◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
As we prepare to start the November season with tonight's practice races, I'd like to announce the October Champions for each division:

Division 1
VELOCI_2NR (click here for results)

Division 2
QwietStorm03 (click here for results)

Division 3
kendawg198 (click here for results)

Division 4
ChuthuluGoat (click here for results)

Division 5
dangerzone641 (click here for results)

Congratulations to all five of you!! You each win one of these:


(Please PM me with your T-shirt size and the address you want it mailed to)

Your Steward Report for the Week

Division 3

astrias / Astrias
  • Level 2 - 5 points
  • Level 3 - 9 points
  • Total: 14 points. Doubled for probation to 28. Six week probation remains.

  • OUTCH!! One race with 2 penalties ... What a sloppy driver!!!!

By looking at those results it seems as though my motto has unwittingly echoed Ricky Bobby. If you ain't first, you're last. I should probably change that around :)
I havent received my shirt for sept?

Just a note... I never received my shirt for last month. Sent my address to you and everything :s

cheeb and I decided to wait for October's champions and racecraft winners to be determined before placing the order. Once we collect all the sizes and addresses for this month, the shirts will be made and shipped out to everyone. They're cheaper the more you buy, so we wanted to place one bulk order rather than a few smaller ones. Right now, it's just cheeb and I (and one donor who wishes to remain anonymous) footing the bill for all the shirts so we're just trying to make our dollars stretch as far as possible. ;)

That being said, we might be switching to another prize to replace the T-shirts going forward. We plan on continuing to give out prizes every month, so we're looking for a prize that's a little less expensive since the cost of the T-shirts adds up pretty quick. Also, it'd be a lot easier to have a prize that didn't require having the right size. This brings me to another suggestion made earlier by OwensRacing..

Well. How about a SNAIL Paypal account where we can donate. Then SNAIL can award 10 dollar cards to winners. ;)

Sorry but the card idea is going to be pitched in my other series. Cause that just an awesome idea. Then nobody is forced to pay up or anything. However this would offset some t shirt cost and other prizes.

I like this idea as for several reasons. First of all, donations would help make the prizes something more sustainable for the long run. Also, we could also use a SNAIL PayPal account to help purchase DLC cars for members who aren't in a position to buy them. This would open up the possibility of selecting DLC cars which I know a lot of you want to do. We'd obviously have to put parameters in place to make sure that nobody is just trying to freeload, but it would certainly help make the possibility of DLC cars on Sunday nights a reality. 👍
May I suggest can cozies for a prize instead of t-shirts. I'm one of the guys that would not be able to wear a t-shirt if I ever did win one (need at least a 3xl) but a can cozie would get used on a daily basis and would allow me to represent SNAIL all the time.
I will be hosting the blue practice room tonight. room number will be posted shortly.

zer0 , I can't send you a response to your PM. You're full! Clear some of your messages.
cheeb and I decided to wait for October's champions and racecraft winners to be determined before placing the order. Once we collect all the sizes and addresses for this month, the shirts will be made and shipped out to everyone. They're cheaper the more you buy, so we wanted to place one bulk order rather than a few smaller ones. Right now, it's just cheeb and I (and one donor who wishes to remain anonymous) footing the bill for all the shirts so we're just trying to make our dollars stretch as far as possible. ;)

That being said, we might be switching to another prize to replace the T-shirts going forward. We plan on continuing to give out prizes every month, so we're looking for a prize that's a little less expensive since the cost of the T-shirts adds up pretty quick. Also, it'd be a lot easier to have a prize that didn't require having the right size. This brings me to another suggestion made earlier by OwensRacing..

I like this idea as for several reasons. First of all, donations would help make the prizes something more sustainable for the long run. Also, we could also use a SNAIL PayPal account to help purchase DLC cars for members who aren't in a position to buy them. This would open up the possibility of selecting DLC cars which I know a lot of you want to do. We'd obviously have to put parameters in place to make sure that nobody is just trying to freeload, but it would certainly help make the possibility of DLC cars on Sunday nights a reality. 👍

I'll donate a Jackson or two!
May I suggest can cozies for a prize instead of t-shirts. I'm one of the guys that would not be able to wear a t-shirt if I ever did win one (need at least a 3xl) but a can cozie would get used on a daily basis and would allow me to represent SNAIL all the time.

We were initially thinking coffee mugs, but can cozies would certainly be less expensive to ship! I just don't know how many people would use them. I've got lots of them but don't think I've ever used any of them once! Keep the suggestions coming!
The practice rooms are officially open! If you're assigned to Division 1 or Division 2 (or you placed in the top 5 of Division 3 this past Sunday) please join the BLUE ROOM:


Everyone else, please join the RED ROOM:

Even a cheesy certificate made on a editing software with the Snail "bosses" signatures on it :D. - as a prize with a small trinket.

We would like to congratulate so-an-so in completing their Division X license with the racing ethic, skill, and speed that justifies their qualification into Division X.


Signed Kcheeb

for example :D - written in first person for the winner..
Bumper stickers! I'd rock one on my ride, my tool boxes or my racing rig. Maybe some kind of universal cup holder to put on a racing rig, though that might be a little tough to coordinate do to differences in building materials and designs. Although there is a screw for everything. Hats maybe? Xmas is nearly here, maybe ornaments? Could do water jug things too. keep hydrated while racing. I have a catalog full of ideas actually.
Bumper stickers! I'd rock one on my ride, my tool boxes or my racing rig. Maybe some kind of universal cup holder to put on a racing rig, though that might be a little tough to coordinate do to differences in building materials and designs. Although there is a screw for everything. Hats maybe? Xmas is nearly here, maybe ornaments? Could do water jug things too. keep hydrated while racing. I have a catalog full of ideas actually.

I'll present ideas to Dragons Den.
You present the exact same pitch in Shark Tank.

It's official... I'm slower with the DFGT than the T500 by a lot. I thought it was just a little slower for me but at home on the T500 I was doing low 121s and got one 120.9 and tonight I couldn't break 121.9. Think I might look for a g27 for on the road because it's frustrating to try and drive with this thing and people seem to like the g27.
have to back out of practice room. frozen

Does any one have a Slim Jim wraper with an EA code on it that they don't want? If you could PM me the code that would be awesome.
Thanks. I will be totally biased in my judgement and I accept beer for bribes :)

Glad to be of help and thanks for the invite!
I like the Camaro at Daytona:) ran a 1:48.4 hoping to dip in to the 1:47's

Edit- to take in to account my poor memory
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