◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win an Almeida Motor Racing Checklist enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
A list of available positions on this post would make it a lot easier for people to know what positions need to be filled

That is the plan. I will have help wanted posts up on a regular basis to keep the ball rolling. As we approach zero hour, there isn't any sense in stirring the pot this late in the game. The recruitment is going to be an ongoing process as folks tend to move around these parts on a monthly basis! 👍

EDIT: Wow, a TOTTP! I must be channeling zer0!
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We are quickly expanding. I know for one, I agree with Joe on trying to reduce Kcheeb's work load. @kcheeb if there is anything I can possibly do to help please just let me know.

@ExoSphere64 Also I will try to do get data done for whatever division that doesnt have data completed by Wednesdays. That way it gives the data specialist ample time to get it done. So I'm not trying to step on anyones toes.

@zer05ive Post #43109 is another referal. No option to collect $hells
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Can we finish up all this mass debating and get to the happy ending already?

I don't think they know each other *that well*...


I totally understand your points (especially 1-4). I understand the desire for growth but I have to say I have more fun racing with 5-6 guys that I really enjoy hanging out with in a lobby than taking part in an ultra competitive 7 division 100+ people league. I love SNAIL and all it has and is doing (other than the negative bickering) but I have to think that putting on the brakes a bit might be good. We seem to be adding more and more work for the people who do things behind the scenes without offering them much reward.

This is what I was talking about slowing down expansion, and having uber-directors to assist.
Do the cars still have to be broken in? I have the Amuse 380rs Super Leggera, with soft tires but i have 399hp and 509pp because i put a aftermarket exhaust on it, is that ok??
We are quickly expanding. I know for one, I agree with Joe on trying to reduce Kcheeb's work load. @kcheeb if there is anything I can possibly do to help please just let me know.

@ExoSphere64 Also I will try to do get data done for whatever division that doesnt have data completed by Wednesdays. That way it gives the data specialist ample time to get it done. So I'm not trying to step on anyones toes.

@zer05ive Post #43109 is another referal. No option to collect $hells

Thank you fox! We will surely need a little extra help keeping all of the data in line. Once we put this evening to bed I will be in touch in a day or so to see where we stand!
Do the cars still have to be broken in? I have the Amuse 380rs Super Leggera, with soft tires but i have 399hp and 509pp because i put a aftermarket exhaust on it, is that ok??


You can not add parts or tune. Except for adjusting brake balance.
Team S.N.A.I.L. Update

Thank you to all of the members that have been a part of this special team and all of the new members for stepping up to help keep our League the greatest of all time! There is still a great deal of work to do and many important roles that need to be filled but at this point it looks like we will just have enough volunteers to have a great night of racing tonight. We really had to hustle this week due to adding another division but things should ease up just a little before next week. We are still looking for more participation in primary roles and there are many back up jobs that need to be filled. Many hands make light work!!
D2 roles are pretty much filled but I can do backup-backup stuff for everything except for directing/hosting.
40 minutes early? Just make sure you get everyone off the track any time you are going to change a setting. I will try and be in a little early. I will direct traffic and instruct drivers where to be if you like so you can concentrate on getting the room set up in between races.
Don't think we lose power here. So with that. I plan to be in attendance. :)

Change in plan. Running on about 4 hrs sleep and having played in the snow with my sons and the dogs has caught up with me. I'm really dragging ace. Not gonna be in attendance tonight. :(

Going to find a movie on tv, sip some scotch, and relax as the windchill drops down below -40.
Change in plan. Running on about 4 hrs sleep and having played in the snow with my sons and the dogs has caught up with me. I'm really dragging ace. Not gonna be in attendance tonight. :(
Get some rest buddy. There is always next week.
My daughter is in town for the holidays and just a few minutes ago I put her into my race rig. I put her behind the wheel of my wife's '64 Pontiac. (Yes she has a couple of her own cars). I really enjoyed watching her rail around Willow Springs. She wrecked and rolled the car several times but was laughing and enjoying the experience. We are a little under 90 minutes from an unprecedented and record breaking night of racing. The past few days have been hectic and at times heated. I would like to ask everyone to take a few minutes before the first green light and hug your significant other and pat your kids on the head. Take some time to breathe, relax and get your mind ready for tonight's competition. It is too easy to bring outside animosity onto the track. Take time to remember why we are here and at the end of the day, we are playing a game and don't take everything (or ourselves) too seriously. This is an amazing organization with even more amazing members. Lets go out there tonight and put all of the baloney behind us and have the best night of racing in SNAIL history!! Race clean, race hard, race SNAIL!!
Hey guys. I've decided to move in a different direction. For now. More interested in tuning. I do hope to race with you again in the future. Thanks Ed.
-Attention Division 2 Racers-

Remember that we are racing in a 'friends only' room and you need to make sure you are friends with me, tcrash15 and make sure you add fastfox400, as he is back up host.

I just sent friend requests to intoflatlines, kadoimmortal. Please accept my friend request if you are planning on racing tonight. I also tried to send a friend request to Kgffy28 but the PSN says your name doesn't exist. Please send me a friend request ASAP if you plan on racing tonight.

Also, please do not enter the room until I posted the 'all clear' to enter. You will need to enter the room by checking the box that says friends room only. Look for Snail Division 2 and enter. Before you enter, please make sure tcrash15 and fastfox400, are 1st and 2nd on the list. If you feel the your internet connection is not that great, try to be the last to enter.

I will open the room about 9:15pm EST / 6:15pm PST. Lets all be on time.


-EDIT- I just sent kgffty a friend request. Your PSN name on the drivers list is incorrect and your GTPlanet PSN name is incorrect. I was able to figure out your correct PSN name as I seen you in a room with turnupdaheat.​
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post just above ...
40 minutes before race time

Send me a psn message when you have it opened and I will come in second and be the backup host tonight. After I get in there you can post here that it's open for everyone else.
Send me a psn message when you have it opened and I will come in second and be the backup host tonight. After I get in there you can post here that it's open for everyone else.
K Bowler, thank you.

DIVISION 3 ROOM OPEN: 1472 6399 8966 5884 8521
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