Well, my T300RS came in early! Thank you Fry's! I've spent a good part of the day driving with it, just did the GT86 TT with it and matched my best time I set with my G27.
I really like the wheel base itself. It feels stronger than the G27 (I turned FFB down from 8/9 where I had it on the G27 to 6/8 and I like it there quite a lot) and slightly more precise, but where it really shines is in dynamic range in it's response. Meaning, now the differences between the different kinds of feedback the car gives you are more obvious. A push in the front, or shifting too much weight, or the outside front tire not wanting to grip when you're trail braking too aggressively are more easily separated feelings with the T300RS than with the G27. The stronger motor seems to be the reason for this. It has more "headroom" so a strong signal feels strong and a weak FFB signal feels weak, where with the G27 the difference between the two are less obvious. It also can countersteer itself much more quickly which can take some getting used to if you are doing something where you would let the wheel slip through your hands like drifting or rally, but allows you to do it much more easily once you get used to it. I did not find that the wheel fights me when making very fast corrections, either. It is stronger but not overdamped like I have heard about the T500.
Those are easily the best things about the wheel.
However, I noticed some bad things as well. For one, if you've ever felt the hum or slight vibration of an electric motor that is struggling but not moving (like if you managed to get a drill bit stuck and the drill doesn't have enough power to back it out), the T300RS seems to have a little bit of that feeling coming through the wheel during times when the steering is at it's heaviest, turning the FFB up to 10 made this not just a felt vibration but an audible sound as well. (As well as making the steering way too heavy to be usable for anything.) I'm not sure if this vibration/sound is normal for the wheel or not since I haven't heard about this anywhere else, but with the FFB at a reasonable level it's not too annoying. Hopefully the motor lasts at least as long as the ones in the G27 have (2+ years and going strong).
The worst thing though, obviously.
The Pedals... The brake is possibly around as firm as a stock G27 pedal but not nearly as firm as my G27 Pedals with the GTEye spring mod, but if it was just a softer pedal I wouldn't mind them too much at all. Unfortunately, the pedals have a MASSIVE dead zone. When driving the Lotus Elan at Autumn Ring and trying to trail brake gently, as I roll off the brake pedal to what I feel like is half way, I realize that I'm no longer on the brake at all! Or even worse, some times I go to touch the brake lightly for weight shift or to scrub off some speed I didn't mean to carry, I'll hit the brake but it doesn't even register because I didn't push the pedal down far enough. The resistance of the pedal when you push it down starts a full 1/4 of the travel BEFORE the pedal actually starts sending a signal! I can't wait to get an adaptor so I can use my G27 Pedals again... However, for many people these pedals will be okay for 90% of situations, they just lack the responsiveness to be really competitive.
That's all I've got for now, folks!