- 4,282
- Fort Worth/Texas
- RacingChamp30
Now it is yes with 11 in lobby.Lobby still good?
Now it is yes with 11 in lobby.Lobby still good?
@16wrxstiI have read the first post and would like to join. I found out about snail from some friends who joined and said I would enjoy and get better
awesome !This weeks theme is: Start to Finish. I saw many close finishes, sometimes with multiple cars close. I also saw many tight battles that lasted multiple laps, up and down the field. Good job everyone.
This actually worked out.
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Traffic at the "Chicane of Death".
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@Kakalaylay and @Fudman420 at the finish of R1R1. 2nd and 3rd.
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@TexHill and @Beck7 for 9th and 10th, R1R1.
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Let the Porsches loose.
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This is tight for one (@basswerks1) and two (@Kakalaylay) with @Fudman420 splitting the fight for 4th; @JamCar0ne @CANOWORMS1 @yuhboiari. First to 6th, at the finish line, in one shot, unheard of in D2. 😁
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A tightly contested finish to R3R1. @Kakalaylay @Fudman420 @basswerks1 @JamCar0ne
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Followed by the 5th/6th tussle. But that's only because @racingchamp30 was practicing his following skills. 🤣🥳
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Check out our very own @vovik05 putting SNAIL in the news!!
Don't miss GTPlanet's feature of our very own @CoachMK21!
Congrats to @Neovre for making his debut at Le Mans
(where he scored an incredible P5 finish!)
Congrats to all the SNAILs who competed in the
2015 GT Academy USA Finals!!
2015 USA Finalists
Back Row: @LoCoArMeN, @vovik05, @Ryan Lynch, @Ricky Wilson, @TRL_Importlife, @Tyler Utley, @gtr3123
Front Row: @ConnorWolf, @Crystalline_T
Not Shown (qualified for, but unable to attend finals):@GTP_Compton3, @Matt Sierras, @msgt-sd
* - advanced to Silverstone finals!!
And good luck to the SNAILs who are competing in the 2016 GT Academy Mexico Finals!!
2016 Mexico Finalists
@Enzo_Goiko (second from left), @Ness (second from right), and @pakicote (far right)
Welcome to SNAIL
From our humble beginnings, SNAIL (aka Sunday Night American Interactive League) is now the largest console-based sim racing league in the world. Our mission is to provide our members with clean, intense, and competitive racing - regardless of skill level! We believe that providing full grids of evenly-matched competitions is the most realistic way to race, improve skill, and refine racecraft! Our league night is Sunday at 9:30pm Eastern / 6:30pm Pacific, but we also have a a wide variety of other events held on other nights of the week. If this sounds like something you'd like to be a part of, please keep reading to learn more about us and how to join.
What Makes Us Different
SNAIL is the only sim racing league in the world that's able to combine five key features into one consolidated package. First of all, we provide you with evenly-matched competition to drivers of all skill levels. In fact, the intense level of competition that we produce has established SNAIL as the "go to" place to prepare for GT Academy. And if you want to keep track of your improvement along the way, you'll be glad to know that we keep the most comprehensive race data available on GTPlanet. We also feature an interactive process that allows all of our members to have a say in which cars and tracks we race. And last but not least, we're the only league that awards our members with valuable prizes just for racing with us!
Evenly-Matched Competition
Have you ever watched a professional race where drivers with completely different skill levels were competing on the same track? Of course not! That wouldn't be fun to watch, let alone fun to participate in. Unfortunately, that disparity of pace is something you'll often find in organized online racing. When this happens, you'll be lucky to have just a few drivers that you're truly competitive with. Everyone else will usually either be faster or slower than you. We prevent that from happening in SNAIL by dividing our drivers into separate divisions based on speed and skill. This results in full grids of evenly-matched competition and creates the closest and most intense sim racing experience around!
