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  • Thread starter zer05ive
SNAIL vs TURTLE: imo they aren't even close. SNAIL wins hands down. Closer races and better data tracking. This coming from a driver that has beened banned, but working on getting reinstated. SNAIL is far more organized and groups according to ability, thus closer racing.

I get a taste of Sunday on Wednesday nights. Hope that translates to reinstatement.

I still hold SNAIL in high regards and is by far the best league...imho.
SNAIL vs TURTLE: imo they aren't even close. SNAIL wins hands down. Closer races and better data tracking. This coming from a driver that has beened banned, but working on getting reinstated. SNAIL is far more organized and groups according to ability, thus closer racing.

I get a taste of Sunday on Wednesday nights. Hope that translates to reinstatement.

I still hold SNAIL in high regards and is by far the best league...imho.

Coach actually introduced me to snail through some open lobby racing. Just sayin. Lol
The "Open Letter" has me looking back at some of our posts over the last year+. We've had some crazy and heated discussions and posts. One of my favoriites...

I hope Ph1sher makes it to a Sunday night. Good guy and very fast. I think he would do well and have fun. All the racers I've met in the Turtle F1 series have been great guys.

Is there space for two SPEC leagues that run different series/formats on different days.Sure. The more choice racers have, the better. Should Turtle have asked permission to use all the ideas and wording when they started up? Absolutely.

Thank you Joe! Appericate it.

I have no idea why you guys are bringing me and psycho up in your snail thread shouldn't you be talking about your league and not ours? Like please. You have your own league..race in it..we have our own league..and we will race in it..simple as that. I do not want to part take in this fight at all. Really guys.. its a video game of racing..its not like for example Walmart vs. Target.

Last, but not least, lets be honest some racers like snail, and some like turtle. There's no reason to hate the other league if you haven't even tried it. So yes I don't hate snail because I've never tried it. Even if I did I don't want to hate another league

Thank you guys. Good racing by all! Please end this whole "league enemy thing" there is no point in fighting over who has a better league. Again, good racing all! 👍
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SNAIL vs TURTLE: imo they aren't even close. SNAIL wins hands down. Closer races and better data tracking. This coming from a driver that has beened banned, but working on getting reinstated. SNAIL is far more organized and groups according to ability, thus closer racing.

I get a taste of Sunday on Wednesday nights. Hope that translates to reinstatement.

I still hold SNAIL in high regards and is by far the best league...imho.

Hope you make it back in 👍
Thank you guys. Good racing by all! Please end this whole "league enemy thing" there is no point in fighting over who has a better league. Again, good racing all! 👍

So then we can expect you to race in SNAIL on Sunday right?
Looking forward to making my debut tonight in Snail! Shall be a lot of fun! See you all there!
So then we can expect you to race in SNAIL on Sunday right?

Not until you take off letter to turtle racing league in the title..once its off. Ill try it and see how it is.
Ph1sher, please 'end things' amicably by speaking amicably, informatively, non-inflammatory, and owning up to what ya done wrong, my man.

I can't think but that until your personal and private comments reflect a grown up attitude, I have too many impediments think of a SNAIL vs Turtle as a 'grown up' rivalry, not just as the original design vs. 'nicked' one - albeit allegedly clean (I have no idea, personally).

I guess, to rent an idea, that you were 'brought up' for your ignorant and ill-informed PM to Zer05ive. Any comments regarding the accuracy of YOUR charges via PM?

Please... take your time - only you (and to a smaller extent, your affiliates) reputation for accuracy or mature behavior is awaiting your response.

Like, please. And, like, stuff.
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Unless Ph1sher is Ron's big brother... Mo'...

Ph1sher, please 'end things' amicably by speaking amicably, informatively, non-inflammatory, and owning up to what ya done wrong, my man.

I can't think but that until your personal and private comments reflect a grown up attitude, I have too many impediments think of a SNAIL vs Turtle as a 'grown up' rivalry, not just as the original design vs. 'nicked' one - albeit allegedly clean (I have no idea, personally).

I guess, to rent an idea, that you were 'brought up' for your ignorant and ill-informed PM to Zer05ive. Any comments regarding the accuracy of your charges via PM?

Please... take your time - only you (and to a smaller extent, your affiliates) reputation for accuracy or mature behavior is awaiting your response.

Like, please. And, like, stuff, Dood.

You said it.👍
I don't really see how we can blame Ph1sher for any of this. If you look at his profile, you can see that he joined GTPlanet on June 24th, 2012, which was after Turtle was started. There's no way he could have known all the history that Psycho had in S.N.A.I.L. and where the Turtle ideas came from. Furthermore, why would he have any reason to think Psycho was lying to him? I spent lots of time talking to Psycho when he was in our league and he seems like a nice and honest guy. I'd never think that I'd have to check the facts on something he told me. So no, there's only one person to blame for all the copying and the lies (and his name isn't Ph1sher)..

