Real or not could you do this?
This video has been sped up - so it's not realistic at all.
That being said even at regular speed it's incredibly irresponsible to include total unwilling strangers in your insanity.
Some people (not going to name names here...) think that because they can drive fast and are "good" drivers, that it's fun to drive your car fast on public roads every so often and it's not really a big deal.
IMO being a good driver on a public road means not getting into or causing
avoidable accidents. Especially when the potential risk here isn't a fender bender - it's potentially life ending for total strangers that haven't signed a copy of your death wish.
Honestly imo people that drive like idiots like this on public roads are doing something drastically worse than drunk driving - at least drunk people can claim they weren't in a proper state of mind to make good decisions because of the alcohol. What excuse do you have for racing down a public road, losing control and killing a family of innocent people?
It's like playing a game of Russian roulette except you don't just shoot at yourself you also shoot into a crowd of people who have no idea what you're doing.
The driver obviously knows this road very well. So apart from the sketchy overtaking, I don't think it's that hard.
We as SIM drivers should know though that it doesn't matter how well you know the track - a tiny mistake can lead to a car losing control. In this case, what if road conditions were a little off, or one of the drivers being passed moved in any unpredictable way? The potential risk is so incredibly high here who what? A few online views and some adrenaline?
It's like that moron in Florida who got himself into a GTA style car chase/shootout for some YouTube views and was sentenced to 160 something years in prison.