- 539
- United States
- pubason
I think I got it ,gave it a try hope I got it right .
SNAIL Division 3 thread started
I think I got it ,gave it a try hope I got it right .
SNAIL Division 3 thread started
D1 replays uploaded to D1 public.
Tonight was plauged with connection issues. And ness and chuyler couldn't see eachother even after changing hosts. Chuyler said this isnt the first time this has happened with him and ness. We need to figure this out sooner than later or else this will continue to happen and D1 Sundays will continue to be delayed. Anyone have any ideas as to why the same 2 people constantly arent able to see eachother?
If chuyler becomes a divisional free agent due to connection issues, as a representative of d3 i would like to claim him off waivers. He would fit right in with us as he is one of the good guys who has his head in the right place for online racing.
I'm pretty network savvy so I can try to help resolve the issue.Ok, so move me back to D2 or something because ness and I cannot race together. This happens every practice night regardless of who is hosting. I've only seen him on the track once and that one time he couldn't see me.
Hi guys please note this will fix most of the internet issues on GT6
Here’s a few tips
Finding out what type of setup you have
A solid connection for the host/clients
A good connection for the host/clients but with port forwarding we can assist the router with routing the right traffic
A bad connection
Port Forwarding
Now this part is a little difficult for some but a NAT 2 connection will become a NAT 1 which will improve your connection on GT6
· First thing we need to do is access your gateway on the web browser
· Login
· Access the Port Forwarding Page
· Add Ports along with IP Address
· And wallah we are now NAT 1
All routers are different so please follow the guide on portfoward.com and select your router on the left side, add the ports listed below, and add the IP address from your PS3 listed on network settings on the ps3 menu.
Note - If you host often you might need to Static the IP address because IP addresses change
Which Ports are needed here’s the list for Gran Turismo 6
TCP: 80, 443, 5223
UDP: 3478, 3479, 3658
Source - http://www.gran-turismo.com/us/gt6/manual/#!/onlinerace/portfowarding
What can also affect a driver with a bad connection is the amount of traffic being used on his/her connection at home, for example if you’re playing GT6 that night and your little brother is torrenting or watching some 4K video while abusing the internet this will be a bad thing.
Please note I created this to help everyone in our group, and if anyone needs help I'm more than willing to help even remote in assistance to make sure everyone has a great time playing GT6 with there fellow snailers