- 5,925
- Texas
- zer05ive
Before you see the red light flash, does it flash yellow first real quick and then turn red? If so, that's the dreaded YLODHelp!
My PS3 will not turn on. When I push the button it starts to turn on and then turns off, and the red light starts flashing. Anyone know how to fix this?
Actually, that process turned out to be pretty useless. I didn't remove any of the dust built up inside my PS3. I ended up using compressed air to remove what I could, but really what I need to do is something like this:Sounds like what happened to me with the Fat version of the PS3 which i think is called the Red light of death. Their are youtube videos showing how the system can be cleaned out. I believe @zer05ive posted a video showing how the ps3 can be cleaned out without taking apart the system. I didn't know about that video so i had to end up getting a new system with the PS3 slim.
I really hope it's not the YLOD, but I just came across this video which I found an interesting potential fix. Worth a shot for something as serious as the YLOD I suppose:http://www.google.com/search?nomo=1......0...1ac..34.heirloom-hp..1.0.0.hNX7vQTHQMQ
After googling your problem (see link above) I believe it is the Ylod (yellow light of death) said to be a hard drive failure or the motherboard is fried. I hope this is not the case. If it is, it may be repairable, but a new system may be in the cards for you. It often occurs in the 60GB systems reportedly due to brittle solder. Good luck Mr. McTrucker. My prayers are that this is easier for you than I think it will be.
Here's a more tedious, but probably more effective method: