Greetings all my fellow Snailers, old and new! To those of you that know me, it come as a surprise to see me posting in this thread after 2+ years.
My history in SNAIL has been a series of ups and downs. At my highest point I was a trusted member of the league, a steward, and a general positive contributor to the league. At my lowest I was causing fights and attacking those that I called friend for no real reason at all other than to cause a commotion. Near the end of my last days here I was an ornery jackass alienating nearly everyone I could with nothing but negativity and slander. The thread turned into a **** show and I was the antagonist. It was not a pretty period in my life and I sincerely regret those actions.
This is my attempt to rebuild bridges that I burned down years ago.
I definitely would like to apologize to zero, bowler, coach and the stewards in place at the time for my actions near the end of my stay in SNAIL a couple of years ago. I made life a living hell for all of you and for that I am very sorry.
I definitely attacked you all, Jlbowler and Zero especially, and created unnecessary drama in the main thread. Bowler and I used to be tight, racing in the same division for awhile and racing in other small racing events from time to time. I went way overboard and alienated him and several other people who I called friends in SNAIL.
I was, and still can be, a great asset to the team. But I was a serious a-hole sometimes. I realize that there are much more constructive ways to express opinions and ideas.
Oddly enough this online persona I displayed in the past is definitely not my personality in life. I think I got carried away championing a cause that never really existed. All I needed to do was sit down and talk like an adult but instead I just kept pushing and pushing until I pushed you all away.
I don't remember each and every detail but it just seems like an idiotic blur of rhetoric that had no end. It all could have been avoided had I just stepped away from the keyboard (and my fake online persona), thought about how "I" should handle it, and then acted accordingly.
Anyone who has been in room voice chat with me knows that is not how I act, and I would punish my children for being such a-holes on a forum. So I would respectfully ask that you all give me a shot to prove myself in a positive way.
Since you all can see this post it means I have been unbanned by Zero. But I am sure this decision was not reached lightly and I doubt the backchannel vote was unanimous

But I appreciate the chance to prove that I can be a positive influence on SNAIL moving forward.
I look forward to driving with you all again and if anyone needs any help that I may be able to provide, feel free to ask...I am an old guy who has played since GT1.
I would like to thank a few of my fellow old guy drivers over in the Lobanaro lounge of PCars for helping me be a better person over the last couple of years by witnessing your positive influences on track and in your threads. Aero, SGETI, Lobban, Tom, McT, guys are always upbeat, positive and respectful and it has helped bring me out of a funk I was in for quite some time.