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  • Thread starter zer05ive
One of you guys should send moperlover a friend request from D1, his PSNid is "moperlover", as in without the 2 like it is on here

Hmm weird, it showed last night he had his PSN id as - o110231994 (assuming a birthday)? Now its blank o.0
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Hmm weird, it showed last night he had his PSN id as - o110231994 (assuming a birthday)? Now its blank o.0

That's a different moper dude. I was in a race so couldn't deal with it sorry.

Will take care of it now.

is anyone doing snail practice rooms

Hey moperlover2, just sent you an fr from SNAIL_Division1. That's where a bunch of S.N.A.I.L.s do practice during the week. Sorry I didn't get it done earlier, was racing :embarrassed:
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D4 doing Monday Mayhen testing

For the most part, I would call it a success. I can see a few adjustments but I think the basis is there for a great event.

For those of you that are not Miata fans, don't be scared because they can be a lot of fun. My goal with the PP limits was to make people drive a car that they may not have driven before. The 400 PP race was especially fun in my opinion because it was a really good tuning level for the Miata; one that you may not see otherwise.

I owe a big thanks to all the guinea pigs and the guinea goat that helped test out the combos. I owe an even bigger thanks to Wolfsatz for directing the room and for helping through the planning process. Thanks guys.

Now that I've said all that, get your cars ready and race with us on Monday! You may want to get some tissues cause this is gonna get serious.
O why did you make your gtp misspelled moperlover just like moperlover? U do know his name is misspelled right

Also me and moperlover are about to hop in d1 lounge to practice

Also me and moperlover are about to hop in d1 lounge to practice

Nvm I am "incompatible to the room host"
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Here are the PRELIMINARY results from our league night on January 20th, 2013

SNAIL STEWARDS. D4 Replays form 01/20/2013 can be downloaded here.https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D9295961_60609825_89096

I did not know they were needed.

For the most part, I would call it a success. I can see a few adjustments but I think the basis is there for a great event.

For those of you that are not Miata fans, don't be scared because they can be a lot of fun. My goal with the PP limits was to make people drive a car that they may not have driven before. The 400 PP race was especially fun in my opinion because it was a really good tuning level for the Miata; one that you may not see otherwise.

Now that I've said all that, get your cars ready and race with us on Monday! You may want to get some tissues cause this is gonna get serious.

Testing was really fun! I can't wait to have the real event on Monday. Did we mention that we will have some prizes?

What is edits?

Click on your own post to add .. edit.. delete.. ..correct... etc. It is good racecraft for the thread.
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I have a strict policy for forums, Facebook, twitter, etc. that I never edit or delete anything I say or post

Ouch. Strict policies make sense to me when they make cents, this won due knot pass teh smelt test fur me :crazy: Two eech iz owne i gus

Hitting D1 for some practice after a cuppajoe. Round about 8:30 EST.

.... Edited... to not make sense, no passage of time, zero context clue for reader, modded into nonsense.

.... about 50 minutes to an hour later, I post:

I am done for a bit.

Off to mid year grading/report cards...
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I owe a big thanks to all the guinea pigs and the guinea goat that helped test out the combos. I owe an even bigger thanks to Wolfsatz for directing the room and for helping through the planning process. Thanks guys.

Those miatas were a blast to run!! If I can make monday, I will -- tough to do with a busy work week.

Thanks for setting it up, last night! 👍

I'm kinda glad I started the enduro with SH tires instead of RS -- d'oh!! Wolf (I think) made the suggestion that I could have pitted and changed after lap 1, but I actually don't think I had purchased them yet... glad I bailed on the IS-F though! Again -- those Miatas are a blast :D
O why did you make your gtp misspelled moperlover just like moperlover? U do know his name is misspelled right

Also me and moperlover are about to hop in d1 lounge to practice

Nvm I am "incompatible to the room host"

I have a strict policy for forums, Facebook, twitter, etc. that I never edit or delete anything I say or post

Last edited by AMG.; Today at 11:37 AM. Reason: Multiposting - use the edit /multiquote button(s).

2armedmen, You need to change your policy or you will be warned by Mod's, as you can see one of them already Edit'd your posts. If you continue to double/triple post without Editing them after being warned you could be Banned.

Just a heads up, GTPlanet has their own strict policy on Double/triple posting :scared:
I'm kinda glad I started the enduro with SH tires instead of RS -- d'oh!! Wolf (I think) made the suggestion that I could have pitted and changed after lap 1, but I actually don't think I had purchased them yet... glad I bailed on the IS-F though! Again -- those Miatas are a blast :D

That was pretty funny !! And yes those Miata's are a blast and with the low boost setting it helps to keep the pack close together. I think everyone will show up with the TC for the 3rd round, my super tuned 98 had a lot of power but way to heavy to handle anything close to the TC.

Last edited by AMG.; Today at 11:37 AM. Reason: Multiposting - use the edit /multiquote button(s).

Just a heads up, GTPlanet has their own strict policy on Double/triple posting :scared:

I am glad to hear that he is / will be using map! I may had misunderstood what he said on Wednesday practice but map zoomed at 2 is pretty handy to be aware of all surrounding cars.

Corvette in 2nd...

That TelMex BMW Riley is blazing fast... as long as they don't break down... it seems to be the 5th win for Pruett!

Wait what, what are mods?

Some of the parts that Mopar sells. LOL
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Last edited by AMG.; Today at 11:37 AM. Reason: Multiposting - use the edit /multiquote button(s).

2armedmen, You need to change your policy or you will be warned by Mod's, as you can see one of them already Edit'd your posts. If you continue to double/triple post without Editing them after being warned you could be Banned.

Just a heads up, GTPlanet has their own strict policy on Double/triple posting :scared:

Wait what, what are mods?
Wait what, what are mods?

mods = moderators, they police the GTPlanet rules and regulations.

If they find infractions, they have the ability to 'correct' what they've found, from a warning right up to being banned from GTPlanet, depending, of course, on the severity of the infraction.

Things like, double posting, posting porn and having two accounts on GTPlanet are all infractons of the terms of use.

You can find more info here.
I won't be able to race tonight. I'll also be sitting out next week as well since I have a test, and depending on my workload some of the following weeks as well. I'll post when I'm going to race again 👍
I won't be able to race tonight. I'll also be sitting out next week as well since I have a test, and depending on my workload some of the following weeks as well. I'll post when I'm going to race again 👍

That's a drag, good luck with the test 👍

Thanks for letting us know :)
Looks like there's a good possibility I won't make it tonight. Still working away on my wife's old Miata and have to go work on it some more tonight. Hopefully I'll make it back in time but the odds are I won't.
Wait what, what are mods?
Stylish people from the fifties.
mods = moderators, they police the GTPlanet rules and regulations.

If they find infractions, they have the ability to 'correct' what they've found, from a warning right up to being banned from GTPlanet, depending, of course, on the severity of the infraction.

Things like, double posting, posting porn and having two accounts on GTPlanet are all infractons of the terms of use.

You can find more info here.

I think you are both right.