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  • Thread starter zer05ive
That will be up to the awesome bunch that runs things here. I'll add it to my sig tonight to help though.

That's probably enough until our benevolent overlords deem your great idea worth of belonging to the FUD.
@Dragonwhisky or @JLBowler - I have a question about OOB concessions. I only heard it said a while back that one must lift throttle if going OOB. I did some quick research on the OLR and the track boundary guide and i cant find where a concession needs to be made if a driver goes out but able to enter the track without reducing speed. Example: Turn 1 at Silverstone National. I understand a penalty can be assessed but is an on track concession or lift off throttle expected?
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Not sure if I break any rules here, but jump on me and I'll delete the post.....
My brother and I sometimes run an endurance race on Mondays, but he is not available tonight. Anybody interested in the following ad-hock and casual endurance race?

Mercedes-Benz SLK 230 Kompressor '98 at Red Bull Ring
· 5 minutes of quallifying (2 hot laps if you don't make too many mistakes)
· 45 minutes race duration (± 22 laps)
· Comfort Soft Tires (Dealership 399PP)
· 1 mandatory pit stop

Time Table (EST):
· 9:40 pm – Open a public lobby from my own club room, Kasual Endurance Racing Klub (KERK), and post the room number on the thread. (you can also search by track)
· 10:00 pm – 5 min Qually starts. Race duration will be 45 minutes.
· 11:00 pm – Good night

Room settings:
· Room settings will be based on SNAIL settings, except for the following:
o Tire wear very fast
o At least 1 pit stop required​

Have fun
· Mics can be ON and friendly chatting and jokes are encouraged (yes, @chatva is also welcome).
· Racing will be clean. Follow OLR and demonstrate good race craft.
· One yellow caution if there is a disaster in first two laps.
· Winner buys the beer!

I’m not trying to lure anybody away from any other event. I’m just looking for co-racers who might be interested to do an ad-hock race in a car/combo that might appear in SNAIL in the future…..

"Like" this post if you think you will join.
Red Bull Ring_16.jpg
@Dragonwhisky or @JLBowler - I have a question about OOB concessions. I only heard it said a while back that one must lift throttle if going OOB. I did some quick research on the OLR and the track boundary guide and i cant find where a concession needs to be made if a driver goes out but able to enter the track without reducing speed. Example: Turn 1 at Silverstone National. I understand a penalty can be assessed but is an on track concession or lift off throttle expected?

An OOB violation does not need an On Track Concession. What it needs is advantage mitigation. Since you used turn 1 at Silverstone National, and it's a common place to go OOB, I'll use that for my explanation.

A driver missed that corner entrance, brake point, whatever, slides out over the curb and stays in the gas and maintains his position, relative to those ahead and behind. Said driver made a mistake, if they'd done the turn without going OOB it would likely have been slower. Even if they missed the turn in, brake point or whatever, but still kept it in bounds, they would have had to slow more than an accurate entry and brake point would have required and someone, either ahead or behind, would've gained ground on them, if not outright passed them.

What an OOB violation needs, to not be considered a penalty, is a definitive and incontrovertible effort at mitigating any possible advantage gained from going Out of Bounds. Once out of bounds you immediately fall under the track re-entry rules and must not impede anyone, in any way, when coming back on track. If that means you drive it through the grass or grind a wall to stay out of other's way, then it should be done. The same holds true on those tight tracks with walls so close to the track edge that it makes it physically impossible for a car to go more than 3 wheels over white line or curbs. If you bounce a wall and it's at all possible that you could have gained an advantage, mitigation and track re-entry come back into play. In other words, if the wall hadn't been there, what would have happened? Would the driver have gone off track and slowed enough for others to gain ground or pass? Brutal honesty with oneself and fairness to others is required to make the sacrifice your mistake would have cost you, had that wall not been there. If the wall costs you the time you think you deserved to lose for making the mistake, road on. Just do your best not to impede anyone else on your way back up to speed.

It bears considering, do you want your opponents to know, when you pass or beat them, you did it by being better at that particular moment, or by abusing track boundary rules? I know how I answer that question, and so do some Snails.

The shorter answer to your question however is this, no, an on track concession is not required, that lift however, is.
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Self reporting flagrant violations, especially repeated ones, is really.. Expected. Even oob moves. Doing something wrong repeatedly does not somehow create a positive - life isn't math.

Clarity: going more than two wheels outside the boundary, full throttle, is cheating.

If so, you are cutting across the infield at Daytona to save a 0.1 sec and the cameras have caught your actions - fun times, eh? Don't be the guy who can't stay inbounds while pretending to be fast. That is only a fast cheater.

Two 'negative racing moves' by one driver actually is a double negative = 2 penalties.

If you have the "stones" to cheat on inbounds or out of bounds - repeatedly - but not big enough stones to realize you are still only toting wee, mouse-sized pellets of cheat-oh-s, I welcome you to move on to other leagues, and celebrate your cheaty, illegal moves, regardless of your theoretical' clean speed.

Otherwise, consider a higher standard. As an Army guy, I am partial to West Point, but the sentiment is darned similar for most academies:

Do not lie, cheat, or steal, nor tolerate those who do.

Filing IRs in your own division may not be palatable, but this also applies to bystanders to a criminal offense who choose to stay mite, and allow this offense to permeate society. Accept the cheating of others and you join the fraternity of those who allow cheating. You become the company you accept.
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Pack night to night.....tracks....who knows. Bring BRZ and Miata.
Sorry lost all pix on Ipad during recent power loss which scrambled...either the ipad or my memory....:crazy:
How does the part time driver list work and how long are you on the list. In d5 i think there are five guys that i have not seen all month. To me if this happens in all divisions your blocking division placement. There should be a part time division to those guys that can only make one race a month. Not far to the one's that race every week
How does the part time driver list work and how long are you on the list. In d5 i think there are five guys that i have not seen all month. To me if this happens in all divisions your blocking division placement. There should be a part time division to those guys that can only make one race a month. Not far to the one's that race every week

The part timer drivers do not effect the divisional alignment too much. Each division starts the season with around 10-12 full-time/new drivers. The part timers could be a couple to many, depending on the division.
How does the part time driver list work and how long are you on the list. In d5 i think there are five guys that i have not seen all month. To me if this happens in all divisions your blocking division placement. There should be a part time division to those guys that can only make one race a month. Not far to the one's that race every week
The answer to your question starts here, which in turn will lead you here.