I think I see a fish in your future for the post above ^^^^
Also Replays are up in D2 folder.

Also Replays are up in D2 folder.
I try man, I tryAnd to die birdy die to be a class driver
Just remember that if someone were to knock the pylons down on lap one and then run over where they used to be, it could be viewed as an intentional act and would no longer be a 1 point penalty but a minimum of 17 points.
Choose your strategy wisely.
The safest course of action is to not hit the pylons at all.
This is awesome. The Oculus imagery is mixed with the over-the-shoulder view in post production.
This is what I'm waiting for. I don't think I would be 100% sold in VR until AR can be implemented through the VR screen in live time. This is about as good as it gets.
@Die_Birdy_Die just so you know, you accidentally put one of your IR's as division 2 instead of d3.
Also, here is the Division 2 Replay VOD from my stream last night (I played a bit of Kerbal Space program prior to the race, if you're interested you can start it from the beginning):
wholly crap!! i got goose bumps watching that! is that really VR ? its unreal I didn't think it would be that nice right out of the gates.....dam! i can't wait. I'm a ten year old kid a christmas....so cool! this will change online racing for ever!
It's actually not as far off as you might think. Checkout Microsoft's hololens.That video is a post production mashup of the VR visual and another camera that "sees" the driver. VR in its infancy will not be like this I don't think, but it needs to be. I want to see my own hands/wheel etc.
Thanks, it was tough trying to cut as much of the corners as possible without going out of bounds. I've gotten bitten for that in the past but I think I kept it clean throughout.
Nice laps around le sarthe
Slightly different from hololens, hololens is sort of the opposite composite, where the majority of what you see is real life with just some generated elements overlayed on it. The video shows the primary video being the generated gameplay, with real life elements (from a camera I guess) overlayed ontop of the video. Similar but definitely different.It's actually not as far off as you might think. Checkout Microsoft's hololens.
This league needs clean racers like you. We had many many battles over the last few years. Some drivers you can trust to go door-to-door.You know they won't leave their line. You're one of them. I was right behind you when the incident happened on Sunday. IMHO you should handle this through IR and be back next Sunday. We don't want to lose drivers like you.
I'd second and third and fourth the sentiment that has been expressed by others here to you @CanuckleheadII.We haven't raced together in while but I've always enjoyed racing with you. You have always been a respectful driver and do the right thing when incidents arise. I know it's really frustrating when you have practiced all week to get the best out of a combo only to have it ruined in the first lap or two. Stuff happens but when it does the offending driver should concede as a sign of good sportsmanship.
To echo everyone else's sentiment: we need guys like you to stick around. It certainly wouldn't be much of a league if all the respectful drivers quit because of one or two bad bannanas. Use the IR process and let the stewards sort it out. I really hope you reconsider.
I imagine that the problem with doing anything before the Stewards have their say is that there are many IRs that never become penalties, so there would be a lot of wins under suspicion that wouldn't turn into anything.I wish there was a way to bring attention to race night IR's at the close of sundays race night. Part of the frustration for a lot of people is the appearance of people who exhibited poor race craft, for a moment anyways, getting to sit on the podium and look victorious. Whilst others who feel they should have been raising the cup sit in pit lane fuming and annoyed at what just happened.
It would be a great feature if for example someone who stole 1st place for the night had a red flag attached to his cup that he's holding up so victoriously. A visual way of saying hey everyone this guy might win but he has some IR's filed against him so its not official. I know we do this behind the scenes. But some how it feels hollow unjust. I mean, why is the potential bad racer initially rewarded "on camera" while the possible true victor has to wait and is then rewarded behind the scenes with very little awareness. The only way the true winner of the night is brought to light is by someone having to bring it up over the next few days. Hardly a victors way of celebrating.
"hey everyone, remember that race where road hog got first place last sunday?", "
well he didn't really win I actually did yah me!"
potentially poor race craft winners should be flagged on top of waiting for the official word after IR's and then announcements for the actual winners should be done. To praise hard clean driving and to further discourage poor race craft.
I know this is small and some what trivial. But it's the little things that can make a difference sometimes.hope this makes sense to more people then just me.
Maybe. But itnhas the ability to completely block out the physical world, and has the ability to scan a room accurately. This could very easily be used to track your hands, even show your real hands and body, augmented with racing suits and glovesSlightly different from hololens, hololens is sort of the opposite composite, where the majority of what you see is real life with just some generated elements overlayed on it. The video shows the primary video being the generated gameplay, with real life elements (from a camera I guess) overlayed ontop of the video. Similar but definitely different.
Shifting the focus a tad......I imagine that the problem with doing anything before the Stewards have their say is that there are many IRs that never become penalties, so there would be a lot of wins under suspicion that wouldn't turn into anything.