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  • Thread starter zer05ive
my stream of thought

gene hackman...will smith...minority report...i,robot...sonny...response to thread

i realize he's not a cyborg. I made that comment for the giggles it might bring out

@garris _ We want to make sure that drivers arrive sunday in time where they should be. Only current D1 have access to that lounge, same with d2. I do see benefit in having S.N.A.I.L games account, but by having weeknight events in open lobby we are able to increase membership rather than become stagnant.
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Okay, I have an idea. But it will take me a moment to get to it. I apologize for the wall of text that is about to follow.

I also apologize for speaking out of turn, since I am the new guy.

On Tuesday nights, I have been tweaking a parity series. I'm a horrible driver and I just want something to will let me at least keep up. Besides, I'm sick of the same drivers from the group that I tend to race with always winning. I don't care if I don't win, but it would be nice if someone else did. Everyone is invited, but I'm not really someone that promotes the no-tuning agenda. I didn't think many people from here would care.

But last week we did Tuning Prohibitied and it worked well. We are doing it again this week! And it is possible that will be the way we always do it from now on (though I am looking into ways to have more than one-make). So, please, come join us!

It is in my lounge.

That lead to my idea. Now, anyone interested has to friend me and all that good jazz. What do you guys use the division lounges for during the rest of the week? I haven't been to one of the Monday Mayhem, Diabolic's Friday stuff, or any of the practices. I don't see on the forum where it says these are held. I assume they are held in the lounge of whomever is hosting it, or in a public room.

Why not let everyone "book" the division lounges like one would conference rooms in an office? Then, in the first or second post of this thread, you can authoritatively say "Bob's Drunken Driving is held on Saturdays in the Division1 Lounge." and so on.

Does it make sense? Is it something you guys are already doing and I just missed it (cause it isn't very clear)? Is it a horrible idea?

Hey Garris, I'm sorry for quoting your wall of text :)

For the Monday, Tuesday Wednesday ... club activities we generally use public rooms for two reasons.

1. Not everyone needs to be or can be friends with everyone.
2. Keeping the S.N.A.I.L. club in the public eye so to speak.

As to the rooms being published, usually the host makes a post in this thread with the room number, as doughboy did yesterday in thread post 1846. You probably missed it with the flurry of activity in here :lol:

room # 1472-6681-3158-0100-1214
for Doughboy wednesday practice/fun

One issue I can see with using the Div1 and 2 lounges is that only Div1 drivers are friends with the SNAIL_Division1 psn id, same with Div2, only Div2 drivers are friends of the SNAIL_Division2 psn id.

Our intent is to try and minimize the chance of people showing up in the wrong lounge come race night. As well as trying to keep the friends you need here to a minimum. There's a belief the more friends you have the higher the chance of inducing lag.

Everyones opinions and ideas are welcome here, please keep them coming :cheers:
Our intent is to try and minimize the chance of people showing up in the wrong lounge come race night. As well as trying to keep the friends you need here to a minimum. There's a belief the more friends you have the higher the chance of inducing lag.

Everyones opinions and ideas are welcome here, please keep them coming :cheers:

I'll have to check the time of my edit on previous post, but I just may have cy-ninjad you!

nope. took me to long to type with phone keyboard.
We want to make sure that drivers arrive sunday in time where they should be. Only current D1 have access to that lounge, same with d2.

That sounds like a lot of upkeep to friend/de-friend/re-friend the correct people. Plus, I'd trust people are mature enough to know in which division they are.

by having weeknight events in open lobby we are able to increase membership rather than become stagnant.

That is fair. I don't know what all events you have during the week. Something like my parity stuff I won't do in a public room.

I could, but it would slow things down because I'd have to set the PP limit, let those drivers get on course, raise the PP limit, let those drivers get on course, rinse and repeat. I'd also make people made cause I'd kick anyone that left to the lobby.

p.s. Sorry, I missed Cheeb's post:

As well as trying to keep the friends you need here to a minimum.

