- 1,837
- Fullerton ca
- TRL_Importlife
For me the issue is not who picks what prize , it's how long we should have to wait after the prize winners are announced for the winners to make their choice.
If your not watching for the announcement of the winners of the prizes , then we all have to wait for that person to make his or her choice when it comes to prize A or B.
Everybody knows where they placed after the unofficial results for Sundays race in each division. So at least the top three in each division should be watching the posts for official results just in case there is a race complaint that might move first place into second and second into first and so on.
Since we practice the Sunday car/track combos on Wed night , maybe put a time limit on prize choices. I think then everyone will pay attention and look for the official results and make a timely choice of the prize the choose. If that person does not make the prize choice in a fair amount of time , then it should be awarded to the next person in line. We need prize A and B to be picked so we I know what car/ track we are practicing on for Wed night. Prize C can be picked anytime. 99.9 % of the time the person with the highest points is going to pick A and the second highest points is going to pick B. That's what I've been seeing since I joined back in March.
JazzNineSorry, this is my first week in snail!
Sorry, this is my first week in snail!
Ok I got it, I want to replace the Mercedes with the 2006 S2000 (premium)
Ok I got it, I want to replace the Mercedes with the 2006 S2000 (premium)
*Evil laughter*
Its alive!!!!!
What's the plan for if we get a lot of people wanting in tonight, open two lobbies?![]()
Yeah, last week I started another room and posted it here. Should we start both rooms at the same time and ask everyone to try to fill them equally?
That would be okay with me:tup:
I'm going to open up the room at 9:50pm ET.
I'll do the same, and I'll send you the room number so you can put them in the same post.
okay! Pm message or psn message?
App made the observation that D1 and D3 together may have been off putting. Now since there are 4 divisions perhaps D3/4 should practice together in Division 1 lounge.
What about prizes being spread out... just a crazy idea...
1st place: Chooses Track OR Car to replace the completely ousted selection, but simply says "track" or "Car..." until 2nd place goes...
2nd place: Once 1st place reserves choice of track or car, then 2nd place chooses the car, or track.
(Then 1st place chooses a complimentary track or vehicle of their choice)
3rd place: Functions as current 2nd place - replace track or car
4th place: Prize car and gets "3 extra votes" the next week he races on what track to eliminate.
For a lighthearted example:
1st place: I'll take the Car choice
2nd place: I'll take... Eiger Short Track Reverse
1st place: For that track, I'll go with... the Samba bus!
JLBowlerAnd the race is never completed becasue none of the Sambas can get up the hill. It's the end of SNAIL forever. All drivers are stuck on the track. A line of Sambas can be seen trying to push each other up the hill at Eiger.![]()