2. I have won 3 Prize C rewards. I have posted my requests for those several times and never received anything. I am not sure if there is something else I need to do.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention. However, I'm either a little confused or I'm really overlooking something. As far as I can see, you won Prize C on February 10th, but I don't see any other Prize C's that you've won. More relevant to your post though, I only see
one post claiming a prize. In my defense, you made the post two weeks after you won it and right in the middle of post-race activities on a Sunday night. I was in the directors' meeting at the time and there were no less than 13 posts in the twenty or so minutes that we would've been in that meeting. I guess what I'm saying is,
as Bowler suggested, it was a one line post that simply got buried and missed. My apologies.
All that being said, I'm not sure I understand your request for a ferrari 330 p4. It's not on the
Prize C list so it's not something I can send to you as a car ticket or coupon. Can you please pick something else that's on the list?
3. Several people have requested to add the PP to normal line up on the main page. Im not sure why this is never done. It is very helpful. By not posting it is almost not telling someone the rules so you have a better chance at winning. I mean the pictures and track maps are posted but not a simple number to make sure your car is ready and up to spec. Along with that is why are the lineups not posted with enough time to break-in the cars before practice. Its 3:30PM PST Wednesday and still cars posted on the lineup. I know they are in the thread, but unless you are on all the time it takes a bit of time to find the selections. Ideally I would say your selection should be made public by 6:30PM PST Tuesday or your selection is forfeited. It seems to be alot of weeks that the selection is made hours before practice starts.
The reason that PP is not added to the lineup is that it's extra work for me that I simply don't think is warranted. Believe it or not, editing the lineup takes me about a half an hour every week from start to finish, so I'm not really looking to add to that. If I add in the max PP's (once they've been figured out), it would require going back to it again and again (and I already do that for the lap numbers). Furthermore, I have to disagree with your analogy that not listing the max PP's is like not telling someone the rules. If you want to talk about rules, let's talk about the rules listed on the
original post. If you follow the required Step #4 listed at the bottom, you won't have to worry about what PP your car has. If you simply break-in your car as instructed, looking at your car's PP isn't even necessary.
However, since you feel like posting the PP is important, I'd like to nominate you as the PP coordinator. Of course, everyone knows I like important posts to be TOTPP's (top-of-the-page-posts). It just so happens that as I was reading through all of your posts trying to find your Prize C requests, I discovered that
one of your posts is a TOTPP! (You actually have two of them, but this one's much more recent

Anways, I've added a link to your TOTPP at the very top of
the lineup. All you would have to do it edit that post whenever someone posts the max PP for one of the new cars. Please let me know if you're willing to do that for the league. It would be very much appreciated. If you're up for it, I'll add you to the
TEAM S.N.A.I.L. post. 👍
All in all it seems like if you are not in the cool kids club you, your results, and your posts are ignored. No response to this will further cement this thinking.
What is the cool kids club? Or more specifically, who's in it? Also, I'm not sure what you mean by saying that your results are ignored. I understand the part about your post(s) being ignored, but hopefully I've addressed that sufficiently above.