◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
The Samba Bus


By now all off you know the Samba Bus has been released. It's a steal at a measily Cr75,000!

Let's have a friendly Livery Competition with it. Let's see what creations we can come up with! Hold-off posting your designs, you don't want your competitor to steal your idea.

Let's all post our creations next Friday (12/29/17). Winner will be the post with the most likes by Sunday

Remember this? If your creations are ready start posting!

There's no pressure or prize for the "winner".... just peace and love dude...

Peace Dude2.jpg
Peace Dude1.jpg
@racingchamp30 you going to be around tonight to host practice? I know we dont race this Sunday but we've got 2 combos we can start practicing. I know Sand has something in the works for prize A because a few of us were testing with him last night. Maybe he'll be on and we can do a big group test with him.

Also theres another Holiday event in the works for Saturday.

If people want to practice I'll have a lobby open at 9pm est if no one else does.
I should be on tonight.
@racingchamp30 you going to be around tonight to host practice? I know we dont race this Sunday but we've got 2 combos we can start practicing. I know Sand has something in the works for prize A because a few of us were testing with him last night. Maybe he'll be on and we can do a big group test with him.

Also theres another Holiday event in the works for Saturday.

If people want to practice I'll have a lobby open at 9pm est if no one else does.

Hey .. I will be on tonight as well. Not sure if @racingchamp30 is ready to resume hosting. If he does I'll shall just help with texting / welcoming / recruiting.
I was looking over the GTS lobby settings and says for BOP to be off. Is it supposed to be off or on because i notice in the combo's it says for HP and weight for each car to be PER BOP?
Thanks Tom. BoP and tuning prohibited together give us what we had in GT6 just at the BoP HP and weight. It would be nice to run at stock but I think it would be nicer to know that everyone is running the same setup (sans brake bias).
@racingchamp30 - After reading @JLBowler reply I was assuming we are using tuning prohibitive and BoP together and there would be no need to set weight or HP for room settings.However, according to the official race settings link found on the Frequently Used documents page , BOP is off...
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@racingchamp30 - After reading @JLBowler reply I was assuming we are using tuning prohibitive and BoP together and there would be no need to set weight or HP for room settings.However, according to the official race settings link found on the Frequently Used documents page , BOP is off...

I have the room settings saved to my computer so i would have no problem setting the room settings. Just need to know what combo's will be before opening the room later.
There is no official word out on the new settings. We are discussing it at the moment. Announcement will follow soon. In the mean time we use BOP - ON until we change (or not). PD still has not change the limit to minimum weight. It is so obviously stupid, I wonder if anyone told them that. Should be a quick fix....
Holiday Event - Saturday - December 30, 2017

Two Races

1-hr Endurance on the Nurburgring-24hr
Track time: 15:00
Gr.4 Cars on RH, RM or RS Tires (Driver's Choice)
No Mandatory Pitstop
No Mandatory Tire Choice
Tire Wear = 5X
Fuel Consumption = 2X
Tuning prohibited
The rest is SNAIL settings

Room opens 8:30 PM EST
No Qually - Host will determine start order (I'll put myself on the back of the grid...:sly:)

Race 1 Starts at 9:00 PM EST

No sign-up. Just show up. Remember to take your bathroom break before entering the room...

Won't kick out non-Snail racers (unless the room is full and you PSN message me that you would like to join.)

Race 2 will be Reverse Grid
10 Minute Break between Races

After this you will know the Nurb well...

Please post in holiday event thread if you plan to participate so that we have an idea.
I saved the settings for the two we will practice tonight for the Toyota 86 and the VW beetle. Will host for practice tonight for those two.

Edit: I do have a question for the format for practice. Do we just run some laps after the practice room is open or start at the usual time of 8:30 central and then start it?
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We've run pretty much an open lobby from 9-930 and then started the race. Actually we've had quite a bit of success running qualifying for R1 even with random people present. I was pleasantly surprised to see them well behaved and lined up in formation with the rest of us. It might be a good idea to try a qually tonight so you can familiarize yourself with how it works. Then it was reverse grid like normal for the rest of the night.
How on earth do people make such awesome decals? I can barely get text with more than 2 words to be below 15k.

