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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Handlebar... you already know how important your opinions are to me...! For you anything goes because you dont have great hopes in this game so if the combo its bad, for you its just another one... Me, i'm very competitive and i really love a good battle on the track and win it. The best moments i had so far at snail was the intense close battles that i had with Wolfsatz, Xrad, Oshawa Joe and a few more that i end up winning. One thing that, for me, totally ruins this true hot moments is if I have to battle my ride. If i can't attack FastFox or Chatva because I'm afraid of my car the fun is gone as I don't have that auto-challenge characteristic in my personality.
But for a person that just the fact of not being last is good enough, i believe that this is hard to understand.
Regarding Harley man, let him go. I know him well enough to tell you that sooner or later his mask will fall. I heard him complaining hundreds of times on blood's room how crapy this game is, how ****** graphics and dynamics are, how bad anyone drives, etc.
And now Handlebar, go make one of your comments to JLBOWLER, as he kindly told harley man to "press some other button". I'll be waiting for his answer with a smile on my face.
You're a funny guy, Schmiggz. Uninformed in some things you believe to be true about me, but that is what it is.

I am back to Dad-duties for the day, hopefully some practice tomorrow in the Trans-Cammer to give Hooker and the rest a chase on Sunday.
You're a funny guy, Schmiggz. Uninformed in some things you believe to be true about me, but that is what it is.

I am back to Dad-duties for the day, hopefully some practice tomorrow in the Trans-Cammer to give Hooker and the rest a chase on Sunday.

Unfortunately handlebar I may be missing from the race sunday. This season is the best ive done in this league since joining, and I haven't missed a race since I started. But due to work I may not make it. I will know more by tomorrow afternoon. If I dont make it, good luck to all my friends in the most competitive division in snail (lol) D5!!
Unfortunately handlebar I may be missing from the race sunday. This season is the best ive done in this league since joining, and I haven't missed a race since I started. But due to work I may not make it. I will know more by tomorrow afternoon. If I dont make it, good luck to all my friends in the most competitive division in snail (lol) D5!!

I hope you show up hooker! I want to have more people to chase down considering I may be in the back of the pack. :sly:
I hope you show up hooker! I want to have more people to chase down considering I may be in the back of the pack. :sly:

If I can get done at work in time I will. But its not looking too promising. And you wouldnt be running me down in the g4. I cant keep it on the track long enough. Lol. You will be way in front of me.
So would anyone like a practice leaderboard? You can enter your lap times in a survey and then they would be sorted into a table and we can see what people are setting in each combo. WRS uses it and it's very interesting to see how people compare to each other.
Just sent in a support request to Logitech. Reverse stopped working on my shifter, so annoying to try and get back around with that issue. Anyway, I hope they do with me as they have with others, and just send me a new shifter unit without needing to send mine back! Heres to hoping.

Also, I have a, idea/question for ya'll.
I was thinking about the Livecast I did last Sunday. During the races, I only had two people watching at any given time. generally no one was watching. Now that i am in the flow with school/work/house/family stuff, I think I can start getting in some recording and drifting time a time or two throughout the week. So I plan on building up my youtube channel with videos/replays. My question to you guys is, would you rather have replays up of sunday night races (I will be recording during the race, not during a replay) posted up by Monday, or have the live stream?
If we do decide to stream, then I would like to make a bigger ado about it then just a little post here. Is there a way zerO/Cheeb to perhaps place the fact that we are streaming a race on the thread title, and perhaps post the link on the front page? I will further go out and create a thread and promote the stream. If we can get these done, then I will stream for sure, otherwise I dont see the sense in wasting the bandwidth to feed a stream that no one is watching.
Handlebar... you already know how important your opinions are to me...! For you anything goes because you dont have great hopes in this game so if the combo its bad, for you its just another one...


But for a person that just the fact of not being last is good enough, i believe that this is hard to understand.

You're a funny guy, Schmiggz. Uninformed in some things you believe to be true about me, but that is what it is.

