◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Hey all. I think things have cooled down enough in my world to spend some time practicing, do if possible, id like to jump back in the drivers seat and race with you again. Let me know and I'll see some of you Sunday. (or before, practicing)

See ya and thanks,

Hey everyone, im very keen to join this league. Let me know what I need to do. Cheers

kcheeb will no doubt give you the welcome message and whatnot. Nice to have another Aussie on board, even though I don't live there anymore :lol:

It will be around lunchtime Monday when the races go for you :)
Ugh didnt think about that... ill be at work every time. Hopefully theres people that want to race outside of the actually comps. Anyones welcome to add me (HFC03).
How's your Sunday look? We have an enduro series going on the day prior to our league races that might fit better with the timezone :)

Edit: that GT-R TT is getting to me....I know I can get into the 1:29's with the car I'm using but I keep seeing my ghost car and it distracts me :lol:
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How's your Sunday look? We have an enduro series going on the day prior to our league races that might fit better with the timezone :)

Edit: that GT-R TT is getting to me....I know I can get into the 1:29's with the car I'm using but I keep seeing my ghost car and it distracts me :lol:

There is a button that toggles ghost. I don't recall which. Select maybe.
There is a button that toggles ghost. I don't recall which. Select maybe.

I believe it is the up button on the dpad whether it's on your wheel or controller. Didn't know you could do that till GTA finals. Felt like an idiot haha.
Hfc. Joining is easy enough. Just follow the link and post on the thread that your interested in racing. Cmbeal should be able to square you away from there.
Also, if you goto the first page here. There is a link in the first post that will show you a schedule of all our events. perhaps we have another series that would interest you and fit your time frame.
Hey I would like to join, this sounds like an awesome league. My psn is NateD29

Hey NateD29,

Thanks for joining S.N.A.I.L. 👍 We like to think it is ;)

Please read the following:

We run a clean league by enforcing the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and we expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both.

Follow These Steps:
1. I add you to the drivers list as a New S.N.A.I.L. (Done)
2. You run the Time Trial.
3. You Private Message my GTPlanet account with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
4. I assign you to the appropriate Division, to give you the best racing possible.
5. A PSN friend request will be sent from the appropriate SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That is where you race on Sunday night.
6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday :)

The first post has all the rules and regulations for S.N.A.I.L. It is the first place you need to check if you have a question. If it's not answered there, feel free to post your question on the thread.

The second post has the current race lineup for Sunday and is updated weekly.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, post your choices in this thread.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all S.N.A.I.L.s to join as many as possible.

Welcome aboard and enjoy :)
Yeah that would be a lot better :) How do I join?

Hey HFC03,

EDIT: Never mind, I see that we have timezone issues :(

As was said, our schedule has a few events that may work for you.

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Hfc. Joining is easy enough. Just follow the link and post on the thread that your interested in racing. Cmbeal should be able to square you away from there.
Also, if you goto the first page here. There is a link in the first post that will show you a schedule of all our events. perhaps we have another series that would interest you and fit your time frame.

Speaking of our schedule, I've got an announcement regarding our events throughout the week. As you all know, this Sunday marks the beginning of the new S.N.A.I.L. monthly season. With that in mind, I'd like to announce an additional monthly championship that will run alongside the Sunday night championship! I don't have a clever name for it yet, but here's how it'll work:

Each of the four events below will be counted equally towards this new championship, with each night having a maximum value of 16 points. Just like with the "perfect" points system that we use on Sundays, 1st place will get 16 points, 2nd place will get 15 points, 3rd place will get 14 points etc..

TUESDAY - STaTS - SNAIL Tuning and Team (Season IV)
(total points will be divided by 3 because there are three races per night)

THURSDAY - ESCarGOT - Every Standard Car Goes On Thursdays (aka SCT)
(total points will be divided by 6 because there are six races per night)

FRIDAY - S.N.A.I.L. Endurance Series

SATURDAY - S.P.E.C. - Saturday's Premier Enduro Club

Here's the important part! Just like on Sunday nights, drivers will only be competing against other drivers in their own division! This means that a driver in D5 has just as much of a chance to win as a driver in D1. At the end of the month, all of the points will be tallied up and the driver from each division with the most points will be declared the winner for the month. Not only will they receive the same prize as the S.N.A.I.L. champions and best racecraft winners, but they will also be immortalized alongside those winners on the lineup post.

