I wanted to explain what happened in this update.Immediately before the release of the 1.07 update, we discovered an issue where the game would not start properly in some cases on product versions for the PS4™ and PS5™.This was a rare issue that was not seen during tests on the development...
So they limit the amount of credits you can earn in-game, yet don't patch or acknowledge how broken online gameplay is right now. Looks like we know where their prioritie$ are at the end of the day.
I'm the first to admit I know nothing about video game development. But I do remember a time when post release patches were not a thing pre internet days. You bought a game and sure there'd be bugs and exploits people would find if you looked hard enough, but the game was still playable, worked just fine, and was a final product. These days it just seems like game developers can half-ass release something knowing they have an "out" and can always attempt to fix it down the road with a patch. And even after delaying the release of the game which PD is notorious for doing, it's still littered with even the most basic functionality issues.
And this whole micro transaction thing is becoming more and more common in our world unfortunately. Can you imagine if PD goes down the iRacing route and decide that online lobby hosts will be charged X amount of credits just to host an in-game lobby? But you've already spent all your credits on cars, better pony up some real cash to replenish your credit balance just to be able to race with some friends/league mates. I was shocked to find this is the case when I signed up for iRacing.
It's also being talked about how there may now be issues with the game being cross platform between PS4 and PS5. Doesn't Sony/PD have a network of beta testers to check these things? Or why not roll out a beta test to the general public like they did with Sport? Can anyone make sense of this?
Cross play is nothing new. Some of my favorite gaming memories was the Myth series by Bungie before Halo over 20 years ago. It was an RTS similar to Command and Conquer with an epic storyline, voice acting, soundtrack, everything. My friends and I thought it was the coolest thing ever that we could play each other PC vs Mac back in 1998. Unfortunately the games wouldn't last long if someone in the house picked up the phone or if you were receiving a call since we only had dial-up. All the cool kids had DSL. Such an underrated title. They could've made a movie or TV series like they're doing right now with Halo.
Anyways. I
hope PD listens to the fans and/or takes a peak at the GT7 section of the forum to see how outraged everyone is at the current state of the game. And look how dead it is here. We've got a brand new title on our hands and it's as quiet as ever.