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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I guess I have to retract my earlyer snarky comment about the 8C... The last time I drove it was several months ago at Suzuka with the DS3. The wheel and what I have learned from SNAIL made the car a real pleasure to drive. OK... it's just bitchen!! :sly:
Which brings up the pet peeve I have with the league promoting those with poor racecraft or already on probation.

Actually I prefer it when people with poor racecraft are promoted. Leaving them in a division that is "slower than them" may actually hide some of their problems. At the same time, it double-penalizes the rest of the division–they both have to keep losing to this guy and keep experiencing his poor racecraft.

On the other hand, if Mr. Crap Racecraft is promoted and is racing in a field more his speed, he's going to have to fight for positions. When he's doing that, his poor racecraft is more likely to show, the penalties will come crashing down, and he'll be seen for what he really is. Hopefully he fixes the problems and all is, once again, right with the world.

…An instance of just this happened very recently, as I imagine you're aware…

To me it's either that or force drivers on probation into their own room until they come off of it. I doubt that would serve anyone very well. hehehe
Yeah but those headlights have to make one hell of a blind spot.

Try the in car view. It is sweet and no they do not get in the way. Being able to see where the front tires are makes hitting the spec easier in this car than any other I have driven
hellow im a regular and clean driver who want to join a league and it seems this is the perfect place to check out my skills level whit spec race it all that matters skills, please add me im regular playa my ps id is DADYGERAR
Actually I prefer it when people with poor racecraft are promoted. Leaving them in a division that is "slower than them" may actually hide some of their problems. At the same time, it double-penalizes the rest of the division–they both have to keep losing to this guy and keep experiencing his poor racecraft.

On the other hand, if Mr. Crap Racecraft is promoted and is racing in a field more his speed, he's going to have to fight for positions. When he's doing that, his poor racecraft is more likely to show, the penalties will come crashing down, and he'll be seen for what he really is. Hopefully he fixes the problems and all is, once again, right with the world.

…An instance of just this happened very recently, as I imagine you're aware…

To me it's either that or force drivers on probation into their own room until they come off of it. I doubt that would serve anyone very well. hehehe

I agree. There have been drivers that never figured out what we meant by racecraft until they were forced to compete with similarly fast drivers -- yet did actually figure it out.

Like you said, when they're faster than everyone, some drive like dicks. A certain portion of them wise up when they are promoted, though. Some don't, but I think there are enough success stories to validate the idea.
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hellow im a regular and clean driver who want to join a league and it seems this is the perfect place to check out my skills level whit spec race it all that matters skills, please add me im regular playa my ps id is DADYGERAR

Thanks for your interest! We are always happy to have drivers who race clean. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You run the Time Trial. (NOTE: The tires selected for this have more grip than our current tire regulations allow, but please follow the directions exactly anyways).
2. You PM kcheeb with your time from the time trial (no Sunday racing until this is completed).
3. We assign you to the division that we feel will give you the closest competition.
4. We send you a you a PSN friend request from the corresponding SNAIL_Division1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 account. That PSN account's lounge is where you will race on Sunday night.
6. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

Please note that we often race DLC from three add-on packs:

Racing Car Pack
Course Pack
Twin Ring Motegi Pack

If you don't have these add-on packs, you will need to sit out the races in which they are used.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, post your choices in this thread.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
So when the newly promoted guy starts running us off the road and ruining our nights, frustrating some us to the point of nearly quitting (or taking hiatus) then it's ok? This has happened many times and some very recently.

This is why I say we watch possible promotion candidates on practice night and let them know to clean it up or they will be ineligible for promotion.

Definitely don't like the idea of rewarding crappy driving. But historically what I think matters very little. So I suppose I can expect more frustration soon...as if I don't cause myself enough as it is.
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So when the newly promoted guy starts running us off the road and ruining our nights, frustrating some us to the point of nearly quitting (or taking hiatus) then it's ok? This has happened many times and some very recently.

This is why I say we watch possible promotion candidates on practice night and let them know to clean it up or they will be ineligible for promotion.

