I probably shouldn't... But I'm gonna...
Everyone needs to stop. Pull your heads out and take a good look around. The entire prize enigma is creeping up on Marxism. I am impressed with the level of competition we have across all divisions but don't let it cloud why we are here. Fun.
If the current trend is allowed to evolve, there will come a time to where the restrictions on prize A selections will become so confined that winning said prize will become a burden. If it hasn't already. I believe in certain restrictions like: track length, rev limiters, F1 based cars on kart space, et al... The rest should be left up to the
winner. Not every combination will please everyone. (no 🤬)
Why is it wrong to pick something silly (within reason) or something that makes the winner feel good? Why is it necessary to beat the prize winners like rented mules? Picking a combo should be like sharing music with your friends. Some will hate it. Some will accept it. Some will love it... but all will respect it. Picking a combo should be met with a certain understanding that you are getting to see some of the personality of the individual that chose the combo. Take a poll sometime. Ask everyone what their favorite car (in the game) is and why. There is a story behind every car (or track) we love. When we bitch about a combo, we are attacking something that one of our members loves.
It was once touted in our original O.P. that one of the benefits of our style of SPEC racing only needed a minimum amount of prep time to be competitive and have a good time.. We all have lives and this is a hobby for most. We should not be required to be plugged into SNAIL 24/7. There comes a time to ease up on strict regulation and just relax a little. That is why we are here in first place.
Take a breath. Remove the work boots and take it for what it's worth. Who cares if you like the combo or not. Let the winner enjoy their spoils. If it bothers you all that much, I am sure there is a NASCAR league out there somewhere that will relieve you of the sadness of variety.
SNAIL is an awesome organization and it contains some of the coolest people I have never met. Don't let silly 🤬 get in the way of enjoying good natured competition and great friendships. (You are all in trouble if I ever find prize A in my hands again. You will ALL need therapy!!)

Sometimes it isn't all about wins or points. Think of some of your funnest races. Why is C & M so much fun? Sometimes something goofy is what we all need...