When I first started racing online in GT6, I also had a NAT 3 wireless connection. The problems I experienced where not being able to see other drivers. I wasn't a part of SNAIL or GT Planet at the time, so I had to learn how to fix it on my own. I ran roughly ninety feet of CAT 6e cable from my main router to my PS3. This alone did not fix my problem. I found that uPnP plays a big role in NAT type. Even thought I had it turned on in the PS3 menu, it still failed when I ran the internet connection test from the XMB. Found out the router also has a uPnP setting that needed to be enabled. At the time, I was using the router my ISP provided, which I didn't have admin access too. Simply went and purchased a replacement router and swapped it out. While setting up the new router, I enabled uPnP and forwarded the necessary ports as well. The result was a stable NAT 2 connection.