- 2,012
- Cranbrook, BC
- tezgm99
tezgm99 - Is he racing Sundays?
Sadly no as the time doesn't suit....consider me a
tezgm99 - Is he racing Sundays?
Yes Turn 1 @ Daytona is a little tricky, but practice makes a world of difference for this turn. Once you know why the car behaves the way it does, you can correct it by changing the way you drive any said turn. Now that you know what you should NOT be doing and why, it's simply a matter of figuring how to get the car to do what you it to. This usually means changing something and seeing what happens (trial & error method) and that works, but if you understand the physics of a car, you just right to the issue and correct it. Practice Turn 1 and you get a better feel for that turn and you'll amazed at just how deceptively simple the change to your approach will make you start loving the turn instead of dreading it.
The Bus Stop is all about speed, nothing more, nothing less. Carry as much speed through the Bus Stop as possible. The WAY you do that is what will make you fast on the exit. It sounds like you have a grip on how to take the Bus Stop, and you just need to practice it. I can give you the answers to every turn, but part of the joy is to be given just enough information to figure it out on your own. It's more enjoyably that way. I can tell you exactly what to do and when, but you'll still need to practice and master it for yourself, I cannot do that for you.
Established, not once did I tell you should enjoy it, I said a lot of other people enjoy it and it sounds like fun to me.
That's what S.N.A.I.L. is about, people taking part in the myriad of activities offered and they enjoy.
To have fun???
They are your sessions and it's your prerogative to choose when you run them.
Sadly no as the time doesn't suit....consider me apunching bagtraining buddy during the week![]()
I would also like to point out, that when you train them, its in a more relaxed environment. they have a chance to run their lines without the threat of traffic smashing them around. WHen you add in the element of competition, dirty driving, all the chatter going on. Laughing, cringing, ect, someone who's just learned something, its going to go out the window. Crawl, walk, run. If you just trained them yesterday, then its unrealistic to expect them to have it down today. you didnt learn how to race over night. what makes you think they will?
While I have at times enjoyed the bump'n grind style racing, if I'm only a D3 driver, can I attend D1 events/training, whenever it's scheduled?
I know there are events where having a sub-skill driver is a liability, and renders the training sub-optimal (or regressive), but I mean "Let's work on this..." kinda stuff.
Baah, Im not filling that need. Do what you do. No need to get your panties into a bunch. It is just a game after all. Like I said before, the only thing you get for first place is a stoked ego. I race on GT for the fun of it. IMHO, being so serious takes away from that fun. But to each their own. Guess I wont worry about who you should be paired up with.
How can I have fun when I'm the one getting gang-raped in every turn by EVERYONE. Again if my choices are going to the dentist for a route-canal or getting gang-raped, I'll visit the dentist, it's less painful and more less aggravating. All I ask for is a chance to win, is that really too much to ask for?
You're right they are my sessions, my knowledge and my time that I'm freely giving away. However, when I see people I just taught the night before how to drive a certain track, and they did it right, lap after lap that night, then to see the same people royally mess up every turn lap after lap. *sigh* I find it frustrating to see the knowledge I had successful passed on to someone getting lost in the bad habits of dirty racing - or is it simply being wasted? As soon as I feel that my efforts are not desired or they are not being taken seriously, I will discontinue offering my knowledge. I have other things I could be doing with my time.
I was under the impression (and maybe I'm to blame for this impression) that that SNAIL's are about fair play and clean racing. So I left wondering why a group of drivers who seem to be all about clean racing with little or NO racing contact would promote more dirty racing rather than clean racing throughout the week ?????
While I have at times enjoyed the bump'n grind style racing, if I'm only a D3 driver, can I attend D1 events/training, whenever it's scheduled?
I know there are events where having a sub-skill driver is a liability, and renders the training sub-optimal (or regressive), but I mean "Let's work on this..." kinda stuff.
I was under the impression (and maybe I'm to blame for this impression) that this SNAIL group is about fair play and clean racing. I mean that is why the cars are locked to Tuning Prohibited and everyone racing clean, right? So I'm left wondering why a group of drivers who seem to be all about clean racing with little or NO racing contact would promote more dirty racing rather than clean racing throughout the week ?????
