◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Guess I'm a little late to posting pics for the official banners, eh? Is it alright if I still post mine considering I took some time to take them? :)



Got a little carried away...





Probably the best of this bunch. :)

And now for the little G4!





I had alot of fun with these combos. Sunday is going to be fun! Watch out D5 cause here I come!!

Thanks for the heads up, Dragon. If anyone has any comments or questions about the interview, please post it on that thread instead of this one. Let's show them some love over there since I now know first hand that a lot of effort goes into coordinating the Member of the Week program. 👍

Nice interview, with the expected Link-Fu.

My Link-Fu cannot be stopped. It can only hope to be contained. :sly:
The practice rooms are officially open! If you're assigned to Division 1 or Division 2 (or you placed in the top 5 of Division 3 this past Sunday Sept 15th please join with your best racecraft the BLUE ROOM:


Everyone else please join with your best racecraft the RED ROOM:
1472 6681 3630 4566 4148

Pictures Courtesy of DriftinAssasin



Only 3 in R3D so far....

How many in Blue?
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I will show up for practice and I will try to drive but i hurt my left hand middle finger badly and it's the finger i use for downshift on my DF wheel so I will have to try to downshift using the shift stick. Let's see what happens.
With connection issues that keep on coming up, I wanted to learn what 'NAT' meant and what it's for. So I Google it and the first link I click on had some info I thought was interesting and wanted to share. I understand this is about PC/XBox games but it made sense for the PS3 and why some might be having connection issues.

Understanding how NAT types affect online connectivity​

Question: What is NAT, or Network Address Translation, and why can't I play online because mine is 'strict'?


NAT types and what they mean --

NAT Types:
•Open NATs can connect to any of the three types. --> Probably the least common type
•Moderate can only connect to open and moderate. --> Probably the most common type
•Strict can ONLY connect to open.

Strict NATs are a difficult problem with peer-to-peer games. Since most people don't have open NATs, the player with a strict NAT won't be able to find many joinable games.

Also, if the player with a strict NAT does manage to join a game, if another player with a moderate NAT joins later, the player with the strict NAT gets kicked out.

The problem is even worse since it is sometimes difficult for software to detect which NAT type it is running behind, and can often report that the player has a moderate NAT when they actually have a strict NAT.

Another problem is that sometimes the ISP (Internet Service Provider) is also NAT'd which often means even if you have a direct connection to the internet (without a router/firewall), the ISP still acts as a strict NAT.

These are some recommendations for getting a better NAT type:
The following ports must be available to your PC:
•TCP 80
•UDP 88
•TCP 3074
•UDP 3074
•TCP 53
•UDP 53

Here are some additional tips that have helped many players improve their connectivity:

1. Make sure your router's firmware is upgraded the latest version (very important).

2. Unplug your router for 10 minutes and plug it back in. Some older routers degrade in performance over time until it is rebooted, similar to a PC.

3. Disable any firewall or other network filtering for the game.

4. Enable uPnP (universal plug and play) on your router.

5. If you don't care about security, enable DMZ (de-militarized zone) on your router for your PC's address. This turns off all of your router's firewall features for that specific PC.

6. Get a router that has the "Xbox LIVE compatible" or "Certified for Windows Vista" logo.

7. Contact your ISP and ask them what your DNS setting should be.

Here's more info solely for PS3 users CLICK HERE
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I will show up for practice and I will try to drive but i hurt my left hand middle finger badly and it's the finger i use for downshift on my DF wheel so I will have to try to downshift using the shift stick. Let's see what happens.

Heading to Blue shortly since only 3 in Red.
Losing grip in practice room. I'm done for the night. No point in driving a car that feels like its 2 or 3 tires harder then it is.

Actually going into D3 for some Stamina testing.
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From what I've read about NAT as relates to the PS3 and how it reports it is as follows;

NAT 1 = direct connection to modem.
NAT 2 = connection through router
NAT 3 = connection through proxy server or firewall.

After some further googling I found this site which explains it a little better. What's really needed here is a step by step instruction set for setting up different routers to best serve the needs of the owner, and more specifically, PS3 and GT5.

Here is another resource I used last year to help me get some more out of my router. This won't help if your ISP line drops your modem, like what seems to happen to me from time to time. I've been advised to begin a campaign of incessantly pestering my ISP to get their butts out here to diagnose and fix whatever the problem is. Weird things occur though. Usually, when I run the PS3 network test I get 10Mbps and above D/L and get random squirreliness out of it. Last night, before the Stamina Series, I was getting less than 3, and had a trouble free night. Since GT5 seems to rely on peer to peer networking, it's possible that one bad connection to the room can cause all kinds of weirdness. When they finally go pay to play online, they better improve the network infrastructure considerably and get away from peer to peer and move to a more server/client based architecture. From what I understand, XBox Live already uses this kind of system, but they might have just a little more money for it than PSN.

Of course, I could be under mistaken impressions or misinterpretations of what I've read on the subject.


Now, I'm gonna whine a little at the stewards. Are any of you who haven't already entered reviews for the current batch going to, in the next 23 hours or so? Sure would be appreciated.
Thanks to the Blue Room for letting us run with you tonight. Tried to stay out of your way ....... most of the time.
Appreciate the opportunity to watch the replays and learn from the best.
Thanks again.
Jumped out because I couldn't see kcheeb now it's full.

