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  • Thread starter zer05ive
The problem I see with every division racing on different nights is that it would totally screw up the prize selection structure. Not to mention some divisions would have more days to practice than others once the prizes do get chosen, creating an unfair advantage.
The other problem I see is that I am sure many members choose to race in SNAIL in part because it runs on Sunday nights, because it fits in nicely with their current schedule.
I don't think adding 7 extra lobbies to the already hundreds, if not thousands of lobbies that are already open causes the problem. In D6, I have a feeling our problems may have been caused by some other factor, as I did begin to notice a pattern.
One thing I will say is things seemed to run smoother when I ran open lobbies, and I would suggest testing it out on a Sunday night to see how it goes. I may be way off on this one, but who knows.
i ran open lobbies for D7 from the get go and never really had a problem until now. i cant think of twice where the system just went Boom on everyone. I understand why we make it friends only but the system now causes extra problems.
I wanted to publicly thank @chatva for his combo choice last week. I can honestly say it was the most fun combo for me in my time in SNAIL. I don't think we had a lot of real close racing in D6 with it, but it was a blast to drive. As a point of reference, if anyone cares, I also loved the Megane at Spa and the Rocket at Brands Hatch.

Now if only the penalties at Monza 80's weren't so temperamental :)
I wanted to publicly thank @chatva for his combo choice last week. I can honestly say it was the most fun combo for me in my time in SNAIL. I don't think we had a lot of real close racing in D6 with it, but it was a blast to drive. As a point of reference, if anyone cares, I also loved the Megane at Spa and the Rocket at Brands Hatch.

Now if only the penalties at Monza 80's weren't so temperamental :)
i really hate that track lol, the car was great but that track............

the Ferrari at cape ring was fun to drive
LOL... all you got to do is stay inbounds! LOL :crazy:

I would argue this to not be entirely true. I had 3 total penalties - all in the qualifier. 2 of them, I was real close, but another I most certainly had 2 wheels still on the track. I know several others said the same thing.

However, what you said is true. You just had to know and adjust your line accordingly.
@Schmiggz had issues accessing the Google Drive and it is currently incomplete. @MajorBlixem is sending him screenshots of the last races; Schmiggz left early and will add the rest of the scorekeeper data tomorrow (today really, at least for me in the EDT zone).

All votes and Scores have been entered except for D4 - and they have a plan to 'Git 'er done' as referenced above.

@Schmiggz - please post here when all the votes and scores have been entered for D4.
IMHO the Ferrari @ Monza 80s was an excellent choice, by @chatva. I thoroughly enjoyed getting acquainted with the car and the track. Thank you, sir.

As for the penalties: I believe it makes "better drivers" - teaches us to be in better control of the car through tight areas or corners of any track. Cutting corners doesn't mean you are a good/better driver. Lap times are significantly faster without the penalties, but headlong dives into/through corners or series of corners is not what makes Champions.

If SNAIL is going to be the "breeding ground" for GTA Champions ....... then learn the fast line thru a corner without incurring a penalty.
One thing I will say is things seemed to run smoother when I ran open lobbies, and I would suggest testing it out on a Sunday night to see how it goes. I may be way off on this one, but who knows.

Friends only seems quite buggy especially with large rooms. D1 has rarely run them and we also rarely have had connection issues. When we have run them we've seen more discos, lag, problems re-joining, etc.

Sorry @JLBowler - I was being a bit cranky last night. I was just miffed because we were actually about to start on time which doesn't happen all that often and the last thing I wanted to have to go through was possible issues with recreating the room as friends only.

If any other snail tech geeks would be interested, I'd be more than happy to do some testing of friends only vs open lobbies utilizing packet sniffing, router logs, whatever (I'm not a network guy but I have some knowledge in the area) to see if we can discover a difference between the lobby types that would pinpoint any true pros or cons between the two methods and perhaps figure out some workarounds.

I would suggest the hosts choose their own room settings regarding friends only and voice quality based on experience to provide the best racing experience for their division. The only benefit I see of friends only is preventing randoms from joining. Personally that doesn't bother me and I have no problems immediately utilizing the kick feature if I see a driver show up that's not on the list when I host.

