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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I uploaded replays to the D6 public folder, hope i did it right. It wouldn't let me rename each replay in my documents but they are the correct ones.
Thanks. For the most part yes. It appears good. I'll rename the file and get it moved over to the standard folder here shortly, and, get your permissions set for D6 for future use. 👍 :cheers:

It's probably just my AR kickin' in yo', but, the name of the zip file should be created using this convention YYYY_MM_DD_Dx_PSNID.zip Where YYYY_MM_DD is race date, not save date, or the day before, Dx is division. If less than all 6 races are in the package, after the division designator, add Rx_ before the PSNID and list which races are included, ie 2015_08_09_D4_R1456_dragonwhisky.zip would tell the stewards, and anyone paying attention, the zip package is from the Race Date of 09AUG2015 from Division 4 and contains Round 1 Race 1, Round 2 race 2 and both races from Round 3.

Clear as mud?

I would also like to remind all hosts regarding room comments/name. Last night out of the 6 I spotted, only 2 got it right. Dx Rx Rx. as in D4 R1 R2 would tell us all that replay is from Round 1 Race 2 in D4. No Nova, I'm not talking to you here. You are doing the convention correct, for the most part. There is always a round 1, round 2 and round 3. They are not "combos". Combos are what we race in rounds 1, 2 & 3.

Have the combos been picked yet?
Rally pining for that fish slap he didn't get back in 2012? ;). :P
Have the combos been picked yet?
Let me do the honors

Fish slap 1.gif
I would also like to remind all hosts regarding room comments/name. Last night out of the 6 I spotted, only 2 got it right. Dx Rx Rx. as in D4 R1 R2 would tell us all that replay is from Round 1 Race 2 in D4. No Nova, I'm not talking to you here. You are doing the convention correct, for the most part. There is always a round 1, round 2 and round 3. They are not "combos". Combos are what we race in rounds 1, 2 & 3. ;). :P

As one of those people who puts Dx Cx Rx doesn't it make it easier to quick view the information? I do it so I can quick view my save datas to move the room along
As one of those people who puts Dx Cx Rx doesn't it make it easier to quick view the information? I do it so I can quick view my save datas to move the room along

Dx Rx Rx is just as easy. The combo changes within the round. What we're looking for here is consistency so less time is required to "cypher" what means what.

Also, to @racingchamp30 , under no circumstances should you rename a replay folder. If you were to, when the stewards get the files to their PS3s, it will show up as a broken replay file and be useless. Just zip them all up into one zip file and rename that.
Since it's Monday, maybe I can get a few opinions here?

Would greatly appreciate any input here.

I'm finally in a position to get a driving rig together. I have a few hundred to get me started but now I'm kind of unsure of what direction to go. My initial thoughts were a T300 with Thrustmaster shifter and Fanatec clubsport pedals. I think if I wasn't concerned with cost that's what I'd do, but I'm starting to think that might simply be more than what I really need and should spend. Here's what i really want out of a rig... I appreciate quality, but I realize it's not smart to buy the best I can afford. I'm dead set on a load cell brake pedal and won't sacrifice that particular detail. I want the best immersion experience that I can reasonably afford but without any rig experience I'm not sure what details I might miss (Do I REALLY need brushless servo motors of the T300? Degressive clutch of clubsport pedals?)

So right now I'm kinda leaning toward an all Fanatec setup. GT3 RS wheel/CSR Elite inverted/Clubsport shifter. This combo is less than $550 and that's a much more responsible budget for this than other top tier options. I still need opinions though, because I don't want to make a decision based solely on cost. I want to be confident that my purchase will deliver the sim experience I'm ultimately looking for.
Since it's Monday, maybe I can get a few opinions here?
I've only ever used a G27 and when I upgrade will be buying a new wheel so let me know what you come up with!
I would go with the T300 because it seems to be more compatible with future systems. As an original thrust master is still compatible with the ps4. Other then that I would say do your home work plan, plan, plan, and know what your getting into $550 is a lot of money to spend to not get the feel your after!
Since it's Monday, maybe I can get a few opinions here?
how thrifty are you with a saw and drill? do you have a stand/rig already or transitioning from a ds3? if you have a rig. get the r500 and invest in the better pedals. if not, then i suggest something like i have. a wood rig, junk yard seat and a g27. As was mentioned there are lots of ideas on google. if money isnt to much of an issue, then I feel one of the best non motion rigs you can get is the obutto. Just some ideas to bounce around there.
how thrifty are you with a saw and drill? do you have a stand/rig already or transitioning from a ds3? if you have a rig. get the r500 and invest in the better pedals. if not, then i suggest something like i have. a wood rig, junk yard seat and a g27. As was mentioned there are lots of ideas on google. if money isnt to much of an issue, then I feel one of the best non motion rigs you can get is the obutto. Just some ideas to bounce around there.
he's not after a rig! (and granstand is the best rig you can buy) He's after a wheel, pedals, and shifter compatible with the PS4 as well.