My idea is to keep the number that one has to be friends with down to a minimum. But, if all your during the week activities can be hosted in public rooms, then it is a moot point.

Diabolic Friday


March 16, 2012

(driving aids off accept ABS)

30 laps Grand Valley East Reverse.
Alpha Romeo Brera Sky
Sport Medium
low boost / heavy damage

20 laps Nurb Gp/F
S2000 '06
Sport Medium
low boost / heavy damage

2x races per track
4-6 laps depending on length
Custom Tracks​

uhhh 30 laps in the brera????:ouch::ouch:
Zer0 called him cyborg because he never made mistakes and was always fast!!! It stuck and is entrenched in S.N.A.I.L. lore :)

And also because he uses the D-pad! I just envisioned him sitting there with his mechanical thumbs processing 0's for 'left' on the D-pad and 1's for 'right' on the D-pad.. As he drives down the track, the data just flows... 0010001111001001 0101001001 0100001010110 11 0011 1 111111111 0001001000 10 00 0 0010011 1000000 100110000 001000011 0010000001000000000 10010000000010 1 0101000010 00001 00100 100010 001000 1 1 0101010100100000001000010 1 10100101 1 011110101 1 1111111100110 1 100010010100110 1000110 001010010 101001110 :lol:
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Diabolic Friday


March 16, 2012

(driving aids off accept ABS)

30 laps Grand Valley East Reverse.
Alpha Romeo Brera Sky
Sport Medium
low boost / heavy damage

20 laps Nurb Gp/F
S2000 '06
Sport Medium
low boost / heavy damage

2x races per track
4-6 laps depending on length
Custom Tracks

Maybe I missed something, but I'm certain the tires for Sunday are suppose to be Sport Soft for both cars. ???? Is the tire change part of your grand scheme of things?
And also because he uses the D-pad! I just envisioned him sitting there with his mechanical thumbs processing 0's for 'left' on the D-pad and 1's for 'right' on the D-pad.. As he drives down the track, the data just flows... 0010001111001001 0101001001 0100001010110 11 0011 1 111111111 0001001000 10 00 0 0010011 1000000 100110000 001000011 0010000001000000000 10010000000010 1 0101000010 00001 00100 100010 001000 1 1 0101010100100000001000010 1 10100101 1 011110101 1 1111111100110 1 100010010100110 1000110 001010010 101001110 :lol:

I have to admit, I was thinking something similar. I was thinking of it more like Lt. Commander Data from Star Trek: TNG when What would have some sore of contraption wired to to positronic brain , but the contraption in this car would be the a PS3 DS3 controller and instead of Data, it would be Cyborg.

Okay, I have an idea. But it will take me a moment to get to it. I apologize for the wall of text that is about to follow.

I also apologize for speaking out of turn, since I am the new guy.

On Tuesday nights, I have been tweaking a parity series. I'm a horrible driver and I just want something to will let me at least keep up. Besides, I'm sick of the same drivers from the group that I tend to race with always winning. I don't care if I don't win, but it would be nice if someone else did. Everyone is invited, but I'm not really someone that promotes the no-tuning agenda. I didn't think many people from here would care.

But last week we did Tuning Prohibitied and it worked well. We are doing it again this week! And it is possible that will be the way we always do it from now on (though I am looking into ways to have more than one-make). So, please, come join us!

It is in my lounge.

That lead to my idea. Now, anyone interested has to friend me and all that good jazz. What do you guys use the division lounges for during the rest of the week? I haven't been to one of the Monday Mayhem, Diabolic's Friday stuff, or any of the practices. I don't see on the forum where it says these are held. I assume they are held in the lounge of whomever is hosting it, or in a public room.

Why not let everyone "book" the division lounges like one would conference rooms in an office? Then, in the first or second post of this thread, you can authoritatively say "Bob's Drunken Driving is held on Saturdays in the Division1 Lounge." and so on.

Does it make sense? Is it something you guys are already doing and I just missed it (cause it isn't very clear)? Is it a horrible idea?