Sorry about that qwietstorm. As you were leaving I was typing up a thanks and good bye :(

I don't usually run the practice session, but we were experimenting with the connection problems we were having Sunday night.

On a positive note, I had no issues with any of the D2 guys and Xrad and I could see each other no problem. Hopefully that'll be the case this Sunday.

Thanks for the post about NAT types tcrash 👍 going to check into some of the suggestions!

EDIT: thanks dragon, more info! I hope I can make some sense out of all this good information :lol:
Panda is awake in the middle of the night, why is that you say? We'll let me tell you why. I was laying in bed browsing the web on my phone when I feel a tickle. I think to myself the fan is on it's just the breeze. NOPE. There was a spider tracking HIS butt string up MY back! I quickly threw it off me in a very manly non-screaming little girl fashion and kill it like the eight legged spawn of satan it is. I look on at his shriveled body as the last bit of life leaves him, changing it from a spider's body to a spider's corpse, I notice it is a brown recluse... To top it all off the smoke detector in my room started beeping at 35 second intervals immediately after I defeated my attacker. A new battery could fix this, but new batteries are under my parents' bed, where they are sleeping. At 2:40 AM. Looks like it's the couch for me tonight, gentlemen I wish you a better nights sleep than I.

One last thing, would anyone have an idea as to why the spider activity in my room EXPLODED after I set up a few sticky traps? I think they're beginning to revolt.

Edit. I just looked for their layer and I've concluded it is somewhere near the corner behind my tv. There are two more recluses just sitting there. The only option left is to burn the house down.

Edit2. It appears I may have been bitten. I've got a strange sore on my right shoulder.
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Big Brake Pedal is ready for shipping!!!
CNC Machined 6061 Billet Aluminum Made with pride in the USA

PM me to place an order.

I have over a dozen ready to go.

Two finishes. Brushed Aluminum and Polished Aluminum.

$27 USD Shipped in the lower 48
$20 USD Plus Shipping Outside the lower 48

Thank you for looking-

Edit : Price adjustment for US lower 48 shipping.
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Panda is awake in the middle of the night.....I look on at his shriveled body as the last bit of life leaves him, changing it from a spider's body to a spider's corpse, I notice it is a brown recluse...

Edit. I just looked for their layer and I've concluded it is somewhere near the corner behind my tv. There are two more recluses just sitting there.

Edit2. It appears I may have been bitten. I've got a strange sore on my right shoulder.

While funny - were Panda's new friends wanting to queue up for a shot at Gran Toxin Academy - get thee to a Doctor - Go!
Yeah, brown recluse bites are nasty man. They can range from a wicked red lump to large portions of flesh rotting off, depending on your sensitivity to their toxin. Of course, by this time, you probably have a good idea as to how you will be reacting.
Poor Panda I saw a documentary about this brown recluse. They are everywhere in USA in the campaign so If you got a vintage house, you live with a problem because they are nasty like Handlebar said. They bite and you can get infected till that poisoning your blood so take care of each bites. In Canada we have some little sweet spiders eating everythings around except humans and they are so small.
After last nite's practice i came to the conclusion that this is one of snail's darkest era. Combos 1 and 3 are just disgusting! Don' t make it too personal when chosing a combo. Think of other 70 drivers in this family.
After last nite's practice i came to the conclusion that this is one of snail's darkest era. Combos 1 and 3 are just disgusting! Don' t make it too personal when chosing a combo. Think of other 70 drivers in this family.

Don't take it personal, but, they beat out 70 other people to get the prize of choosing whatever they want... Honestly, it is a personal decision.
Unbreakable and land rover? I take it you've not owned one...
Had myself an LR Discovery. Loved it! Never had an issue with any mechanical bits. The electronics on the other hand, those gave left my stranded in some pretty muddy situations, and nearly burned the while thing to the ground, twice! And yes, I do plan on findin g another. Something like an old series or defender, or possibly a classic range rover.
After last nite's practice i came to the conclusion that this is one of snail's darkest era. Combos 1 and 3 are just disgusting! Don' t make it too personal when chosing a combo. Think of other 70 drivers in this family.

That's your opinion and you're entitled to it 👍

I used to think along those lines, when the cars weren't to my liking, but have over the last 6 months or so changed my viewpoint.

I learn way, way more about driving and racing with vehicles I'm not 100% comfortable with. When I got on track with the Ginetta last night, I had an uh oh moment, but soon became accustomed to the way the car, for lack of a better word, listed. I learned something 👍

To me this kind of stuff is what makes S.N.A.I.L., S.N.A.I.L. We're not running the same type of cars from week to week or for that matter from round to round.
Do your best to learn the car, win next week and we'll pick your choice apart :lol:
Don't take it personal, but, they beat out 70 other people to get the prize of choosing whatever they want... Honestly, it is a personal decision.
Unbreakable and land rover? I take it you've not owned one...
Had myself an LR Discovery. Loved it! Never had an issue with any mechanical bits. The electronics on the other hand, those gave left my stranded in some pretty muddy situations, and nearly burned the while thing to the ground, twice! And yes, I do plan on findin g another. Something like an old series or defender, or possibly a classic range rover.

I saw a lot of Discovery and they are very nice. I like all the old school Land Rover. I hope you will find your Landy great as you wish.