As for logitech I would never buy another one of their wheels if they were the highest rated wheel by a huge margin. I would still go with another company!
how thrifty are you with a saw and drill? do you have a stand/rig already or transitioning from a ds3? if you have a rig. get the r500 and invest in the better pedals. if not, then i suggest something like i have. a wood rig, junk yard seat and a g27. As was mentioned there are lots of ideas on google. if money isnt to much of an issue, then I feel one of the best non motion rigs you can get is the obutto. Just some ideas to bounce around there.

I'll be making the move from a controller, so I really have nothing. My main concern is the driving stuff and getting the most engaging experience without going overboard on cost. I think around $600 is probably as much as I'd prefer to spend on wheel/pedals/shifter, but it really depends on how immersive the whole experience will be with the given equipment. There are details I like about the higher end stuff and I realize that many of those probably won't make me any faster than a "mid-level" setup, but it's really about the experience per dollar. The mounting I'm not too concerned about. I'm decent enough with TurboCAD and woodworking to make some both durable and nice to look at. This mailbox post (for three addresses) is my current project. I guess I should go stain that now...


yeah, you got the woodsmithing down. i cant personally recommend anything not logitech, as ive only had experience with them. Though a quick look in the hardware section of the forum will show you lots of opinions. Sadly, fanatec doesn't usually get great reviews. Having lots of reliability issues. But, I would suggest sticking your nose are the hardware section and see what's said there.
First off @Lessen, thinking of either Fanatec or Thrustmaster as top tier wheels is puffed up flattery. Mid tier is what they are. If you want top tier sim racing gear, you'll have to plunk down about $1k for just a wheel motor enclosure. That's without the actual steering wheel too. No pedals and no shifter either.

From all the things I've read about Fanatec, while their gear may provide a good experience, you should be prepared for less than stellar support. Thrustmaster is in the same boat. While Logitech may only have one offering that admittedly is probably at the bottom of the mid-tier gear and the other product is certainly the lowest tier, their support, in my personal experience has been better than almost any other company I've had to deal with. I own at least 5 wheels, mostly PC, speakers, remotes, headsets, trackballs and mice and can honestly say Logitech has never left me dissatisfied with my interactions with them. Their G29 has left me scratching my head and at present am not considering buying one. In the event that I replace my G27 and the funds are there, I'll go with a T500 and their pedal and shifter to go with it. On feature set alone the T300 hundred is a step up from the DFGT but the G27 beats it out with the clutch and H-gate. The G29 is a step back to me because it fails to include what its predecessor did and looks horrible to boot.

My advice to you is, since you've been a DSx user up to this point, is to get the T300. Since you appear to have the skills to build/modify your own cockpit, set it up for that and when you think your ready for some better stuff, go get that pedal set from Fanatec you're lusting for and add it in. These things will grow over time, when you have the cabbage to fertilize them with, so, since you're on a budget.... Go fast slowly.

I would also advise, if the T300 leaves enough in the budget, grab you a Buttkicker and work that into your design. If not a buttkicker, some form of tactile. Once you get that rumble in your bumble, you'll wonder how you ever did without it. I know I miss mine when it randomly stops working. I think I have that problem finally identified however and for now, fixt.

At any rate, no matter what you pick for a wheel setup, it will have some issue or another that you will have to work out, either by yourself or with the help of others. Tuck your chin and go for it. You may wish you hadn't at first, but, once you commit to a better controller setup and adapt to it, and adapt it to you, you'll look with disgust at your DSx controllers.