If you go to the very first post and scroll down, most of what you suggested is listed. Everyone that hosts a night is usually pretty good about posting links to their original post that get's edited every week with the updated plans. it just requires a little back tracking if you don't visit the forums very often
I choose medium tires to increase longevity. Depending on the feel in the room...the alfa race could be 20 laps, but it's such a short course.

Now, no more questions otherwise I'll 01010 1001 110 1010 00001 and trust me when I tell you that in particular the 110 1010 can be very Unpleasant!

-Diabolic #5
... I do see benefit in having S.N.A.I.L games account...

Can you clarify what you mean? I've saved several S.N.A.I.L. PSN accounts (GTP_SNAIL, SNAIL-Racing, etc), but that was just in case we'd ever need them down the road.. Just curious of what benefit you were referring to.
The first thing you gotta do is leave your dirty racin' with the AI and have a completely different mindset with us...

Just running my 'base' setting vs. AI with the basic rules of no contact has been both eye opening, as well as gratifying. It's indeed harder and requires more skill.

I've shaved some time down (not to Chief or ToLegit, by any means!), and that's made me pretty durned pleased.

I'll see if I can get some TV time tonight - I know Friday is the wife's purview, and we have plans Sat and (I think...) early Sunday. See ya inna bit, if I'm lucky.
Just running my 'base' setting vs. AI with the basic rules of no contact has been both eye opening, as well as gratifying. It's indeed harder and requires more skill.

I've shaved some time down (not to Chief or ToLegit, by any means!), and that's made me pretty durned pleased.

I'll see if I can get some TV time tonight - I know Friday is the wife's purview, and we have plans Sat and (I think...) early Sunday. See ya inna bit, if I'm lucky.

Well, I don't want you to regress on your clean driving skills, but tonight is going to get down and dirty! Especially in the second hour when we do Cat & Snail racing. The general rules for tonight are posted here. We did Team Racing for the first time last week and it was an absolute blast! Not to mention, it'll help you learn the extreme limits of Sunday night's cars and tracks because those are the only cars and tracks we'll be using tonight. Hope you can make it!
uhhh 30 laps in the brera????:ouch::ouch:

One thing about the Brera is that it'll make a nice 'Snail' during tonight's Cat & Snail racing!

leadbedr, you're currently last on the stack rankings because you only raced in one third of the races on Sunday night. However, that means that if you show up tonight, you'll be paired up with the highest-ranked driver that also shows up. Can you say "stacked"? I guess that's one benefit of having a much lower than usual weekly ranking.. :scared:
Space, thanks for checking in. I know what you mean with a hectic work schedule. We hope to see you in my lounge on Sunday night to compete in Division3. Keep in mind that it won't be a cake walk. There's a lot of talent in Division3 this week. Several competitors are only there because they're new or because they only races in a couple of races last week and therefore had much lower than normal points total (leadbedr).

I agree. Please do not think that I am implying Div 3 is low-rent. My intention was only that I am taking up a space in a division I have failed to earn. S.N.A.I.L. is nothing without its integrity!

I look forward to racing my D3 challengers!
I had a great time in the two races I ran in last night. At least in the second race I could see other cars. ;-)

This was much easier than the free run I did with Cheif and ToLegit on Autumn Ring - and I'm trying to practice with the correct settings. Would I best be served practicing in the online lounge or in the "Practice" part of GT?

What settings - in terms of ABS, Traction, Skid Recovery, and all are the 'default' - I believe they were different between the two courses I ran. That, or the S2000 is far, far squirrelier than I thought.

FWIW, I'm thinking is the settings on auto-recover/stabilize (?), or one of the settings right above ABS was not similar.. I only recall it looked different.