Please give suggestions on what you think we should call this new championship! Don't worry about your idea being too cheesy. I like cheese. :sly:

Since there was no ESCarGOT last night, this new championship begins TONIGHT!!
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October S.N.A.I.L. Racecraft Award

I see we've had some votes come in, thanks to all that have voted 👍

There are still three days left to cast your vote. I'd love to know who you think had the best Racecraft in October :)

Sorry I wasn't arround to host ESCarGoT last night, things at college have been really hectic. Anyway, I probably won't be able to race this sunday either, but next week looks much more...sane...so I'll be back in the swing of things then.
Don't worry too much. There was no escargot last night. There were some regular practice races last night which were quite enjoyable and confidence-building. ;)
A friendly reminder from your neighborhood stewards!​

It seems that running people off the track is one of the more common incidents that are occurring. Most of these seem to be from bad situational awareness while passing. racers, "I didn't see him" will not be an acceptable excuse. It I the responsibility of every driver, whether passing, or being over took, to know where others are in relation to yourself. If another has proper overlap, you need to be aware of that so you don't run into their lane. We have given several suggestions, numerous times on how to avoid these kind of situations. The best its to zoom the mini map to 3. Everyone should know the tracks we race well enough to not need the mini map as a course guide. So put it to good use and zoom it in. use that to keep track of your immediate surroundings.
One more thing I would like to touch on, incident concessions. This is huge. It could mean the difference between keeping podium our finishing the night at the bottom. On course concessions will halve a penalty filed against you. Often, with a concession, people won't even file a complaint. It is better to self penalize and lose a few points from position loss then to have it go to steward review and loss a lot more.
Great post Rally!

I agree...I didn't see you should never be used as an excuse because a racer should be well aware of his/her surroundings at all time. Situational awareness should be priority number 1.

I have zoomed my mini map in and now use it at 3. It works like a charm. I also race in 3rd person when racing online against other racers simply because it's easier to see all the way around my car. I can see when someone stuffs it down the inside and can react accordingly. I can also hear when someone is approaching and thanks to surround sound, I can tell what side from which they are approaching.
I resisted zooming in on the minimap for a long time, thinking that I would rather see how far my competition was from me than how close the racer next to me was (I could see that out of my window, after all…)

Finally I gave it a shot. I zoomed it into 2 in a race against NPCs and could immediately see the advantage. I knew exactly when my rear bumper had cleared the car I was passing. I knew when I could change lanes. I knew all of that without having to look around my car, which kept my eyes forward and my fingers wrapped snugly on the wheel.

I still look around from time to time if I want to know who is around me, but I keep it for safe parts of the track. I'm sure the close minimap has made me a better racer and has kept me out of incidents.

Now if only there was a setting whereby I would never miss another turn-in point.

Thanks for the post, Rally.
Sorry I wasn't arround to host ESCarGoT last night, things at college have been really hectic. Anyway, I probably won't be able to race this sunday either, but next week looks much more...sane...so I'll be back in the swing of things then.

No worries at all. It actually worked out well because cheeb and I didn't have a chance to finalize this new non-Sunday championship until last night. Therefore, anyone who raced in ESCarGOT last night might be perceived to have had an unfair "head start" on the points race. ;)

Now that everyone knows what's on the line, everyone has equal opportunity to start chasing the points beginning with tonight's endurance series. I'm hoping that with new prizes, prestige, and format of this new championship race, we'll get a better representation of all five divisions of S.N.A.I.L. competing in the non-Sunday events, and not just the the higher divisions.

That being said, we still need a name for this new championship. Any suggestions?

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