Just my 2.5₵
My second race weekend has come and gone, and I got another podium finish out of it! Managed to drive away from the rest of the field to a third place finish after a few laps of racing with my Gramps and Darren Grandbois. (whom I assume is shaping up to be quite the co-speed rival) Started to rain a few laps into the race, but nothing major... Around 12:10 video time came the fast guys, you gotta be on your toes when they come up on you... expect more than one... like FIVE of them! The last ford I didn't see until the last second coming around the big left-hand sweeper. The only thing that saved me and him from banging wheels was that last second glimpse in my mirror that showed his rear tire... Scary (cool) stuff!

And if you haven't seen my other videos, go check them out on my Youtube channel below the video! See y'all in Monday Night Miatas!
My second race weekend has come and gone, and I got another podium finish out of it! Managed to drive away from the rest of the field to a third place finish after a few laps of racing with my Gramps and Darren Grandbois. (whom I assume is shaping up to be quite the co-speed rival) Started to rain a few laps into the race, but nothing major... Around 12:10 video time came the fast guys, you gotta be on your toes when they come up on you... expect more than one... like FIVE of them! The last ford I didn't see until the last second coming around the big left-hand sweeper. The only thing that saved me and him from banging wheels was that last second glimpse in my mirror that showed his rear tire... Scary (cool) stuff!

And if you haven't seen my other videos, go check them out on my Youtube channel below the video! See y'all in Monday Night Miatas!

Ahh, Robbie, this is amazing racing, thank you so much for sharing this with the SNAIL community, I admire your patience and as Dragon uses to say big butts lool, the only thing I miss is a SNAIL Sticker on your helmet ;):embarrassed: , hang on man, this vid reminds me the race you once posted of your dad, even if the footsteps are big, you are young and have time to improve!! I was really impressed :eek:...Random questions, how many gears does that race device have? Do you have instruments to watch at? How was your physical constitution after that race, puhhh, so direct ground as racing feedback, well done SNAILer 👍👍👍 , so looking forward to the next challenges you'll be doing in the future :D
cheers I
Thanks. For the most part yes. It appears good. I'll rename the file and get it moved over to the standard folder here shortly, and, get your permissions set for D6 for future use. 👍 :cheers:

It's probably just my AR kickin' in yo', but, the name of the zip file should be created using this convention YYYY_MM_DD_Dx_PSNID.zip Where YYYY_MM_DD is race date, not save date, or the day before, Dx is division. If less than all 6 races are in the package, after the division designator, add Rx_ before the PSNID and list which races are included, ie 2015_08_09_D4_R1456_dragonwhisky.zip would tell the stewards, and anyone paying attention, the zip package is from the Race Date of 09AUG2015 from Division 4 and contains Round 1 Race 1, Round 2 race 2 and both races from Round 3.

Clear as mud?

I would also like to remind all hosts regarding room comments/name. Last night out of the 6 I spotted, only 2 got it right. Dx Rx Rx. as in D4 R1 R2 would tell us all that replay is from Round 1 Race 2 in D4. No Nova, I'm not talking to you here. You are doing the convention correct, for the most part. There is always a round 1, round 2 and round 3. They are not "combos". Combos are what we race in rounds 1, 2 & 3.

Rally pining for that fish slap he didn't get back in 2012? ;). :P

I thought i been doing it right all this time for room comment. I been labeling it Dx Cx Rx. The C being for Combo. So it should be Dx Rx Rx?
I thought i been doing it right all this time for room comment. I been labeling it Dx Cx Rx. The C being for Combo. So it should be Dx Rx Rx?
Yes. To be honest we could give combo numbers in the hundreds. @msgt-sd might be able to cull the data and tell us exactly how many different combos have been run on a Sunday night and so far as I'm concerned, there has ever only been one Combo 1. Even if that's how I've named the TT events. Now that I think on it, that will be changing, as of this week, just in keeping with my desire for consistency. Won't add any letters to the title after all.

This might simplify it a little
View attachment 428484

Everyone likes a little... Nobody likes a smart... ;) :P :D