Good point, Joe. I said it in the "Open Letter", but it's worth saying again. I have nothing against anyone who races with Turtle, except for one person. We have several guys in this league who race with Turtle all the time and I have no problem at all with that at all. The difference is, I don't reach out to those guys and make up lies about Turtle in order to prevent those guys from racing with them. 👎

Let me guess, is it going to be called "BOOST" or "SUPERCHARGER"? :lol:

Thank you

Thanks for sticking up to me
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Thank you! I said snail to psycho once and he got all pissed off at me and I had no idea you guys had a "riverly". He did apologize and explained it to me that night. So yes I had no idea of the snail vs. Turtle thing.

Thanks for sticking up to me

So that settles it. You CAN shop at Walmart and Target! See you Sunday.
Ok, now totaly out of stupidity why don' t we promote a snail vs turtle event to seal peace and respect between the SNAIL crew and TURTLE crew. It could work in a RUFTAR style basis and i think it would be an exemple for other leagues how 2 different communities could share an awesome and different experience.
Ok, now totaly out of stupidity why don' t we promote a snail vs turtle event to seal peace and respect between the SNAIL crew and TURTLE crew. It could work in a RUFTAR style basis and i think it would be an exemple for other leagues how 2 different communities could share an awesome and different experience.

I like this idea. We could have a sort of snail vs turtle runoff twice a year. that'd be awesome.
wheres Jeremy kyle to sort all this? LOL seriously though im with shmiggz & hill a race off would be fun!

iv thought about this and would just like to ask a question and see what you guys think (it may have come up in the thread before but my phones way to slow to look through it all), instead of waiting for a stewards report why cant prize A, B & C winners choose their choices/prize as soon as the 10pm cut off time has passed? That way they get more time to test & choose a combo that they like before the Wednesday night and us guys get abit more time for practice if they choose early :)

on a side note iv moved out of my....... il just say EX girlfriends back in with my dad (at 20 this feels like my lifes over lol) & will have to see what his internet is like hopefully its a good if not better connection than my last so i can race sunday.
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I have no idea why you guys are bringing me and psycho up in your snail thread shouldn't you be talking about your league and not ours? Like please. You have your own league..race in it..we have our own league..and we will race in it..simple as that. I do not want to part take in this fight at all.

Do you really have "no idea" why we're bringing you and Psycho up in our thread? You were brought up because you sent me a PM accusing me of stealing all of Turtle's ideas. Psycho was brought up because he's the one you should be ridiculing for stealing idea's, but yet deceived you into thinking the opposite was true. Now that you know the truth, would you care to address that?

Last, but not least, lets be honest some racers like snail, and some like turtle. There's no reason to hate the other league if you haven't even tried it. So yes I don't hate snail because I've never tried it. Even if I did I don't want to hate another league

I feel like you're pretending to be Mr. Nice Guy simply because you want me to remove something that's embarrassing to Turtle from our original post. To be blunt, I question your motives. If there's no reason to hate another league you haven't even tried, why did you sent a PM to me basically telling me that hate our league?

Please end this whole "league enemy thing" there is no point in fighting over who has a better league.

I agree that there is no point fighting over who has the better league, but if you feel the same way, why did you send me a PM saying, "you guys just want the racing that we have! but you don't! ... and if you noticed, most of your snails are slowly moving over to turtle racing because we have much better racing over here ... dude YOU GUYS DONT KNOW HOW TO RUN A LEAGUE! that's why most snails are moving over to turtle, and trust me they said our league is way better because we we're nicer and better cleaner racers."? Until you address the issue at the top of this post, I have no choice but to question your sincerity.

Not until you take off letter to turtle racing league in the title..once its off. Ill try it and see how it is.

You over-estimate our desire for you to race with us and you under-estimate how important that "Open Letter" is to our league now. Simply put, it's the only way we have of defending false accusations from Psycho. I'm sorry to tell you, but the link to the "Open Letter" will stay in our original post indefinitely. The only way it goes away is if Psycho mans up, admits the truth, and stops telling lies in an attempt to prevent guys from racing in S.N.A.I.L.

Thank you! I said snail to psycho once and he got all pissed off at me and I had no idea you guys had a "riverly". He did apologize and explained it to me that night. So yes I had no idea of the snail vs. Turtle thing.

Thanks for sticking up to me

I know you edited your post to remove this section, but it's the most intriguing to me so I'll reply to it anyways. I don't understand why Psycho has such hatred for S.N.A.I.L. when we've done nothing wrong to him or Turtle. He's acting like the victim when in fact, he's the assailant. How can he steal all of our ideas and then hate us for it? :rolleyes:
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June 24 - Div 5 - Race 4
CanuckleheadII is trying out a new passing technique.

Beginning descent .........

Heads up, Skills ...... low flying racecar

Final approach ...........

And .... just prior to a safe landing ......... gaining 4 positions. Is there a Penalty in there, somewhere?
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June 24 - Div 5 - Race 4
CanuckleheadII is trying out a new passing technique.

Beginning descent .........

Heads up, Skills ...... low flying racecar

Final approach ...........

And .... just prior to a safe landing ......... gaining 4 positions. Is there a Penalty in there, somewhere?

well thats one way to pass.... dukes of hazard style ;)