◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
D1 data has been entered for the past 2 weeks. Congrats to @gtr3123 for the win Sunday and to @Ricky Wilson for the win the week before.



The car is totaled. Now I need your help.

We are going to buy a car this week. Simple. Needs 4 doors, 5-6 years old, very reliable and that's about it. Under $10K. What brands should we stick to and which ones should we avoid? (Unfortunately) It doesn't have to be a driver's car, just has to go from A to B.
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The car is totaled. Now I need your help.

We are going to buy a car this week. Simple. Needs 4 doors, 5-6 years old, very reliable and that's about it. Under $10K. What brands should we stick to and which ones should we avoid? (Unfortunately) It doesn't have to be a driver's car, just has to go from A to B.
Glad your ok, my first car was a 02 Sentra, second car 04 Sentra ser spec v.
Getting in an accident is never fun... Happened to me a few months ago as a passenger, my friend's Jetta was also t-boned and toataled. He bought another Jetta. I'd you had good luck with your Sentra, maybe another one is in order.

Also, another friend of mine is quite happy with his 2008 Mazda3 5dr. Safe, efficient, decent space, and not super boring either. Available with a manual too if you'd want that and can find one.

The car is totaled. Now I need your help.

We are going to buy a car this week. Simple. Needs 4 doors, 5-6 years old, very reliable and that's about it. Under $10K. What brands should we stick to and which ones should we avoid? (Unfortunately) It doesn't have to be a driver's car, just has to go from A to B.

Glad to hear you are okay. Not good your car is not. If your budget is 10k, you really have a lot of options. Assuming you'll need to drive it year round, you'll stay away from a certain type of car, but there are a lot of others that are still fun to drive. You'll probably need to look at cars that are around 5 years old, like you said.

Ford Focus
Mazda 3 (like @ConnorWolf mentioned)
Honda Civic
Ford Mustang
BMW 325i (http://longisland.craigslist.org/cto/5278776323.html)
Mazda Miata (The answer is always Miata?)
Acura RSX (maybe even a Type S), these might be more like 10 years old
Subaru WRX (also in the 8-10 yr old range)
Volvo C30 - this car is awesome (http://newjersey.craigslist.org/cto/5260229922.html - but auto :(
Mini Cooper (maybe a S) (http://longisland.craigslist.org/cto/5309155882.html)
Audi TT
Chevy Cobolt SS (http://longisland.craigslist.org/cto/5270335275.html)

These are just examples. I don't know they real quality of the CL ads I listed, but they will give you an idea of what 10k can get you. Knowing how you like FR cars, really look at a Miata or Mustang. A lawyer friend of mine used to drive his Miata year round. Your winters aren't as bad (usually) as us in Upstate. The BMW is great too, but parts are expensive. There are some awesome FF cars to consider too.
I'm hoping the other guy is totaled too. He had an SUV and the side was knocked in real bad. He wasn't hurt so I don't feel bad saying I hope he has chassis damage.

We are going to a dealership on Thursday that my parents know people got cars from and were happy. I share the car with my dad so it has to have four doors so he can put his walker in the back. Automatic because he can't do manual anymore. Otherwise anything goes.
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My chest still hurts. It's hard to describe what you're thinking as it happens. He just kinda stayed there so I knew we were gonna hit but it's so fast I didn't have time to react properly. I at least tried to steer to the left to avoid but that was useless in the rain.

I have a new respect for any racing driver that I see put their arms against their chest and brace for impact. It takes a lot of where-with-all to react that fast and take your hands off the wheel. I'm lucky I didn't have any arm injuries.
My chest still hurts. It's hard to describe what you're thinking as it happens. He just kinda stayed there so I knew we were gonna hit but it's so fast I didn't have time to react properly. I at least tried to steer to the left to avoid but that was useless in the rain. I have a new respect for any racing driver that I see put their arms against their chest and brace for impact. It takes a lot of where-with-all to react that fast and take your hands off the wheel. I'm lucky I didn't have any arm injuries.
I rolled my Yukon off the highway and through a ditch some years back. Moon roof open and shoveling dirt in my face. I was in the fetal position until it was over. I crawled out the driver's window, which was facing up, and said, "Whoa, that was a ride." Glad you're all ok. Nothing fun about auto accidents. Injuries, police, insurance, money, time, etc. Good luck with putting all the pieces back together.
The pieces are at the body shop :lol:

Since you said 10k and dealership in different posts, I take back half the cars I suggested :( Just get a 2004 Honda Civic. haha

I would still consider the Mazda3, GTI, WRX or a Focus, but it really depends on what the dealer has.
Maybe I can convince them to get an Impreza or Evo, something with AWD. For the snow and what not. We'll probably get around $5,000 from insurance for the car.
Don't worry. There was no pressure to return. I felt this league was not for me when I left the first time (the same reasons many have left). But there are some folks here that are nice to talk to on occasion. So I pop in from time to time to offer my tidbits.

I wasn't going to start some sort of war if that's what you are referring to with my name names comment. If someone else were to reply with a certain type of rhetoric then I was at the ready though.

I know exactly what comments JoeW posted because I was involved in that conversation at that time as well...and of course...the search feature is handy when details are required.

I wasn't going to start flinging accusations because that would imply I would be accusing someone of something. Guilty parties are already guilty because the facts were in place. Accusations would not have been necessary.
If you think you were involved in the conversation that banned him, then I can assure you that you have no idea what got him banned. It was in fact not a conversation at all (at least not one involving anyone other than himself). That's the thing about trolls though; they get upset when you don't feed them so they keep trying until they get the reaction they want. To his disappointment he never got any reaction whatsoever, but his continued attempts to inject drama into the thread simply got old (and violated policy). I find it interesting, although not necessarily surprising, that you insist you know "exactly" what the situation was, while declining my offer to PM you the exact specifics if you'd like to know them.