I recall one night in D1 where we had a driver enter who was unsure of their snail status. I take full responsibility for that as I was scorekeeping, so I encouraged the driver to race and with the unanimous agreement of the other drivers in the room decided that if they were not eligible I would eliminate them from the results retroactively.

I was still a bit new to snail, so I now know that's not the way to handle it and it won't happen again.

In 'lobbying' for an open lobby setting - don't forget the additional, but serious, non-network issues that also arise from:

* The Troll who enters and provides a running narration, or an impressively off-key drunken rendition of a fight song in another language, loudly, all race long...

* The New Guy who tries to bring any other car onto the track and 'just hop on for a few races'

* The Griefer who intially says "I'm just watching" then jumps into the race once you start the countdown. Hence, you really need to kick the non-SNAILS from the room when you start the countdown...

* The Lag Spiker - the really dicey connection who constantly enters and leaves room, often as you are reaching a fiddly, high speed corner and "blink!" you are just a smidge out of shape when the room shimmies for a second...

* The Tell Me More / The Yakker - Yes, we want him to know more about SNAIL, join, etc, but this guy likes to talk, not write stuff down, and may or may not get the hint that we're trying to start on time, etc.

* Full room indicators (summer can be hit/miss on room sizes) because of the adds above...

Even more challenging, the idea to possibly kick the OK / possible future drivers can help SNAIL look either very organized or militant, insular, and unfriendly - if you are the guy getting kicked, you probably wouldn't join us... ever. In private lobbies, these interactions are all avoided. Just make sure you thank Kaz for the wonderful Community Features that have been added to the game. :ouch:

Networking numbers are not the only issues that matter, imho. There is more than just "it's faster" involved in this policy.
sorry for the double post but........


come on PD i thought yall were gonna release it today.......

To be fair, it was never said that the car would release in game today by PD or Nissan. It was speculated by some media types and guys on a forum. PD said the next step would happen Just reread the article and Nissan said that all would be revealed on the 16th and they revealed more pictures and a video, and gave a release timeframe.

As far as the discussion about friends only rooms. First of all, Handlebar already laid out most of the reasons that we do it that way. Other SNAIL series have been heavily impacted by that type of behavior in the past while running in an open lobby. Secondly, until those of you who are complaining about it have some sort of hard evidence that the friends only setting is the cause of all your problems, let it go.

The network is structured the same way weather the room is friends only or open lobby. The same connection style is used in both situations. The only difference is that only friends are allowed to enter a friends only room. It's all handled in the search and room entry process. There is no difference once you have entered the room in how the game handles the networking of the actual racing.
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In 'lobbying' for an open lobby setting - don't forget the additional, but serious, non-network issues that also arise from:

* The Troll who enters and provides a running narration, or an impressively off-key drunken rendition of a fight song in another language, loudly, all race long...

* The New Guy who tries to bring any other car onto the track and 'just hop on for a few races'

* The Griefer who intially says "I'm just watching" then jumps into the race once you start the countdown. Hence, you really need to kick the non-SNAILS from the room when you start the countdown...

* The Lag Spiker - the really dicey connection who constantly enters and leaves room, often as you are reaching a fiddly, high speed corner and "blink!" you are just a smidge out of shape when the room shimmies for a second...

* The Tell Me More / The Yakker - Yes, we want him to know more about SNAIL, join, etc, but this guy likes to talk, not write stuff down, and may or may not get the hint that we're trying to start on time, etc.

* Full room indicators (summer can be hit/miss on room sizes) because of the adds above...

Even more challenging, the idea to possibly kick the OK / possible future drivers can help SNAIL look either very organized or militant, insular, and unfriendly - if you are the guy getting kicked, you probably wouldn't join us... ever. In private lobbies, these interactions are all avoided. Just make sure you thank Kaz for the wonderful Community Features that have been added to the game. :ouch:

Networking numbers are not the only issues that matter, imho. There is more than just "it's faster" involved in this policy.

I get it, but I've also never experienced any of those issues. I mute voice during the race, so audio isn't an issue. And every random I've seen pop in leaves shortly thereafter or leaves when @dgaf95integra asks them too - he's nicer than me, I just give em the boot. (I also think turning voice off for official nights is not a bad idea as it reduces lag and prevents voice chat griefing).