Prepare for GT Academy
If you'd like to compete in GT Academy, there's no better place than SNAIL to hone your skills to the elite levels necessary to make it to the finals. You need to be the best of the best to make it to Silverstone, and that's exactly what the drivers in our top division are. Half of last year's and half of this year's Silverstone Finalists have raced in SNAIL. And since our race format (which features multiple sprint races) is almost identical to the format used at the GT Academy national finals, they were able to use their SNAIL experience to help them advance to Silverstone. Click here if you want to advice from last year's eventual champion and click here if you want advice from last year's runner-up.
Valuable Prizes
Have you ever wished you could win free stuff just for having fun? If so, then you might want to know that our members win valuable real-world prizes just for racing with us! These prize are based on participation and not on race results. Some examples of prizes our members have won include GranStand sim racing products like this, this and this, ButtKicker products like a Gamer2 and a Wireless ButtKicker Kit. You can also join Team SNAIL and earn even more prizes, such as shirts (e.g. S.N.A.I.L. shirt, F1 shirt, GT Academy shirt), video capture devices (e.g. Hauppauge PVR), sim racing equipment (e.g. Playseat Evolution), and even gift cards (e.g. Amazon and PSN).
Spec Racing
SNAIL has always been a one-make series, but when we decided to prohibit tuning in all of our races, we became the first "spec" racing league on GTPlanet. Spec racing ensures that success is determined primarily by driving skill and not by differences in power, gearing, suspension, weight, or aerodynamics. Because variables in the car are eliminated, spec racing is the truest measure of driver skill! It also produces intense battles for position because all of the cars are equally strong or weak in the same areas of the track. Plus, you'll never spend hours tuning cars or wondering if someone is truly faster than you or if they just have a better tune.
Race Format
Our league night lasts for two hours and is split into three rounds. Each round consists of two races that last 10 to 12 minutes on a predetermined car and track combo. At the beginning of each round, a brief qualifying session determines the order of the starting grid. The first race is set to 'Fastest First' to reward the best qualifiers and the second race is set to 'Reverse Grid' in order to promote on-track action. Points are awarded based on our "perfect" points system. After a round is completed, we move on to the next round and repeat the same process with the next car and track combination. Once all three rounds are complete, we tally up the points and then let our interactive format kick in.
Interactive Participation
Our unique format allows everyone to have a say on which cars and tracks we race. It's also used to strike a balance between familiarity and variety of our car and track combos. In other words, the progression of cars and tracks that we race is slow enough for us to learn them well, but fast enough that they don't get "old". At the end of every league night, everyone votes on which car and track combo they enjoyed the least. The combo that receives the most "elimination votes" is dropped from the next week's lineup entirely. The combo that receives the second most votes is also dropped, but only partially. This is where our prizes come into play:
A prize is awarded to the divisions winners with the three highest scores*. The division winner with the highest score gets Prize A. The division winner with the second highest score gets Prize B. The division winner with the third highest score gets Prize C: (NOTE: We now have a new process for breaking ties in the elimination vote)
Prize A: The right to select the new car and track combo to replace the combo that was voted off
Prize B: The right to replace either the car or the track of the combo that received the second most votes
Приз C: Право « заморозить » либо автомобиль, либо трассу комбинации, получившей второе место по количеству голосов.
Повышение и понижение
Хотя мы разделили наших водителей на отдельные дивизионы в зависимости от производительности и уровня мастерства, мы понимаем, что наши водители постоянно совершенствуются и заслуживают шанса подняться по лестнице успеха. Вот почему мы повышаем и понижаем водителей перед каждым сезоном на основе результатов и данных, собранных в течение предыдущего сезона. Это также делается для того, чтобы наши гонки были максимально конкурентоспособными для всех членов нашей лиги, сверху донизу. Независимо от того, в каком дивизионе вы находитесь, вы почти всегда будете бороться за получение или защиту позиции на трассе. Проще говоря, ни одна другая лига Gran Turismo в мире не может предложить настолько конкурентоспособные гонки для стольких разных уровней мастерства.
