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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Sounds like fun rally! Ill see if I can make it tonight. Hopefully! The last time I played cat and mouse was when I played dirt 3 which was years ago
I'm in for some cat and mouse rally!!!! I need something to do tonight!!! But if we touge I have no idea what to do... all I know is its mountain racing... other than that I'm lost! So I guess its time for some YouTube research!!!!
Funday Friday!
Taking place in D3 @ 10EDT

The objective: Get as many people as we can (at least 4, best with 6 or more) to play a riveting game of Cat and Mouse!
However, during the time that we are waiting (if we are waiting) for enough participants, or if the current participants would rather, we shall be partaking in the Touge!

Im up for Cat & Mouse... Thats fun and relaxing!
*Pit Board delay until tomorrow... Not going to be done with work until way late tonight...:yuck:

And here I was going to ask 'how many posts left?'

Grab a six pack on the way home 👍
NOOOOO!!!!!!!! *Fist shake!* Damn you PD!!!!! Fun times guys!!! Damn why did the room have to blow up!? Well, it was fun guys, great Funday Friday! I'm going to call it quits though. Thanks everyone for coming out! Hope you all enjoyed. If so maybe we can run some more Funday Fridays in the future.
Count me there!!! :D

Oh, and I'm pretty sure I will be there on Sunday, unless something important pops up as usual :irked
Route x may not be wide enough...
So funny story. Why am I up at three hanging out on the forum? That would be because a baby raccoon just bum rushed my door and got through a hall, in my kitchen then ran down into my basement! It was nuts! I was fast asleep when a wild ruckus erupted outside the bedroom window. We have a couple of cats that like to sleep outside on our deck. I thought something made the mistake of coming into our yard, which would be a feet since our cats have been trying to get out for a month now with no luck. So my dog and I went to investigate. No sooner do I open the door to the back yard, my dig hops out, a raccoon runs in, freaked out and took a run around the house and down the stairs. After taking quite a while to first find the little squirt, and a longer while trying to figure out how to safely trap it, I get him out of my house, find his mom under my deck, and scare the lot if them off. Seems I may need to invest in an airsoft gun.
Route x may not be wide enough...
So funny story. Why am I up at three hanging out on the forum? That would be because a baby raccoon just bum rushed my door and got through a hall, in my kitchen then ran down into my basement! It was nuts! I was fast asleep when a wild ruckus erupted outside the bedroom window. We have a couple of cats that like to sleep outside on our deck. I thought something made the mistake of coming into our yard, which would be a feet since our cats have been trying to get out for a month now with no luck. So my dog and I went to investigate. No sooner do I open the door to the back yard, my dig hops out, a raccoon runs in, freaked out and took a run around the house and down the stairs. After taking quite a while to first find the little squirt, and a longer while trying to figure out how to safely trap it, I get him out of my house, find his mom under my deck, and scare the lot if them off. Seems I may need to invest in an airsoft gun.

Wow! That's quite an interesting night. How'd you end up trapping it? We had a couple of coons always getting on the 2nd story of our back deck, trying to get in our garbage. My wife would always open the door and throw a broom at them, then slam the door screaming. I ending up having to buy some live animal traps to get rid of them. Took them 15 or so miles down the road and released them at the lake.
Route x may not be wide enough...
So funny story. Why am I up at three hanging out on the forum? That would be because a baby raccoon just bum rushed my door and got through a hall, in my kitchen then ran down into my basement! It was nuts! I was fast asleep when a wild ruckus erupted outside the bedroom window. We have a couple of cats that like to sleep outside on our deck. I thought something made the mistake of coming into our yard, which would be a feet since our cats have been trying to get out for a month now with no luck. So my dog and I went to investigate. No sooner do I open the door to the back yard, my dig hops out, a raccoon runs in, freaked out and took a run around the house and down the stairs. After taking quite a while to first find the little squirt, and a longer while trying to figure out how to safely trap it, I get him out of my house, find his mom under my deck, and scare the lot if them off. Seems I may need to invest in an airsoft gun.

LoL sounds like a twisted version of what we did tonight in the Snail lounge.

Since moving to town. I don't see any critters. :/
Going camping this weekend (Sunday-Monday) in the Catskills. See you all later.

What are the Catskills? Are they:
  1. the skills necessary to effectively push and protect a slower car around a track?
  2. the skills that Rally's cats lack which prevents them from getting out of their yard?
  3. the skills that Cus D'Amato taught Mike Tyson to develop him into a boxing prodigy?
I had made a snare pole out of weed whacker line and a metal broom handle. He got up into rafters along one of the walls. To keep him from walking back and forth I such a box up there to, well, box him in. as I was trying getting the snare around his head he backed up into the box. So I closed the flap and let him go back on the deck where his mom and sibling were waiting. It was pretty interesting.
Goat, sounds like a fun area to camp. You guys goto a camp ground or find a place way out somewhere?
What are the Catskills? Are they:
  1. the skills necessary to effectively push and protect a slower car around a track?
  2. the skills that Rally's cats lack which prevents them from getting out of their yard?
  3. the skills that Cus D'Amato taught Mike Tyson to develop him into a boxing prodigy?

I'm gonna say all three, plus a mountain range in the south east of NY state.

I had made a snare pole out of weed whacker line and a metal broom handle. He got up into rafters along one of the walls. To keep him from walking back and forth I such a box up there to, well, box him in. as I was trying getting the snare around his head he backed up into the box. So I closed the flap and let him go back on the deck where his mom and sibling were waiting. It was pretty interesting.
Goat, sounds like a fun area to camp. You guys goto a camp ground or find a place way out somewhere?

My old lady's sister rented a cabin by some random lake. Should be good for fishing, kayaking, swimming and hiking. We have been getting a ton of rain(like most of the NE) and I am an avid mushroom hunter, so I will probably do some of that too. Time to get some use out of my Vita also.

These two post really cracked me up, and I need to laugh after a stressed out week. Have fun Sunday D4.


Tonight's Episode
Fuji Speedway F​
70 Laps
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