Like anything in racing, compromise is the name of the game - there's definitely pros and cons to friends only that have nothing to do with the connectivity. I just think that particular setting should be up to the host and the drivers of the division depending on how they want to handle their room.

ETA: Just had a thought on the whole kick issue. There's no need to advertise official race night rooms as snail. If someone only discovers snail through a race-night room and gets kicked, I agree that could be bad. We could just name the rooms like "Dx Official Combo - x" or something so a kick receiver doesn't get a bad taste in their mouth.

Just food for thought, the admins can enforce whatever they want. Based on my GT6 online experience, I just feel that friends only rooms are more trouble than they're worth.
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Michael Schumacher is finally out of his coma!!! Recover soon schumi:D
I wanted to publicly thank @chatva for his combo choice last week. I can honestly say it was the most fun combo for me in my time in SNAIL. I don't think we had a lot of real close racing in D6 with it, but it was a blast to drive. As a point of reference, if anyone cares, I also loved the Megane at Spa and the Rocket at Brands Hatch.

Now if only the penalties at Monza 80's weren't so temperamental :)

Hmmm rocket at 80's brands hatch or megane at spa
Rules are great when they make sense, but friends only doesn't... sorry. Should be hosts discretion, we have issues every time we run friends only rooms.
We are having the same problem in D7. It is really hard to find the room sometimes (its the system) We had so much trouble we all backed out and had the host start a public room to finish the last race. We were all able to find the room and get started in less than 5 minutes.

@JLBowler You asked for evidence this is ours.
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Host and Driver Responsibilities on Race Night

This is the official SNAIL policy on how and when a room should be opened on Sunday night. It explains what the host should be doing and what drivers should be doing.

The only way this is negotiable is if someone wants to do the legwork and prove that having a friends only room creates connectivity issues during the race night. Until then, quit complaining about it with nothing but your opinion to back up your statements.

I've done the work, kept a log of all rooms that I have been in and it's pretty obvious that the connectivity issues follow individual users more than they are connected to being friends only or open lobby.

This isn't GT5. There is no difference in the network setup between open lobby and private lounge (which is friends only now). The only way to connect differently in GT6 is to set up the room with a fixed host.
Host and Driver Responsibilities on Race Night

This isn't GT5. There is no difference in the network setup between open lobby and private lounge (which is friends only now). The only way to connect differently in GT6 is to set up the room with a fixed host.

Do you have a source for that? Looking for some background before I dig deeper. The friends only problems I've seen are certainly anecdotal, but if there is solid documentation already done on the network topology then I'm not going to spend more time on it and I'll drop my aversion to friends only rooms. If not, I'll work to corroborate the anecdotal experience of many of us with hard evidence.

Even still, I maintain that it should be host and division members discretion - we're adults here and since there are other drawbacks of friends only lobbies (friend list maintenance, inability for host to rejoin, difficulty in finding the rooms at times) - the mandate doesn't appreciably benefit the whole league.
Host and Driver Responsibilities on Race Night

This is the official SNAIL policy on how and when a room should be opened on Sunday night. It explains what the host should be doing and what drivers should be doing.

The only way this is negotiable is if someone wants to do the legwork and prove that having a friends only room creates connectivity issues during the race night. Until then, quit complaining about it with nothing but your opinion to back up your statements.

I've done the work, kept a log of all rooms that I have been in and it's pretty obvious that the connectivity issues follow individual users more than they are connected to being friends only or open lobby.

This isn't GT5. There is no difference in the network setup between open lobby and private lounge (which is friends only now). The only way to connect differently in GT6 is to set up the room with a fixed host.
We understand that but again the problem that is steadily arising with the friends only rooms is that when a player does have connection issues it truely puts a damper on the whole night trying to get people to find the room again. These are facts that most have had. And we all know at any moment PD servers will go wonky and kick everyone off and it is a pain when a room is reopened it takes forever to find again, this is why some of us resort to going back to public lobbies when things like this happens. Its all about trying to get all the races done in a timely manner.........

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