Ya think....
you can have some of my 6 3/4 hours from yesterday...fanny fatigue and sore shoulder muscles. Training is not optional for long endurance races.
BTW the SNAIL "pick up team" (@
miata13B , @
gtp_Tenderly , @
euclid58 and @
Nail-27 ) jointly known as
I Owe YOU WON racing run by @
miata13B (who will get here next week to race) and
Disabled Drivers Inc (no joke two of us are variously disabled) had a GREAT TIME ...being passed by everything but the pace car.

This however WAS NOT the fault of the drivers...NEVER NEVER pick a car that no one else is driving. And NEVER NEVER join at the last minute...

(but...we wanted to race!!!)
The Organizers gave us a BOP (Balance of Performance) increase of 20 HP after we qualified the BMW Panzerlumpenwagon (or rather not qualified) at least 5 seconds slower that the rest of the class. Well...twernt enough. I was passed with abandon on the straight by EVERY car. The 20 HP equated to three seconds...another 15 HP might have made us even ...IF THE OTHER CLASS TEAMS WERE NOT GIVING A NEW MEANING TO THE TERM SANDBAGING. The Robins Egg Blue AMG crewed by the hosts of the FGTA WGTC used to blast by so fast I thought it was a figment of my imagination. It should be noted that @
miata13B and @
gtp_Tenderly gave them the proverbial finger in some VERY spirited racing which included a pass from hell by Miata/Shootme on the outside into and through Indianapolis (my very favorite corner now...whoo is that fun). But alas...I was in dream land by them.
Do this...it is fun...even while finishing somewhere near VERY LAST....after at least a 1/2 dozen DCs... and a very challenging system of record keeping which led to humorous moments like the one I had (I was looking for my camera to take the picture of my screen on pit entry...while in the Porsche Curves....flat in fourth...with an Open LMP car trying to figure out why I way weaving all over the track....found it . I do believe he thought I was smoking legal Colorado weed while driving or texting while driving.) it was none the less the most fun and instructive race I have ever had the pleasure (well maybe it would have been more pleasurable had we won our class.) to be in. Your "pick up SNAILS" did well...well sorta.
A special shout out to Alex, Dom and JT....thanks for dragging me along. It was a great ride.