◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win a Digit Racing EDGE Masterclass enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Any new drivers that have submitted a time trial will be getting their placement messages tomorrow morning or early afternoon depending on what time zone you are in.
I dont have much issues with gt6 framerate
But gta5 online was really bad framerate wise on my 55inch tv ... turning on gamemode on my samsung made it really smooth although it lost a bit of "color" but the tradeoff was worth it
I recently switched to an ollld samsung plasma with an 8ms response time in game mode and it's taking some getting used to lol! I was actually over correcting slides all the time at first. It also makes the frame drops more noticeable since there is no ghosting or artificial motion blur on a plasma. Hasn't helped my lap times any yet though lol.
I recently switched to an ollld samsung plasma with an 8ms response time in game mode and it's taking some getting used to lol! I was actually over correcting slides all the time at first. It also makes the frame drops more noticeable since there is no ghosting or artificial motion blur
on a plasma. Hasn't helped my lap times any yet though lol.

First thing to do on all TV sets is go into the TV menu and turn off all the auto lighting, optimizer gizmos, image smoothers, enhancers blah blah.

Set up colors etc manually. Every little process you let the TV do magnifies the lag between what you tell your car to do and what you see/hear on the screen.

8ms is plenty fast. Once you turn off all the TV crap you will notice a big difference.
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First thing to do on all TV sets is go into the TV menu and turn off all the auto lighting, optimizer gizmos, image smoothers, enhancers blah blah.

Set up colors etc manually. Every little process you let the TV do magnifies the lag between what you tell your car to do and what you see/hear on the screen.

8ms is plenty fast. Once you turn off all the TV crap you will notice a big difference.
Yeah, the new TV is much faster than the old one I was using, that's why I'm using it :) I can catch slides much more easily now but I was over correcting at first.
First thing to do on all TV sets is go into the TV menu and turn off all the auto lighting, optimizer gizmos, image smoothers, enhancers blah blah.

Set up colors etc manually. Every little process you let the TV do magnifies the lag between what you tell your car to do and what you see/hear on the screen.

8ms is plenty fast. Once you turn off all the TV crap you will notice a big difference.
Wow. Thanks Joe. I had no idea. Going to try turning off all that stuff of I can figure out how. Lol. See if I notice anything different. I'm on a Visio that's about four years old.
Just realized I have all three cars, all I have to spend on is just the wheels and colors for the Nissan. Shhhhweeeeet.

Also just read that a hot fix has been released and it fixes the FFB. How was it for you guys?
Just tested out the Garaiya at Nurburgring GP/D with the wheel and that felt awesome. Definitely confident about sunday in that car. Now to try out the other cars. If those go well, I may be having my first online races with a wheel :)

Edit: Just tried the other two cars for this week's combos.

Nissan: I'll be alright as long as I don't go off in the sandtraps. turn 1will be the trickiest part but other then that, it'll be very manageable.

WSR F3: Love it, just absolutely love it. I feel very confident in this, I think this combo will be the one that ends up staying multiple weeks like the VW/Spa combo did.
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Another FFB change? :dunce:

Also, regarding the banners, if any animation were to occur, I think it'd be best to still have three banners, but the image flip between the standard photo banners from Pete, then flip to a stat grid (for just that combo) similar to what red nose has put together. This way (1) you'd never need to "wait" for info, and (2) the info page would have much bigger #'s for any of us who have less than optimal eyesight.

That does make three gifs which could be bad for some folks load times, and more work each week... I personally am fine with how it is now though. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there.
I was sent an invitation over psn, and i wouldn't mind joining the league, it sounds like fun.

My psn is Thatguyyouknoe.


Here's your official S.N.A.I.L. Welcome Post!

Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information by 23:59 EST on Saturday night if you want to race this Sunday.

3. @JLBowler PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. You will be added to the drivers list.

4. Send a PSN friend request to the Race Director or Primary Host from your assigned SNAIL Division. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_(x) based off your Division placement from JLBowler. That lobby will be where you race Sunday.

5. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below. Now if you've actually read this, post a :dunce: in this thread.

6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.
If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
I'm done with my reviews for the week. Lost count of how many.

On a positive note, did some practice last night with connerwolf. It was the first time in over a week and my hand still feels ok. I'll be on for more practice early afternoon.

Here's a little something for D1 :D

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The driver's list has been updated. If you have submitted a time trial and you did not receive your placement message, there is something you have been asked to do and have not done yet. If you're not sure what that is, start a conversation with me and I will let you know what you still need to do.