I'll be picking up a mic after I send the kids home today. Any recommendations on what to buy/not buy? Prob hitting local GameStop unless Best Buy has better stuff.
Also, the physics can change from online lobby to race. It was a huge bug that hit with the 2.02(I believe) which is why they came out with a patch one right after another. But I can still feel a little difference between free run and race. thought not very much to matter.
As far as mics go, I suggest the little black bluetooth one made for the PS3. It easily links up with the ps3, just press the power button on it, wait about 3 seconds and it connects automatically, no messing with setting and connecting that way. if it dies, you can plug it into the base, then hook the base up with the USB to the PS3 and it will work like a regular mic while it charges. But the real seller to me, was the mute button. The only USB earbud I found that has a mute button. I think it should be mandatory, or at least a hot key you can work into the game somehow. Nothing more annoying then being in a room where someone has some crappy music going on in the background or have to hear them breath, and cough and far... well, you get the point. As far as play time, one just 2 bars, it will last about 2 hours. A full charge will last nearly all day though. On standby it will sit for about 3 days waiting for you to play, or course, that last day will be really low! all around good quality, and not bad at 40 bucks. I like it enough that its the only bluetooth I've owned out of maybe 15 to 20 that I haven't lost.

Must be early, I didnt get ninja'd.
Can you clarify what you mean? I've saved several S.N.A.I.L. PSN accounts (GTP_SNAIL, SNAIL-Racing, etc), but that was just in case we'd ever need them down the road.. Just curious of what benefit you were referring to.

I've been thinking about the rooms the club has and am starting to lean towards the ideas presented by a few others, Devious, Garris etc:

SNAIL_Division1 - all division 1 drivers are friended, used for Sunday races.
SNAIL_Division2 - all division 2 drivers are friended, used for Sunday races.
SNAIL_Division3 - all division 3 drivers are friended, used for Sunday races.

Benefits: clear, consistent and as easy to maintain as using Zer05ive for div 3. It will also reduce the number of friends Zer0's personal account has. When we move to 4 divisions, it'll be simple to add SNAIL_Division4 and do the shuffle. Versus having to move all Div 3 drivers to the new Div 3 account and add the Div 4 drivers to Zer0.

These rooms can also be used by any of the friended drivers during the week for practice out of the public eye. Just post in this thread, going to practice in SNAIL_DivisionN, if anyone wants to join me ...

We could also have a SNAIL_FreeRun1, or some such, that any S.N.A.I.L., regardless of division, can be friended with. Benefits: Fewer personal friends (helps lag), a gathering place for S.N.A.I.L.s to practice or just drive without outside influence.

This doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't be friends with any of the other S.N.A.I.L.s, just you don't have to be to race.

Just throwing this out there for discussion as it won't leave my brain :)
edit: 20 laps in Brera tonight. We can get to shuffle racing sooner.

@kcheeb: the games account i was thinking it's just like the free run room idea. This way if the events are happening rhett, you know what to expect, aka games or free run or shuffle, basically anything otter than league races or league practice .
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I've been thinking about the rooms the club has and am starting to lean towards the ideas presented by a few others, Devious, Garris etc:

SNAIL_Division1 - all division 1 drivers are friended, used for Sunday races.
SNAIL_Division2 - all division 2 drivers are friended, used for Sunday races.
SNAIL_Division3 - all division 3 drivers are friended, used for Sunday races.

Benefits: clear, consistent and as easy to maintain as using Zer05ive for div 3. It will also reduce the number of friends Zer0's personal account has. When we move to 4 divisions, it'll be simple to add SNAIL_Division4 and do the shuffle. Versus having to move all Div 3 drivers to the new Div 3 account and add the Div 4 drivers to Zer0.

These rooms can also be used by any of the friended drivers during the week for practice out of the public eye. Just post in this thread, going to practice in SNAIL_DivisionN, if anyone wants to join me ...

We could also have a SNAIL_FreeRun1, or some such, that any S.N.A.I.L., regardless of division, can be friended with. Benefits: Fewer personal friends (helps lag), a gathering place for S.N.A.I.L.s to practice or just drive without outside influence.

This doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't be friends with any of the other S.N.A.I.L.s, just you don't have to be to race.

Just throwing this out there for discussion as it won't leave my brain :)

I completely agree!

