I believe
@CoachMK21 has done some Chumpcar Racing, or similar stuff.
I saw a request for drivers in my area for some LeMons racing. While I am interested, what are some good types questions to ask about the team members or plans before I get too involved with something I may not have understood?
I know the car is (sort of) cheap. Entry fee is $150 for a driver, gear is a few hundred.
I guess my concerns are safety, time, sanity, money - what kinds of questions should I ask to be able to get the skinny on the team?
Right, we raced with ChumpCar. LeMons is basically the same and yes the cars are typically "junk" cars, but at least with ChumpCar, safety is most important. We have to have a roll car and they inspect them to make sure they are done right.
Do they expect you to work on the car prior (or after) to the race?
I'm sure they'll expect you to work on the car during the event and help set up, tear down, etc.
At least with ChumpCar, we had to have a certified SFI race suit, SA 2005 or SA 2010 helmet (SA 2015 comes out in
October, so SA 2005 will be no good at that point), SFI race shoes, gloves, balaclava. We also had to use a HANS device or similar. A neck pad is not sufficient.
I'd ask how many races they've done with the car and how many they finished?
Where their DNF's because of car failure or a crash?
There would be nothing worse than paying and prepping to race, then have the car break before you even get a chance. This is what I can think of at the moment. I think it's a great opportunity to really race cars. I mean, it's RACING!
To clarify, the cars really aren't junk, but they aren't new. Most are in the 80's or early 90's and some older than that too. But they are typically in very good mechanical condition.