How about instead of looking at it like oh woes us, consider this Joe. That last driver your talking about, was so much faster then that division he was in, that no one knew his bad habits. Even in reverse start situations.by the first lap or two he was general well into the lead. It wasn't until he had to actually race for position that the bad racecraft became evident. You can discuss the issue till your blue in the face, but the fact of the matter remains that until a racer is really put to the test on the track, you don't know what is going to happen. And that means that sometimes someone gets promoted into your division that needs to be worked with.
That's just the way she goes Bubbs. That's just the way she goes.
Oh, and the thing about proving yourself at practice. We don't make practice a mandatory event, nor do i foresee that happening. So I don't think your solution us going to work ass well add you would like.
The last guy who got promoted then proved his problems was so much faster than the rest of the guys in his previous division that he won every race last night…including the one in which he qualified for pole position but reverse grid was still on so he started in last place.

Putting "problem" drivers in a slower division helps nobody. I'm not trying to irritate faster divisions, I'm trying to make sure that every driver is in a division with peers of the most similar speed. Period.
Why do I post...still not sure why...

The last couple of potential promotable drivers actually do drive on Wednesday which is why this keeps coming up. When this happens can't we just watch replays and tell them the dealio? Like, hey buddy, you are being considered for promotion but your driving is pretty crappy. When you move into the new division you will automatically be put into a probation status. All penalties will be doubled and if you don't clean it up you will be put on the last chance list.
You could say that to anyone no matter the situation, given evidence, etc, of course.

If dude's driving is crappy than he should be on probation, anyway. If not, then he doesn't really deserve being under the gun until/unless he is on probation. Does he?
But apparently the issue is that crappy driving is non detectable in their current division. We see it on Wednesday and talk until we are blue in the face on Thursday.

So why not tell a steward or two, who usually participate on Wednesday, about potential promotion candidates. If the candidate shows up on Wednesday then we can observe and save replays etc. Easy peasy.
File race complaints based on Wednesday practice. Points aren't involved but they get the message.

A couple times I was also punted by D1 drivers. Actually I think I was blasted by all divisions equally.

There are usually a 3 or 4 stewards at Wednesday practice. Complaints can probably be handled without the hassle of uploads/ downloads if we start saving all the replays. Points are not involved but we can use this as an opportunity to report and document official concerns.
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That's just the way she goes Bubbs. That's just the way she goes.
Oh, and the thing about proving yourself at practice. We don't make practice a mandatory event, nor do i foresee that happening. So I don't think your solution us going to work ass well add you would like.

Or maybe it will.
So when the newly promoted guy starts running us off the road and ruining our nights, frustrating some us to the point of nearly quitting (or taking hiatus) then it's ok? This has happened many times and some very recently.

This is why I say we watch possible promotion candidates on practice night and let them know to clean it up or they will be ineligible for promotion.

Definitely don't like the idea of rewarding crappy driving. But historically what I think matters very little. So I suppose I can expect more frustration soon...as if I don't cause myself enough as it is.

Which brings up the pet peeve I have with the league promoting those with poor racecraft or already on probation.

Here's an idea, you want to be heard, have influence or whatever. How about you do promotion and relegation next month. I'm sick and tired of it to be honest. Everyone has an opinion and there's seldom anything positive said about the process, just complaining.

Enjoy, I haven't for some time.
Guess what Joe, you just gotta deal with crappy drivers man. If they race on par lap time with the division your in. Then that is where they are going to go. No amount off complaining is going to get them put into a slower division. That makes no sense at all. You want to basically punish a division below you because you don't want a driver that sucks in your division? Get over yourself fella. His lap times got him up a division. How about you dry your eyes and instead say, hey dude, i noticed you struggling with this issue, let me be an adult and show you what you did wrong and how to avoid an issue like this again. Be proactive, no a cry baby.
Even if you don't want to take that route, We have stewards for a reason. Just ask max. They will remove you from racing if you show continued bad racecraft. So how about you man up, do something proactive, or make the choice to not do anything. Just stop bitching about it regardless.
People refuse to file complaints so those drivers get promoted. I seem to remember watching a replay a short time ago where you were knocked off the road and spun into the wall and yet you didn't file a complaint.

That driver was kicked out of league. But several people were victims that week and only one person complained.

This is why I think we should watch a replay or two of potential promotion candidates. There is no way Maxime went through the entire night during his last week in D3 without hitting someone. People just let it be and hope they move on to be someone else's problem.

Suck it up pal. Everyone here bitches and gripes about something. My ideas get pooped on here more than most and yet I still come back for more...for now.
Actually, I watched many/most of the replays from his last week in D3 as I couldn't believe he did what he did cleanly. His racing was actually near perfect that week and I couldn't find a single thing to complain about. I would have if I did.

