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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Regurgitation of said information would imply prior knowledge so retention would be the answer to your question. :)

Why pay for a class if you plan to fail? Your knowledge is only as valuable as what you apply it to...
My only argument... short term memory vs. long term.
Who likes beer? I like beer!
I love beer.

@GTP_Nobby , you have a very good argument. I didn't look at it that way before, and I agree with you. A little pre-fight warm-up is probably beneficial. Maybe I'll start getting online a little early to loosen up from now on, just not in the official Sunday night race room. Oh, and thank you for bringing up the different levels of grip in the rooms. I have noticed how much that can change.
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haha, nice present from PSN
We've had many new racers join since the last time this was brought up, some coming from other series and leagues that have a different set of rules. I see it occasionally in practice rooms so I figured I'd send out a reminder...

Ghosting cars
Note about this section: With the penalties in game set to off, the only reason a car would ghost is if the start button were used. The use of the start button during a race is prohibited and is considered using a cheat in game. This section of the OLR is left here in the event that another SNAIL series wants to use the in game penalties and would need rules governing ghost cars.

:cheers: good luck racers :cheers:
Any tips for this rgt? I can't get my laps above 2:16
The car turns in better once you lift off the brake, so try braking in a straight line or not trail braking too deep into a corner. You can probably release the brake earlier than you think if you do it smoothly. Don't shift the weight too aggressively, let the car turn itself and balance it with the throttle.
We've had many new racers join since the last time this was brought up, some coming from other series and leagues that have a different set of rules. I see it occasionally in practice rooms so I figured I'd send out a reminder...

Ghosting cars
Note about this section: With the penalties in game set to off, the only reason a car would ghost is if the start button were used. The use of the start button during a race is prohibited and is considered using a cheat in game. This section of the OLR is left here in the event that another SNAIL series wants to use the in game penalties and would need rules governing ghost cars.

:cheers: good luck racers :cheers:
What if you spin in a tight spot and want to make sure everyone else gets by safely because you don't have room to pull over? Should you leave your car as is and make everyone drive around you, potentially causing a larger accident? Genuinely asking.
What if you spin in a tight spot and want to make sure everyone else gets by safely because you don't have room to pull over? Should you leave your car as is and make everyone drive around you, potentially causing a larger accident? Genuinely asking.

Yes. There is no ghosting in real life. Accidents happen and there are consequences to those accidents.
ok, streaming is on hiatus until thursday. Had a long day walking chicago and a long day today driving back.I havent enough energy to tend to family duties and scramble to get my equipment up. I'll be on shortly to get some practice in though.