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  • Thread starter zer05ive
The Pit Board


The fight is won or lost far away from the witnesses – behind the lines, in the gym and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.

Muhammad Ali

Baseball is 90% physical – the other half is mental.

Yogi Berra

Racing, regardless of what people say, is a mental sport. If you believe you can win, if you’re in a car that can win, you more than likely will. If you have a negative attitude, typically you won’t get very good results.

Jamie McMurray

Earlier this month I got caught up in a small documentary. The Velocity channel aired a four part series documenting actor and racing car driver Patrick Dempsey and his quest to race the 24 hours of Le Mans. If you haven't seen it, I recommend giving it a chance. It took some time to disassociate Patrick, the nerd from "Can't Buy Me Love", from Mr. Dempsey, the driver. Once I really started to pay attention, some interesting insight into the mental aspect of racing.

It's an endless challenge against your own brain. Every sport is: golf, tennis, even 100-meter sprints - where you think it is only due to the sheer power output - they have to be right in the brain too. Especially in auto racing it is very much brain-driven.

To the "outsider" we are merely playing a video game. Most of us that play Gran Turismo, it is not a game at all. The sheer size and scope of GTPlanet is a pretty good indicator of that. Within our League we take the competition with each other pretty seriously. We spend a great deal of time discussing, practicing and trying to perfect our racecraft. We also spend countless hours learning the car and track combinations in preparation for when the racing actually begins. One part of the whole experience that rarely gets addressed is the mental aspect of what we do.

Something I think we all need to think about is our state of mind before we line up on race night. Our cars may be painted, broken in and we have practiced our lines and strategies for the nights battles but are we psychologically prepared? The racing we do is very intense and where our heads are before the PS3 is even fired up has a great deal of influence on how we act and perform on the track. Our personal lives are a battle in their own right and what happens in real life can easily find its way onto the grid with us.

One thing I am going to do before racing this Sunday is to spend a few minutes before I start lighting off everything and think about my mental state. I am going to set aside a few quiet minutes and clear my head of everything and get myself mentally prepared for the evenings competition. I know it isn't always possible but I think we those of us that don't already do it to give it a try. To some this is just a game but for us it is real competition and as mere humans, we get emotional about some things. Maybe clearing our heads of outside distractions could ease some of the more trying events on track.

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S.N.A.I.L. Directory

The following is a comprehensive list of the important links within the main S.N.A.I.L. thread.

(Work In Progress: This is the first draft and many edits will undoubtedly be needed. It will be alphabetized and hyperlinks added. If you have anything that should be added, send me a line. Once we have all of the links that should be in the directory, I will then create a post separate from The Pit Board.)​

Color and Numbers
SNAIL Birth Dates
Racing Data
Racing Complaint Rules
Market Place
Schedule of Events
Weekly Lineup
Qualifying Procedures
Perfect Point System
Power Rankings
Good Racecraft Guide
SNAIL Videos
Penalty Guidelines
Car Classifications
Break In Guide
Drivers List

PM me with any ideas to make this as informative as possible. :sly:

Race Clean, Race Hard, Race S.N.A.I.L.
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Thank you dude!! It is always fun... Especially when it's after midnight and no one is around to play and then a few guys come out of no where to help a brother out!!
So beautiful Exo! The first Pit Board that I've actually read all the way through. (Not that its boring or anything like that, I always rush through the thread and skim a few things) I shall follow your advice and meditate before hopping on to race Sunday night. Maybe having a mindset of Zero can help me win the race. (Points to those who get the reference!)

While I am here I'd like to tease a special sumthin sumthin that will be coming to my YouTube channel tomorrow so stay tuned for that! :sly: I'll be sure to keep polluting the thread about this. :lol:
I love the pit board exo! Not only have you given us a good tip for the game all of us here love but a tip we can all put into the real world and use in the future! Thank you exo!!!!👍
Live in Lansing. Well, Holt actually. Work downtown. How long and how long ago did you live here?

I havent lived there since I was about 6. My aunt and uncle live in holt now. Been wanting to take a trip up in the near future.
Very nice Pit Board, Exo!

Your writing has improved quite a bit in a short time, I believe. You have a strong writing voice, and your pacing has become much more consistent.

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***** Attention All Stewards *****

There is an issue with a deadline that is fast approaching. Please make your way to the Steward's forum at your earliest opportunity and make yourselves heard.

Thank you.
^Ditto. And timely relevant.

I'm a little bummed. Found 2 of the Scuderias in my garage but neither are stock or can be returned to stock. Why did I mod both of them? Ah well. Bought a shiny new one, threw some paint and parts on it and now breaking it in. 2.5 hours from now I'll be checking out and prepping the BMW for Sunday.

Break in over. Heading out for some lunch, Rush and dinner. Catch you folks later.
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^Ditto. And timely relevant.

I'm a little bummed. Found 2 of the Scuderias in my garage but neither are stock or can be returned to stock. Why did I mod both of them? Ah well. Bought a shiny new one, threw some paint and parts on it and now breaking it in. 2.5 hours from now I'll be checking out and prepping the BMW for Sunday.

Break in over. Heading out for some lunch, Rush and dinner. Catch you folks later.

The BMW is standard no need to break (:
Sorry everyone for my recent absence on Sunday nights. I just got a job as a tutor and they need me to work at that time on most weeks. If I'm ever free though I'll be sure to hop in!
Yea lol I read more carefully and catched he talked about the Ferrari. If anyone want to practice I will rejoin.

As much as I like the Endurance race, i want to practice the combos for tomorrow. I plan to get in at aound 9:30-10 EST, if others want to join we can do it semi-formally; depening of how many raise their hand we can do it in the Snail Lobby or just a few the ill open a public room.

Excellent Pit Board Exo!
***** Attention All Stewards *****

There is an issue with a deadline that is fast approaching. Please make your way to the Steward's forum at your earliest opportunity and make yourselves heard.

Thank you.

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Had a lot of fun practicing last night with vail, chatva and and Drgreen.

Hopefully fastfox reconsiders whatever he thinks is going on.
I realize that we all can get a little carried away and take this too seriously.

We are all competitive and we are here to see how we stack up against our peers. But let us not forget that we should also strive to have fun and respect others. I would suggest if you are ending a night of racing more frustrated than you started that you take a step back and try and get some focus. Maybe taking a few weeks off might be a good idea.

Ask what you are trying to get out of this league and be honest. Is it more important to win or would you rather have an evening of close racing with your friends which leaves you longing to come back for more.

This is not directed at anyone more just a general thing I have wanted to throw out there for a while.