Schmiggz, I'm not sure you know Handlebar as well as you think. He has a drive to learn and to get better, that as far as I'm concerned is second to none in S.N.A.I.L. He put's as much time and effort into learning how to drive as anyone, he's always asking questions and for input. Has he had as much success as some others in the league, not really. But I know for a fact, he's not settling for not finishing last in every race, he's trying to win every race!

Me, i'm very competitive and i really love a good battle on the track and win it. The best moments i had so far at snail was the intense close battles that i had with Wolfsatz, Xrad, Oshawa Joe and a few more that i end up winning. One thing that, for me, totally ruins this true hot moments is if I have to battle my ride. If i can't attack FastFox or Chatva because I'm afraid of my car the fun is gone as I don't have that auto-challenge characteristic in my personality.

Everyone is driving the same car, on the same track, we all get to battle our rides. There's nothing special about you having to battle yours.

Regarding Harley man, let him go. I know him well enough to tell you that sooner or later his mask will fall. I heard him complaining hundreds of times on blood's room how crapy this game is, how ****** graphics and dynamics are, how bad anyone drives, etc.
And now Handlebar, go make one of your comments to JLBOWLER, as he kindly told harley man to "press some other button". I'll be waiting for his answer with a smile on my face.

I don't understand why you feel the need to attack Harleyman publicly. While I've not spent time on track with him, I don't remember him openly criticizing S.N.A.I.L. or people in S.N.A.I.L. or their prize picks, while on track or in the forums. So I'm not sure where this is coming from. And am sure it's not called for.

I, for one, am not hurt by this. Go spread your sand somewhere else.

I have to take most of the blame for Harley's Division placement. His time trial had him clearly in D5, but he showed he was capable of more. He won D5 and was moved up to D4, I considered moving him to D3, based on pace, but in the rare cases when we've done that, most have not worked out well, so I decided not to. I don't think Harley's completely running away from the D4 drivers, there's been some good battles over the first two weeks, but he's well on his way to winning it. Hindsight being 20/20? Perhaps. You make the decisions you make and live with and learn from them.


We talk a lot about respect for other drivers when on track. We need that to continue and over the last few weeks I think we're making good strides 👍

But, we also have to have respect for each other as S.N.A.I.L.s in our thread. I know it's the internet and being somewhat anonymous makes it easier to say things to or about people that you wouldn't say or would say in a different way face to face. Please remember, S.N.A.I.L.s are people too! Respect and treating people fairly will go a long way to making S.N.A.I.L. a fun place to race and be.


SNAIL Marketplace/$hells idea...

Would there be any interest if I made an adapter to put a regular Momo or Sparco steering wheel on a G27 rig?

What about extended paddle shifters for a G27?

My G27 will be ordered this week, so I will need mine set in hand before I can CAD the parts to specifications. I will also be getting some ABS filament to play around with so I can make sure there is enough strength and durability for these ideas to potentially be printable and usable. I do not think my current plastic (PLA) would be durable enough.

Anywho, thanks for any thoughts on this project or other ideas (clips to anchor pedals to something comes to mind) are greatly appreciated.

Halftime over. Later!
Handle, for sure you have interest from me, I also have a few other ideas I might shoot your way if your interested.

BTW, just in case you missed it in the riptide that is the pace of this thread, I posed a question. Well, maybe an idea is a better term. Anyway, I'm deciding on whether to continue streaming my D4 live cast. I would like to know if it is possible to Announce this in the thread title and place the link on the first page. I'll start a thread in the videos section also to promote it, and anywhere else I can. However, last time I streamed I only had like 2 hits during the whole of the stream. If this is the case again tomorrow, I think I will opt into recording the feed for the night, breaking it into 6 videos, one for each night, and place it up on youtube.
This now makes me wonder something else, has someone made a SNAIL youtube channel? If not, do you mind if I do?
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Kcheeb, my public rebound on Harley was because of the rude way he answered to my opinion on his combo choice. I took a lot of stuff from him in the past and never answered back or told him to buzz off.
Then the mustache man decides, as usual, to confront me and make things just keep going. A "fetiche", for sure.

