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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Uh... Looks like the car we just ditched, but a smidge lighter, FR-squirrely, and on the same ice skates.

I will do what I can... :brace for impact:

Dont worry.. if i cant find a good track i will choose other combo.. i will confirm that by tomorrow
October S.N.A.I.L. Racecraft Award

Thanks to everyone that's voted so far 👍

We're extending the voting deadline to Thursday at 6:00 PM Eastern Time.

S.N.A.I.L. takes good Racecraft seriously, please help us show off our best drivers for October by voting :)

Uh... Looks like the car we just ditched, but a smidge lighter, FR-squirrely, and on the same ice skates.

I will do what I can... :brace for impact:

Test the car/track before you pick them please people. That Audi, although a great car, simply could not handle the elevation changes of trial mountain, and to be honest if we have another week like we did last week, I'm going to be taking a indefinite hiatus from the league. I understand nothing is supposed to be perfect, that's simply not racing, but we got from a great handling lotus on autumn ring, to garbage, to a good track/car combo that I would have had fun on had I not gotten knocked off track both races. You win some you lose some, but it is hard to have good race craft driving a car on skis.

These. 👍

The R8 is a great car and Trial Mountain is a great track, and I bet the LFA is sweet too but its also going to be on Sports tires.......
Soooo, yea.
October S.N.A.I.L. Racecraft Award

Thanks to everyone that's voted so far 👍

We're extending the voting deadline to Thursday at 6:00 PM Eastern Time.

S.N.A.I.L. takes good Racecraft seriously, please help us show off our best drivers for October by voting :)

Thanks for the reminder, cheeb!

Everyone who hasn't voted yet, please be sure to submit your vote asap!

Please keep in mind that this is to reward good racecraft from October. If you felt like someone's racecraft was exceptional this past Sunday night, please make a mental note of that and save that vote for the November voting. :)

Speaking of the good racecraft, please remember that it's a vital focus of this league. There were a few posts last night and also today implying that there were more than a few racecraft issues/errors last night. If you know of any or were the victim of them, please be sure to submit a formal complaint! Just talking about them won't change things. If you want a good explanation why filing complaint is important, just read this.
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"That's not champagne. Oh well, I'm thirsty." They were all drinking the 'rose water' like it was going out of style. Except for the bit that Vettel poured onto David Couthard. Also, Kimi does not give a 🤬.

Indeed he doesn't. My favorite bit from Sunday's race (I laugh my 🤬 off every time I watch it):

Ok then another one.. No problem :D

I am going to go against the grain here and I say stick with the LFA. The only problem the R8 had is that most of us tried to overdrive it and it does not suffer fools gladly:) If we want easy lets stick to low powered RM cars on Racing Soft.

I know that driving the R8 has helped me become a better driver. Let's rise to the challenge and all learn better throttle and steering control combined with a bit of patience.
Besides that it won't be at Trial Mountain (unless, of course, you pick that) so the woes of the elevation changes won't be there.
I have no problem with the lfa at all, just please be weary of what track, test it out, and realize some of us are on wheels not controllers. Kuul I believe you are still on a controller? Take into account that some cars, namely the drifter cars are easier to drive with the sticks. I think the lfa at a track like say Fuji would be nice, but we just did Fuji, so what about something like grand valley, something slightly less elevation oriented.
I have no problem with the lfa at all, just please be weary of what track, test it out, and realize some of us are on wheels not controllers. Kuul I believe you are still on a controller? Take into account that some cars, namely the drifter cars are easier to drive with the sticks. I think the lfa at a track like say Fuji would be nice, but we just did Fuji, so what about something like grand valley, something slightly less elevation oriented.

TWM might be nice, too. I don't believe we've ever run the full circuit :)

As an aside...is there a way to turn off the names that appear above the cars while on track?

Not that I know of, but if you figure something out, let me know. The names block my vision of brake zone reference points much worse than the actual cars do. I've started picking reference points up in the air. My pick for turn 1 at Daytona this week was the 20-ft light post on the left.
Not that I know of, but if you figure something out, let me know. The names block my vision of brake zone reference points much worse than the actual cars do. I've started picking reference points up in the air. My pick for turn 1 at Daytona this week was the 20-ft light post on the left.

I've resorted to using the edge of my screen and objects at trackside or in the background for braking points. Works nicely on some tracks 👍
I have no problem with the lfa at all, just please be weary of what track, test it out, and realize some of us are on wheels not controllers. Kuul I believe you are still on a controller? Take into account that some cars, namely the drifter cars are easier to drive with the sticks. I think the lfa at a track like say Fuji would be nice, but we just did Fuji, so what about something like grand valley, something slightly less elevation oriented.

I was testing a couple of cars on Grand valley(California, Skyline GTR R34 '02).. .. And the LFA on Grand valley east.

TWM might be nice, too. I don't believe we've ever run the full circuit :)
TWM ??
Might as well put a hold on it. There have been complaints made and this time the prize winners are not immune. The standings will not be confirmed until tomorrow night so prizes can be chosen then.
Sorry to bother with this but i cant seem to be able to find this sundays race schedule. Also as far as breaking in cars is there a certain amount of mile they have to be driven?
This Sunday won't be set until tomorrow night or later. 200 miles will break in a car.
Some D2 Action pics


















I cannot wait for the day that I get prize a. By then dlc cars will be approved, and we will take the dlc impreza to anywhere and have a blast haha.
Impreza? After these overpowered beasties, I aim for the Beetle, Sambabus, the old Citroen if it is available, and I would lobby for the Flintstone car.

RM, hyper-power cars on craptacular tires... Enough. (For me)

Wasn't there something in the first few posts about 'normal' cars?

Nope, I miss the "variety of cars" part. It will come with time.

I sure as hell hope. I am sick of glass tires and Sunday Drives by myself. Just sayin'.