S.N.A.I.L. Color and number chart
This post contains the rules governing color and number choice and instructions on requesting a choice.
While choosing a color and number combo is not required, we ask that all of our races to do so. This is done for a number of reasons. From easier driver identification to adding uniqueness in a spec race series. Here are a couple of rules, tips and instructions on submitting your choice.
The rules:
[*] The driver with a greater number of races participated in has seniority over a racer with less, giving them rights to a particular color/number.
Tip: Have another color in mind just in case.
[*]Any color and any combo is allowed, so long as it does not match or present a hard distinction from another driver in your division.
Tip: Look at the divisions above and below, if you or another who is looking to be promoted and they hold seniority, be prepared to switch colors.
[*]Please try not to duplicate numbers with another racer across the series.
[*]Please, enter a paint chip and not a general color. (IE, WC Mica Blue, as opposed to Blue) This will insure that we get the maxiumum amount of use of hues in any given color.
[*]Read the current
Color/Number Chart first!
[*]First decide on a body and rim color combo.
[*]Next click
HERE and fill out the form
[*]To find when your SNAIL start date,
click here. Column T "SNAIL birth date"
And that's it. The most current list can be found
Updates (19Jul13): New setup and process to number and color selection starts today. Hope to make this as smooth and streamlined as I can. Look here for more updates in the near future. There are cool things in store...