I will be racing tomorrow. While not enjoying the G4 that much. It is the car that is picked and I will try to over come it. The Trans Cammer. I don't care if it drives like crap. I'm gonna enjoy the sound and view from the cockpit. LoL

See you on track gentleman.
Wish I could take part racing the new combos as I love a challenge...what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and all that stuff. Unfortunately new job has me busy with volunteer duties and team meetings all weekend.

Embrace the challenge and have some fun. See you next week D3
Kcheeb, my public rebound on Harley was because of the rude way he answered to my opinion on his combo choice. I took a lot of stuff from him in the past and never answered back or told him to buzz off.
Then the mustache man decides, as usual, to confront me and make things just keep going. A "fetiche", for sure.

I really wanted to stay out of this so as to not ruin a long overdue weekend of relaxation with my family. However, after seeing drama on the thread cause one of us to quit the league, I'm already in a bad mood so here goes..

Schmiggz, it's time for a reality check. You called HarleyMan's pick part of "snail's darkest era" and "disgusting". In contrast, HarleyMan responded by simply restating the guidelines for picking prizes and said "it doesn't make one feel so good when you pick you prize only to be told by your fellow S.N.A.I.L members that your pick sucks." He also pointed out that you can sit out the combo if you really hate it that much, which is 100% true. Unless I'm missing something, I would consider what you said much ruder and much more inappropriate than anything he said.

Don't get me wrong though. I don't really care if you want to complain about about the prize picks. That's your right to do so. However, I do have a major problem with you attacking someone for that they said or how they acted somewhere that's completely and utterly unrelated to S.N.A.I.L. After all the times I've gotten on your case for bringing unwanted drama to this thread, how could you possibly think that it was okay to do that?? :confused:

One last thing.. I found your response to Handlebar not only insulting to him, but insulting to me as well. How can you discount someone else's competitive spirit so nonchalantly while simultaneously holding your your own in such high regard? Do you honestly think that your opinion about the cars we drive is more important because you think you're more competitive?? Get a clue, man. :rolleyes:
In Shmiggz's defense, I think we need to understand the "Portuguese melancholy" and passion. Filters are needed, but it's hard for us.
In Shmiggz's defense, I think we need to understand the "Portuguese melancholy" and passion. Filters are needed, but it's hard for us.

Understood, but I don't feel like Schmiggz even tries to filter what he says. I would have never jumped on him like that if it was the first time. However, he's developed a habit of mentioning other people's names in an unkind light. I felt like something had to be said so that one day he might actually take a second to think about what he is saying about someone before he hits 'Submit Reply'. And that if he really feels like something negative needs to be said about someone, that he do it via PM and not here on our public thread.

Yea my Portuguese boss throws things at me to tell me she loves me, or at least that is what I tell myself.

There is one last incident that needs at least 2 reviews so we can clear last week's board.

There is also an item in the Steward's Forum that needs the entire group's attention.
Understood, but I don't feel like Schmiggz even tries to filter what he says. I would have never jumped on him like that if it was the first time. However, he's developed a habit of mentioning other people's names in an unkind light. I felt like something had to be said so that one day he might actually take a second to think about what he is saying about someone before he hits 'Submit Reply'. And that if he really feels like something negative needs to be said about someone, that he do it via PM and not here on our public thread.

Dont we have thread penalties? I firmly believe schmiggz comments were unnecessary. And not a reflection of this league and most of its members. We penalize and or ban people for there poor decisions in a race. I think this should carry over to this thread. We have lost an asset to are league due to someones comments. If you do not like a car or track. Do not bash someone for there choices, just dont race in it. Something should be done especially since this is not his first offense. Ok im done.
In Shmiggz's defense, I think we need to understand the "Portuguese melancholy" and passion. Filters are needed, but it's hard for us.

I understand schmiggz passion and love that he has it 👍 It shows he cares and that means something to me.

But directly lashing out at someone for something they have a right to, to me is not on.

Some responses I would have been totally cool with:

Wow is this car going to be hard to tame. I'm having a heck of a time with it in turn 2, anyone have any suggestions?


Holy crap this car is hard to control in turn 2. I've got a challenge ahead of me. Anyone want to hit D1 so I can get it sorted out?


Man Harley, you laid a challenge out there for me. How'd you manage to keep the car pointed down track in turn 2?