racing on different nights is that it would totally screw up the prize selection structure. Not to mention some divisions would have more days to practice than others once the prizes do get chosen, creating an unfair advantage.
The other problem I see is that I am sure many members choose to race in SNAIL in part because it runs on Sunday nights, because it fits in nicely with their current schedule.
I don't think adding 7 extra lobbies to the already hundreds, if not thousands of lobbies that are already open causes the problem. In D6, I have a feeling our problems may have been caused by some other factor, as I did begin to notice a pattern.
One thing I will say is things seemed to run smoother when I ran open lobbies, and I would suggest testing it out on a Sunday night to see how it goes. I may be way off on this one, but who knows.
The problem I see with every division racing on different nights is that it would totally screw up the prize selection structure. Not to mention some divisions would have more days to practice than others once the prizes do get chosen, creating an unfair advantage.
The other problem I see is that I am sure many members choose to race in SNAIL in part because it runs on Sunday nights, because it fits in nicely with their current schedule.
I don't think adding 7 extra lobbies to the already hundreds, if not thousands of lobbies that are already open causes the problem. In D6, I have a feeling our problems may have been caused by some other factor, as I did begin to notice a pattern.
One thing I will say is things seemed to run smoother when I ran open lobbies, and I would suggest testing it out on a Sunday night to see how it goes. I may be way off on this one, but who knows.

I agree totally