It's a great way to keep your personal friend's list from overflowing. This is should make it easier to join the correct lobby for race night, without having to explain the "Cup" thing or having to join Zero's room instead. Everyone will be in the correct lobby, ready to race. There would be minor upkeep on the SNAIL Division # rooms with friends, but again, that's Minor.

I'm not sure about the SNAIL Free Run accounts. Yes, its nice to have a private place to practice, but you can always just edit your own lobby and reduce the maximum number of people who can join and it's now a very Private Room. I did this for when I host tutoring session with my lobby.
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I'm not sure about the SNAIL Free Run accounts. Yes, its nice to have a private place to practice, but you can always just edit your own lobby and reduce the maximum number of people who can join and it's not a very Private Room. I did this for when I host tutoring session with my lobby.

This is something the C.R.A.P. group does, in fact they have a few more id's for different types of racing. Just thought I'd throw it out there to gauge reaction.
This is something the C.R.A.P. group does, in fact they have a few more id's for different types of racing. Just thought I'd throw it out there to gauge reaction.

You're fine, I'm just offering my input, as per your request. :)
You're fine, I'm just offering my input, as per your request. :)

I know :)

I have very little ego here, my goal is to help keep the S.N.A.I.L. group as fun, entertaining and collaborative as possible 👍 With the people here, it's not a very tough task :)

Question for you, oh Racing Goddess :) How did you get the file name for the results jpg I uploaded to Flickr? I made a couple of adjustments to the spreadsheet and uploaded it, but can't seem to find the file name so Zer0 can link it, sigh. Thanks.
I know :)

I have very little ego here, my goal is to help keep the S.N.A.I.L. group as fun, entertaining and collaborative as possible 👍 With the people here, it's not a very tough task :)

I have to agree with you, this group seems to be fun while being serious, but doesn't take itself too seriously. :)

Question for you, oh Racing Goddess :) How did you get the file name for the results jpg I uploaded to Flickr? I made a couple of adjustments to the spreadsheet and uploaded it, but can't seem to find the file name so Zer0 can link it, sigh. Thanks.

I visited the link you posted, and Flickr will allow you see the file uploaded in a few different sizes. I viewed the largest image size then right clicked the image to bring up a menu. In that menu is command to "Copy image URL". I then made my post and tested the copied URL of the image and it worked. I then finished my post and PRESTO!! 👍

I'm not sure exactly how Zer0 made his link to the image, but it's not a difficult task. Anyway, that's how I accessed your image. :D I hope that helps.

On a Side Note:
Thank You for addressing me properly. A Goddess should always be treated properly. LOL :lol:
I have to agree with you, this group seems to be fun while being serious, but doesn't take itself too seriously. :)

To quote Diabolic, 'it's a game' :lol: If you can't have fun playing a game ...

I visited the link you posted, and Flickr will allow you see the file uploaded in a few different sizes. I viewed the largest image size then right clicked the image to bring up a menu. In that menu is command to "Copy image URL". I then made my post and tested the copied URL of the image and it worked. I then finished my post and PRESTO!! 👍

I'm not sure exactly how Zer0 made his link to the image, but it's not a difficult task. Anyway, that's how I accessed your image. :D I hope that helps.

Thank you, I'll give it a shot. Sounds simple enough.

On a Side Note:
Thank You for addressing me properly. A Goddess should always be treated properly. LOL :lol:


@kcheeb: the games account i was thinking it's just like the free run room idea. This way if the events are happening rhett, you know what to expect, aka games or free run or shuffle, basically anything otter than league races or league practice .

Gotcha, just a room to hang out in. Thanks.

Question for you sir, rhett ???

Thanks to the Racing Goddess, I'm now able to show the image!!!

Did some reformatting last night:
1. Got the Best Lap down to milliseconds
2. Added a Best Lap Delta column to show the difference between your best laps in both races.
3. Highlited the best value in each of the columns.
4. Added the cars used for each of the races.

For this Sundays races, I'm going to add:
1. total time
2. gap
3. total time delta
4. tires used for the race

Ahhhh, numbers :)