3) Just putting this out there, but the last C&M game i was in, was at The Ring', and the first place guy was running away with it time and time again, yet there was plenty of wreckin' Racin' going on mid-pack, there was no "Team play" so to speak. The point is to WIN (stoked ego?) by having the first team across the line. That kinda showed people not "playing by the rules" as the point is to get your team in 1st, not wreck other's who are mid/back of the pack in no way in contention for coming close to first or worst.
Then last night, Devious and I were in front with no one to catch us, and we finished 1 & 2 while our team mates finished behind, i believe Devious & Lead won. I thought i had heard Zero or someone chime in about some people not "playing by the rules". Was that us, by not wrecking each other completly, or someone else for always wrecking the mid-packers and not chasing down the goal, the ones in front?
I've only been on 2 C&M games so far and im a bit confused. Is it about being a "Team" based game set to win by the team finishing first, which then the goal of everyone else should be take out the leader and leave the mid-packers alone (mostly) because you should be working together to catch the leader. Or is it more or less, barely team based, and a free-for-all, wrecking anyone you want, or someone who has a Target painted on them for that matter? Just asking. If your going to single out someone and wreck them over and over to were they have no fun (in a game thats suppose to be fun??), how are they going to like taking part in the C&M games, when you've kinda ruined it for them. and since you've "Targeted" said person, to eliminate them, so they have no chance of winning or finishing very low at best, is that you, stroking your Ego, getting in a "cheap thrill" if you will, "If i cant win on sunday, i'll ruin all your fun here"?
You're starting to change the verbiage of your argument and that's dangerous. What if someone was checking out this thread just to see what our league was all about, and while skimming through the posts, that person read the above paragraph. Don't you think they might get the wrong idea about everything we've spent months of time and effort trying to build up? I don't care if you don't like Cat & Mouse or Cat & Snail, but please stop associating it with whether we are clean or dirty drivers. If you start seeing dirty racing on league night, that's one thing, but why can't we have just a couple of nights during the week that are for team strategy, immature chaos, and laugh-out-loud fun??? I fully encourage you to express how much you hate C&M or C&S, but the point of those games is to take out your opponent so that you and your teammate finish first. It's completely unrelated to our league racing. For example, I wouldn't have a problem if your last paragraph read like this:
I was under the impression (and maybe I'm to blame for this impression) that this SNAIL group is about fair play and clean racing. I mean that is why the cars are locked to Tuning Prohibited and everyone racing clean, right? So I'm left wondering why a group of drivers who seem to be all about clean racing with little or NO racing contact would promote moredirty racingCat & Mouse rather than clean racing throughout the week ?????
Do you see how that one tiny little change changes the entire complexion of your statement?
2) I dont know who's getting a stoked ego, as this SNAIL group is Ego-Free remember![]()
Maybe we should specify the type of racing that will take place in each account during the week. I think it would make sense to correlate the "seriousness" of the activities with the Division number. For example, the Division1 lounge would be reserved for "serious" tutoring sessions and practice, while the Division3 lounge would be reserved for "anti-serious" or "dirty" Cat & Mouse and Team Battles.![]()
The way I see it, our Division1/2/3 lounges are currently only used for two hours out of the whole week. Why not make them more useful by holding events in them during the rest of the week as I mentioned above? If we did that, there wouldn't be a need for a SNAIL_FreeRun1 account and that means less PSN accounts that our members would need to add. Of course if we went with that idea, that would mean a lot of more people would have access to the Division1 lounge, including on Sunday nights. Do you think we'd have to worry about people joining the wrong lounge on league night? Or as garris said in this post, maybe we should just trust that our members know how system works and will join the correct lounge on Sunday night. 👍
Ill be doing the the enduro's tonight.
I can host if need be.
also hope no one is getting hurt feelings through all this talking, if so its not intended at all.
I was under the impression (and maybe I'm to blame for this impression) that this SNAIL group is about fair play and clean racing. I mean that is why the cars are locked to Tuning Prohibited and everyone racing clean, right? So I'm left wondering why a group of drivers who seem to be all about clean racing with little or NO racing contact would promote more dirty racing rather than clean racing throughout the week ?????