D2 Prize A suggestion:
Ferrari GTO '84 at Mount Panorama Motor Racing Circuit.
Looks great, sounds great - turn up the volume.
You can suggest any Prize A combo for DW to pick from. The more options he has to choose from, the better: )
DUH - Did it again
I'll do some "look see" tonight. Doubt if I will find one any better - unless it would be a Shifter Kart 💡
In light of our Prize A winners previously posted observations of unused track and car combos I offer:
Oullium Motors Spirra Prototype 04 @ Circuitous de Madrid mini - forward on SM tires 0:57 sec laps
@JLBowler @Dragonwhisky
D2 Prize A suggestion:
Ferrari GTO '84 at Mount Panorama Motor Racing Circuit.
Looks great, sounds great - turn up the volume.
D2 Prize A Suggestion
Mugen S2000 '00
462PP/246HP before oil change. SH tires.
50,000 credits
433PP/255HP after oil change.
Track: Rome Reverse
In light of our Prize A winners previously posted observations of unused track and car combos I offer:
Oullium Motors Spirra Prototype 04 @ Circuitous de Madrid mini - forward on SM tires 0:57 sec laps
@JLBowler @Dragonwhisky
I am testing now and will have an answer for you all by 9pm
I am testing now and will have an answer for you all by 9pm
opening OMG room to test tracks with other cars, I have it down to 3. so want to find out which 3? then hop on when you are back from work or done with the day's dealings .
room session over., however I will have it up again in two hours for final decision before 0230 gmt.I'll be on around 2330 GMT and can help test too!
Me 2 - 7:30 Central7:30 pm EST,,,,,,,WILL BE THERE.