How many times can someone answer the same question, or organize a Table of Contents, and not sometimes get... Impatient?
I get it - everyone is new once, not everyone knows every answer,and not everyone will like everyone else.
Good possible alternatives for those who like to point fingers (not specifically the quote above, but it serves the point), and not volunteer solutions:
... Raise a hand / volunteer.
... If you have been here for a bit, look it up in the Frequently Used Docs and answer new questions with info, not complaints.
... If you receive a penalty for something, don't simply complain about the consequence and blame the guys who enforced rules, or laugh at the absurdity that
you possibly erred or were caught red-handed - consider changing
your behavior. Rules are not a surprise, don't pretend to be surprised if something comes up that is blatantly obvious.
... Leave. If all you are here for is to complain, and are not here to try to race as clean as you can, and expect others to try their best to do the same... Go.
Ninja'd by
@zer05ive and