- 738
- Maryland
- QwietStorm03
I'll practice tonight as long as my connection allows me to stay connected.
Who all's planning to practice tonight? I'd like to get an idea of whether or not we should hold practice in the usual two room format or if there will be less guys practicing tonight due to the fact that there's not an official league night this Sunday.
Also, I was thinking that since we have two Wednesdays to practice before the February season starts, why not mix things up with tonight's format? What would you guys say to having three 20-minute races tonight instead of six 10-minute races?
Don't worry, I'm not suggesting that we change our Sunday night format. It's just an idea to mix things up a bit and hopefully reduce some of the incidents we've have on previous Wednesday nights with everyone trying to race nose-to-tail while simultaneously trying to learn the combo at the same time.
so whats the final PP/HP on the Cap RM
or you placed in the top 5 of Division 3
Heh. That'd be everybody in Division 3 this week
Hi Guys, I Would Love To Race In This So If You Guys Can Get Back To Me Thanks
Hi Guys, I Would Love To Race In This So If You Guys Can Get Back To Me Thanks
hi i would like to join S.N.A.I.L let meknow what i need to do thanks
Ya ItS Mopar440 Im Just Trying To figure this site Out
I've had that happen to me before too, sucks. Seems it has to do with a save not happening before you shut the game down. I now check the car after the run and do a manual save, just in case.
Really enjoyed the longer races tonight.
In case Division 5 might need a host from time to time:
Thanks, Skills! Great connection!! I've added you to as a capable host. 👍
Had fun with the combos and longer races last night. I'm not a big fan of the Suzuki at Madrid but it's leaps and bounds better than the Caterham so I can manage
Better as in it handles better? .. but not faster![]()
qwietstormBetter as in being predictable...haha.