I still say we should all start doing this...

File race complaints based on Wednesday practice. Points aren't involved but they get the message.

There are usually a 3 or 4 stewards at Wednesday practice. Complaints can probably be handled without the hassle of uploads/ downloads if we start saving all the replays. Points are not involved but we can use this as an opportunity to report and document official concerns.

I say this because I feel there is a bit of a "wild west" lawlessness in Wednesday night practice and there is no reason why it shouldn't have the same standards as Sunday night. It should be a slightly slowed down and less intense evening where we can practice, especially considering it's a mixed division event. Hey, a D3 driver is ahead of you? No need to run him out of town. There is this thing called a brake pedal (button).
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Guess what Joe, you just gotta deal with crappy drivers man. If they race on par lap time with the division your in. Then that is where they are going to go. No amount off complaining is going to get them put into a slower division. That makes no sense at all. You want to basically punish a division below you because you don't want a driver that sucks in your division? Get over yourself fella. His lap times got him up a division. How about you dry your eyes and instead say, hey dude, i noticed you struggling with this issue, let me be an adult and show you what you did wrong and how to avoid an issue like this again. Be proactive, no a cry baby.
Even if you don't want to take that route, We have stewards for a reason. Just ask max. They will remove you from racing if you show continued bad racecraft. So how about you man up, do something proactive, or make the choice to not do anything. Just stop bitching about it regardless.

I don't have to deal with crappy drivers.

If they race on par lap times as those in the division higher than them while running people off the road and cutting the track boundaries then they aren't really on par are they?

You say I want to punish your division by keeping him there and I say the reverse. Man up and file a complaint when he runs you in the weeds on his way to victory lane.

I am proposing a solution, Mr Belligerent. Before promoting watch a replay or two. Tell the dude what's up instead of "congratulations! You have been so clean and dominant in your current division that we are rewarding you with a promotion".

Maybe all newly promoted drivers should be on an automatic one week probation. Every division is leery of new drivers in their midst ruining their chemistry. Put the new guy on a one week probation and let him go into it with some caution as opposed to guns blazing and throwing caution to the wind.

I suggest solutions, you deride and belittle. Rinse and repeat. I like our relationship so far.
We have a new player for Wednesday nights...

Im sure things have changed a bit while i was away, but reading the last few pages from last night i ask this:
"Back in the day" those who reviewed replays after the races would give warnings/penalties to those who deserved them, regardless if a complaint was filed. This prevented people who were friends and had major contact but did not file a claim because, well they were friends. Also it got rid of the "loop hole" in which people would not file reports because they didn't want to be seen as "cry babys" to others when contact was made.

Is this still in use or are a new set of standards in place?
We probably need to do more of that. If we can get another steward or two we can assign everyone to watch 3 replays and spot check sections where positions change to check for OLR infractions.

Anyway, off to watch some replays from Sunday night.
Belligerent? I'd hardly say so. And sure, you offered a solution. Which was shot down, and given reasoning for it. The reasoning is sound. Just because his racecraft isn't on par didn't mean his lap times (as i did say the first time as well) weren't. So tell me then. If this racer, whom clearly blew away division 3, doesn't get moved up, how is he supposed to get used to racing in d2? If he's always ahead of the d3 pack of leaders, how is he to get used to running in the d2 pack? Are we supposed to demote everyone who bumps someone? Get real. The fact is, he earned promotion, it wasn't just given to anyone. Now that he's forced to actually race in a pack, we can see his issues. And if I'm not mistaken, the stewards did something about it.
Now, at this point, what is there to continue arguing about?
A couple of weeks ago I ran my first Wednesday practice since I joined Snail. I was wanting to check it out. The first thing I thought was there were waaay to many racers in here to be getting any kind of practice. I kinda figured Snail would have each division room set up with one race track.
For example:
Division 1 - first combo running races every 20 min.
Division 2 - second combo
Division 3 - third combo.

Then you could just jump into a room that you wanted to race. If you were having trouble running the third combo then u could go to division 3 and run there.
I like that idea but not as a replacement for what we currently do. That idea would be awesome if each room had a driving coach that would show proper lines and braking points, and offer tips etc. Maybe we only need one room.

Thursday tutoring?