Anywho...this organization has definitely become a collective run by the iron fisted few (two)...well one, with a barely present figure head. Banning people simply because of different opinions is...well, you know. And calling someone's truthful statements "delusional" and then banning them is very...well, you know.
I love how you are so certain of your claims while not having a clue about what you're talking about. Ignorance is bliss I guess. Again, my offer is still on the table for you to PM me if you'd like to know specifically what he was banned for and why. Furthermore, if you can show me one single example in our entire four year history of us "Banning people simply because of different opinions", I will step down from SNAIL immediately. I'm kinda tired of being a figurehead anyways. :rolleyes:

Good luck with the league and hopefully the drones stay around for GT7. Eventually the iron fisted one (with the big red delete and ban buttons) might retire and then the rest of flock who left might come back for some more fun.

It really was a hoot racing and digressing with many of you...but sometimes it only takes one big bad apple to ruin the racing fun.

I'll still hang and digress peacefully and monitor the career path of some.
Yes, we have big plans for GT7 and all the other PS4 racing sims that will eventually be available. In the meantime, we're doing well with what's currently available and we continue to prosper. Even while being based on a game that's two years old, we're still running strong at six full divisions, and that's a credit to everyone in SNAIL committed to making this league the best Gran Turismo league in the world and one of the best sim racing leagues in general. If you want some perspective on how remarkable still having six divisions is, just take a look around. How many other GT6 leagues even have six drivers, let alone six divisions? There are countless clubs, leagues, and organizations that cease to even race anymore because they can't field anything that resembles a grid. I absolutely cringe at the thought of what kind of iron-fisted bad apple dictators must have ruled over those organizations to have driven off so many by ruining the racing fun for them. /sarcasm
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For "reasons" this whole drama aimed at SNAIL leadership is too familiar to me.

It's frustrating when people are just trying to do their best (and obviously doing a great job) and it not only goes unappreciated, but are actively drug through the mud in public for no reason.

It happens too often in organizations like this, and too often it ends up with the leaders who were just doing their best feeling like it's no longer worth it. I would hate for that to happen to SNAIL, this place (apart from GT Academy) is the main reason I even boot up GT6, ever. And It's because of people like @zer05ive that we have a place like this at all.
For "reasons" this whole drama aimed at SNAIL leadership is too familiar to me.

It's frustrating when people are just trying to do their best (and obviously doing a great job) and it not only goes unappreciated, but are actively drug through the mud in public for no reason.

It happens too often in organizations like this, and too often it ends up with the leaders who were just doing their best feeling like it's no longer worth it. I would hate for that to happen to SNAIL, this place (apart from GT Academy) is the main reason I even boot up GT6, ever. And It's because of people like @zer05ive that we have a place like this at all.
Thank you @ConnorWolf for pointing this out. I started to write something, then thought I'd just stay out of it.

I appreciate opinions, but appreciate leadership more. In a community such as this, somebody needs to decide what's right versus what's wrong. Heavy is the crown. I've been around for about 14 months, and I'd say our leadership is extremely fair, and very tolerant; especially when it comes to opinions.

@zer05ive , thank you for your leadership. You've made difficult decisions to keep this league fun. I can understand why you are frustrated. My family obligations limit my time, but I'm ready to help out in any way I can to keep this league moving forward. Please PM me to let me know how I can help.
Thanks for making a pick but that's not your option this week. @Encvel is locked into prize C this week due to the fact that he ended up with prize B once already this month. You will need to wait for him to freeze one or the other.

Did the fact gtr won Prize B not mean he gets the choice to freeze what he likes??

Edit: Encvel won Prize C last week not Prize B. So does this mean that gtr, as Prize B winner, does get to freeze the track as he announced and all who raced in D2 on Sunday have to pick a car for Encvel to choose from?
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I'd say our leadership is extremely fair, and very tolerant; especially when it comes to opinions.

This is quite true.

Out in the "real world" the term favoritism gets thrown out a lot and to be frank it is true and does happen, everywhere. However, I also believe that behavior is often a reaction to actions expressed by others. Sometimes people that feel they receive the short end of the stick are the only party holding it, and simply don't consider to turn it around.
Did the fact gtr won Prize B not mean he gets the choice to freeze what he likes??

Edit: Encvel won Prize C last week not Prize B. So does this mean that gtr, as Prize B winner, does get to freeze the track as he announced and all who raced in D2 on Sunday have to pick a car for Encvel to choose from?

@Encvel did win Prize C last week, however, @Ricky Wilson choose to use the freeze on the car. As a result, @Encvel was able to choose the track. Therefore, @Encvel can not choose a track/car again, and must use the freeze option.

Make sense?
@Encvel did win Prize C last week, however, @Ricky Wilson choose to use the freeze on the car. As a result, @Encvel was able to choose the track. Therefore, @Encvel can not choose a track/car again, and must use the freeze option.

Make sense?

Surely Prize B takes precedence over Prize C. gtr has won his prize and I would have thought he should be able to make his choice accordingly. He stated he wanted to freeze the track but by being forced to pass the freeze to Encvel it is by definition allowing the Prize C winner to choose the track/car that stays. If he chooses to freeze the car rather than the track it would mean the lower prize has vetoed the higher one.
Surely Prize B takes precedence over Prize C. gtr has won his prize and I would have thought he should be able to make his choice accordingly. He stated he wanted to freeze the track but by being forced to pass the freeze to Encvel it is by definition allowing the Prize C winner to choose the track/car that stays. If he chooses to freeze the car rather than the track it would mean the lower prize has vetoed the higher one.

I would say one prize does not take precedence over another. They are specific in deciding who earns them and how they are used, that is all.