It's all in the number of nodes you have in the vector image. No need to have extra nodes when they are not needed. ex; a straight line only needs a start and end point. The conversion programs tend to put extra points on the line which up's the file size.
So I just ran my first GTSport VR race. While this is still new technology, and we can only race two car, head to head races, I have to say my mind is blown! There's a lot of folks complaining about the low resolution, lack of full car fields, etc. etc. But all I can say is, this technology is just beginning and is going to revolutionize sim-racing. I ran a three lap race at Big Willow in the Alpha 4C. I've never drifted a car on pavement so frequently, and with so much confidence. It just seems so much more natural in 3D. The only disorienting part of the race: when I tried to adjust the center rear-view mirror. It was so weird. My hand didn't come off the steering wheel, and there was no mirror when I grabbed for it. It's REALLY that immersive. Crazy immersive. The rear-view mirror can be kind of obtrusive in that car, and I kept leaning and ducking to see the apexes - which works. And then being able to check your blind spots in the mirrors, or looking left or right, all just so neat. I'll agree with others that the images aren't crystal clear, but they're definitely clear enough to be convincing of reality. The future is bright. This is only going to get better and better. We're in for some serious treats over the next five to ten years. Any of you Michigan fellas that want to come and try it out, give me a holla.
It's all in the number of nodes you have in the vector image. No need to have extra nodes when they are not needed. ex; a straight line only needs a start and end point. The conversion programs tend to put extra points on the line which up's the file size.
I'm using inkscape. It does a pretty good job optimizing the paths. Even so, with a mildly stylized font hitting 15k seems ridiculously easy, much less banging out some of the decals I've seen.
I'm using inkscape. It does a pretty good job optimizing the paths. Even so, with a mildly stylized font hitting 15k seems ridiculously easy, much less banging out some of the decals I've seen.

I've done a couple of words on inkscape and came in at 3 to 5 KB. Part of the trick I've found is to make it small in inkscape and then enlarge it in game. I haven't gone so big in the game to make it look bad.
VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE GR.3 on RH tires @ Alsace – Village II - 21:00 Clear (6 Laps)

Since he didn't mention a time in the original post is 21:00 the default? He did later answer when asked, but doesn't the rule state that it automatically defaults if not previously stated?
Here is what I've managed so far. I had my hand at recreating the old snail logo, and added in my corporate sponsor.

So, in the case of the snail logo. Snail is one svg, the Sunday night, American, interactive, league and finally spec racing are all each their own. It took probably more time and effort than I'll regularly make, but i do like how it turned out.

Edit: here is a close up.
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Here is what I've managed so far. I had my hand at recreating the old snail logo, and added in my corporate sponsor.

So, in the case of the snail logo. Snail is one svg, the Sunday night, American, interactive, league and finally spec racing are all each their own. It took probably more time and effort than I'll regularly make, but i do like how it turned out.

Nice and simple. I like it.

The track was frozen therefore we have to run it at the time of the previous Sunday

That man is correct.
Hello old friends! I have returned to join you guys in GTS. I've been thinking over the past few weeks about joining up again and have finally gotten around to posting this. I picked up a G29 over Black Friday so I'm probably slower than I already was but I've been itching to get some races in. I'm re-reading on all the rules and such tonight and looking to do the time trial sometime this weekend if someone can point me in the right direction. Excited to get back into racing with you guys soon.
Hello old friends! I have returned to join you guys in GTS. I've been thinking over the past few weeks about joining up again and have finally gotten around to posting this. I picked up a G29 over Black Friday so I'm probably slower than I already was but I've been itching to get some races in. I'm re-reading on all the rules and such tonight and looking to do the time trial sometime this weekend if someone can point me in the right direction. Excited to get back into racing with you guys soon.


Here's your official SNAIL Welcome Post!
Thanks for your interest!
Here's what you need to know (and do) in order to join SNAIL Racing League:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the SNAIL OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide. Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You start a conversation and add @CoachMK21, @JLBowler, @nmcp1,@zer05ive ,@Rednose58 &, @MajorBlixem as participants.

The conversation title should be "Request To Join".

2. SNAIL Administrators will respond with specific instructions on what you need to accomplish to join the SNAIL [Spec] Racing.

3. Place the following links (URLs) in the favorites (or bookmarks) in your web browser for quick reference. Please make every effort to read and understand the following links. Over the years a great deal of time and effort has gone into creating this league and we would like nothing more than to have you but we ask that you take the time and effort to do your homework. 99.9% of any question you may have about SNAIL can be found in the posts below.
4. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

Again, the original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread. If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.
Welcome to SNAIL :cheers: