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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Team S.N.A.I.L. Update

With the official announcement of the expansion to 7 divisions, it is time to re-organize once again to make sure that all of the key roles are covered for each division. Below is a preliminary list for all divisions. It is still a work in progress. We just need to know if the members listed are still on board and also look for additional members to help with their divisions. These are the most important positions that need to be covered in order to stay in step with League standards. There are still several other positions that we need filled. If you are listed and do not want the position or would prefer to hold a different job please let me know so I can update the lists. Also, if you are not listed but would like to be a part of the Team, speak up and we will get you the information so that you can fulfill the duties with confidence.

Division 1:

Director - @OwensRacing
Co - Director -
Scorekeeper -
Replay Uploader -
Data Specialist -

Division 2:

Director - @fzappa
Co - Director - @fastfox400
Scorekeeper - @dabneyd
Replay Uploader - @nmcp1
Data Specialist - @fzappa

Division 3:

Director - @Schmiggz
Co - Director -
Scorekeeper - @Troggy / @ATLskydiver
Replay Uploader - @Dragonwhisky (Back up - Need Primary)
Data Specialist - @Dragonwhisky (Back up - need primary)

Division 4:

Director - @Skills
Co - Director - @cmbeal317
Scorekeeper - @cmbeal317
Replay Uploader - @Skills
Data Specialist - @cmbeal317

Division 5:

Director - @ExoSphere64
Co - Director - @TEX36
Scorekeeper - @ExoSphere64
Replay Uploader - @ExoSphere64
Data Specialist - @ExoSphere64

Division 6:

Director - @Handlebar
Co - Director - @tevesh2
Scorekeeper - @tevesh2
Replay Uploader - @Handlebar
Data Specialist -

Division 7:

Director - @goofytyler (Pending connection check)
Co - Director -
Scorekeeper - @goofytyler
Replay Uploader - @Pichon617
Data Specialist - @Sharkb8ii

This is the bare minimum that we need for each division to be operational. Back up personnel is in great demand as well. Having a back up for all positions not only ensures coverage in case the primary member is unable to race, it makes for a much more efficient race night if there are more hands on deck to share the duties. Once more this is just the prelim list and there will be some adjusting over the next few days.

Thanks all!
Pretesting the GT-R.... Wow.

Quite a handful for me on this tight and twisty course. I may offer up some $hells for some tutoring, I am just not handling my throttle amd brake points for beans.
At practice last night it was ridiculous. Understeers worse than the Subaru, so heavy you think your brake pedal is broken.
Team S.N.A.I.L. Update

With the official announcement of the expansion to 7 divisions, it is time to re-organize once again to make sure that all of the key roles are covered for each division. Below is a preliminary list for all divisions. It is still a work in progress. We just need to know if the members listed are still on board and also look for additional members to help with their divisions. These are the most important positions that need to be covered in order to stay in step with League standards. There are still several other positions that we need filled. If you are listed and do not want the position or would prefer to hold a different job please let me know so I can update the lists. Also, if you are not listed but would like to be a part of the Team, speak up and we will get you the information so that you can fulfill the duties with confidence.

Division 1:

Director - @OwensRacing
Co - Director -
Scorekeeper -
Replay Uploader -
Data Specialist -

Division 2:

Director - @fzappa
Co - Director - @fastfox400
Scorekeeper - @dabneyd
Replay Uploader - @nmcp1
Data Specialist - @fzappa

Division 3:

Director - @Schmiggz
Co - Director -
Scorekeeper - @Troggy / @ATLskydiver
Replay Uploader - @Dragonwhisky (Back up - Need Primary)
Data Specialist - @Dragonwhisky (Back up - need primary)

Division 4:

Director - @Skills
Co - Director - @cmbeal317
Scorekeeper - @cmbeal317
Replay Uploader - @Skills
Data Specialist - @cmbeal317

Division 5:

Director - @ExoSphere64
Co - Director - @TEX36
Scorekeeper - @ExoSphere64
Replay Uploader - @ExoSphere64
Data Specialist - @ExoSphere64

Division 6:

Director - @Handlebar
Co - Director - @tevesh2
Scorekeeper - @tevesh2
Replay Uploader - @Handlebar
Data Specialist -

Division 7:

Director - @goofytyler (Pending connection check)
Co - Director -
Scorekeeper - @goofytyler
Replay Uploader - @Pichon617
Data Specialist - @Sharkb8ii

This is the bare minimum that we need for each division to be operational. Back up personnel is in great demand as well. Having a back up for all positions not only ensures coverage in case the primary member is unable to race, it makes for a much more efficient race night if there are more hands on deck to share the duties. Once more this is just the prelim list and there will be some adjusting over the next few days.