Подробные данные о гонках
Не всегда правильно повышать и понижать уровень водителей, основываясь только на очках чемпионата. Вот почему огромные объемы данных, которые мы отслеживаем, бесценны для нашей лиги. Вам будет трудно найти лигу симуляторов гонок где-либо в мире, которая отслеживает данные водителей и результаты гонок более всесторонне, чем мы. Фактически, наш документ SNAIL Data содержит так много информации, что нам приходится архивировать старые данные, чтобы не превышать максимальную емкость GoogleDoc! Вы можете использовать эти данные для отслеживания очков чемпионата для каждого сезона и сравнивать себя с другими водителями в таких категориях, как быстрые круги, общий темп гонки, общее количество очков, среднее количество очков за гонку и рейтинг мощности .
Мы ожидаем, что все водители будут следовать нашим правилам OLR и всегда стремиться к хорошему мастерству вождения . Если вы не уверены, что такое хорошее мастерство вождения, посмотрите это видео . Его можно свести к одному простому « золотому правилу » автоспорта: обгоняющий водитель, то есть автомобиль, который пытается выполнить обгон, обязан убедиться, что обгон выполнен чисто и без инцидентов. Если вы не согласны с этим правилом или считаете, что оно не относится к вам, эта лига не для вас. Если вы когда-либо почувствуете, что водитель не соблюдает правила, пожалуйста, дождитесь окончания ночи лиги , а затем подайте отчет о гоночном инциденте. Наши стюарды рассмотрят инцидент и вынесут соответствующие штрафы.
Настройки лобби
Настройки шин :
На основе дилерского PP (не PP после замены масла)
ниже 349 PP -> Comfort Medium
350-399 PP ---> Комфорт Мягкие
400-449 PP ---> Спортивные хардсы
450-499 PP ---> Спортивные средние
500-549 PP ---> Спортивные мягкие
550-599 PP ---> Гонки Hards
600 PP и выше --> Гоночные средние
Как к нам присоединиться
Шаг 1 : Опубликуйте ответ (нажав кнопку «Ответить» в нижней части этого сообщения), написав: «Я прочитал первое сообщение и хотел бы присоединиться», и расскажите нам, как вы узнали о SNAIL. (Не начинайте разговор ни с кем, просто опубликуйте свой запрос в этой теме).
Шаг 2 : Следите за веткой на предмет ответа на ваш пост и следуйте предоставленным инструкциям.
Шаг 3 : Приобретите три автомобиля, указанные в списке для наших следующих гонок .
Шаг 4 : Дождитесь назначения в подразделение, а затем зайдите в зал ожидания этого подразделения в воскресенье вечером.
Если вы не уверены, к какому подразделению вы приписаны, проверьте официальный список водителей.
Для просмотра списка полезных ссылок и часто задаваемых вопросов нажмите здесь .
If u ever need help with liveries let me kno the colour's you like and I can whip up something for uThank you for the prize B.
As somebody who invests a little time to whip up a quick livery, I always prefer to turn over only 1 car per week.
Therefore, I decide to freeze the McLaren
Lap time?Suzuka Circuit, full course. S01, afternoon
2:13.00Lap time?
I tried recreating the photo with the crowd in focus and the cars a blur, and can't. The camera always wants to pan with the cars. How did you do it?A few artsy photos to get back in the game. Trying some different things this time...
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"Tokyo Extreme Racer"
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"Morning Sun"
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"What Glare?"
View attachment 1368095
"Buddy Up"
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"You Better Run"
View attachment 1368097
"The Crowd Go's Wild"
View attachment 1368099
Thanks for viewing.
1. Toyota 86 GT '15 on SH Tires @ Dragontrail International Raceway Seaside - S10 Early Morning - (7 Laps) |
2. McLaren 650S Gr.4 on RH Tires @ Suzuka Circuit Full Course - S01 Afternoon - (7 Laps) |
3. Volkswagen GTI Roadster VGT on RH Tires @ Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta - S13 Late Morning - (11 Laps) |
I know Flyingdisc is away from his computer for a few days so it might not be until this weekend that he can answer that question.I tried recreating the photo with the crowd in focus and the cars a blur, and can't. The camera always wants to pan with the cars. How did you do it?
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