Thanks all!

I believe I have a strong internet connection , if hosting at any time can help. I'm in!!

I will also be at practice...
Won't be able to make it to practice tonight as I just got off work. Can't wait to see everyone this weekend!

By the way I meant to ask that since I'm now in division 7 do my points roll over from division 6 that I got last week? I know its probably a dumb question but I'm new here so I thought I would ask.
07: Corner Rights:

The turn in point is the point at which the leading car begins their turn into the corner–this may vary from the point at which you turn into the corner.

If an ahead driver has clearly made an error to warrant a passing move, a behind driver may attack their position, with due caution and care, regardless of whether there was any pre-existing overlap. However, the overtaking driver must still avoid contact. Small errors by the ahead driver may not necessarily justify a passing move. The ahead driver getting a bit out of shape at times doesn’t give you an automatic right to force a pass. You still have to pass safely and without undue contact.

10: Group Battle:

When approaching a battle with 2 or more cars, be extra careful since those cars can change driving lines quickly when trying to defend/overtake. The cars in front will already be driving close, so finding a good overtaking spot is much harder. The same rules apply as when overtaking a single car.

11: Initial Fault:

If you make a significant driving error and another driver or drivers attempts to capitalize on it, they have the right to do so. Do not try to collide or retaliate because of your error.

For Example: If you go wide at a corner and a close behind car tries to take advantage of this by moving up the inside, you should leave room for them, whether or not they had overlap going into the corner. They must also leave you room. This rule doesn't apply to small errors that don't affect the speed, direction and outcome. This is a bit of a grey area and requires good judgment on both parts.

14: Re-entering to the track after running off:

It is the responsibility of the car returning to the track to ensure there are no collisions so that no other drivers have to maneuver or brake suddenly to allow you to resume racing. If there's a chance of a collision, wait and be patient as other drivers have the right of way.

An off track incident includes:
• Being stuck or pinned to a wall or railing.
• More than two tires leaving the track at any one time
• Any situation where the car may lose control and create cross traffic

I was hoping to get some clarification from more senior SNAILS here. I've noticed a number of cases where drivers go off course and then back on course. In the few replays that worked, it never looked malicious, but it still raises a question. Here's an example situation. Alice is in first, and Bob and Carol are in second and third, a few seconds behind Alice but Carol is right behind Bob. Daniel is a few seconds behind them in fourth. Carol ties for a certain line on a turn, realizes she started breaking too late, and to avoid a collision slides off the track. Bob maintains the lead.

If Bob and Carol are practicing good racecraft, they each take their line through the corner safely, and are both faster for it. They have a better chance of catching Alice and are farther away from Daniel. But in this case, Carol made an error and has gone off track. (Think turn 13 at Suzuka) She's still in control and gets back onto the raceway at speed. Bob is ahead of her and doesn't need to slow down. Daniel is far back enough that he doesn't need to slow down to allow Carol to reenter. However, Carol has now used tarmac outside the raceway to take on the corner.

How do the rules apply here? I've underlined my guess at the relevant parts in the quote above.

On one hand, the order of racers hasn't changed. On the other, does that mean going outside the track is okay if nobody else is around? I don't really think the latter argument is valid; it lets racers gain on those ahead of them (or behind them) by literally cutting corners. Then again, going off track is almost always slower unless you're deliberately driving over chicanes or something. Is the loss in speed for Carol a fair penalty for her mistake? How far back does Daniel have to be before he is unaffected by Carol's driving?

In particular, I've seen this situation show up a lot at the beginning of races. I could swear I've read that going into the first corner of a race from start, drivers should get into an orderly line. If you started 12th, you should be going 12th into the corner (though perhaps not 12 out of the corner). Even so, I see a lot of two- and three-wide battles in corners as the line is established in the first few minutes of the race. It seems slow at best, dangerous at worst. In those situations, its hard to tell if somebody's gone off track because of their own bad judgement or if they were using good judgement to avoid a pileup.

Just my opinion, but I'd say somebody who goes off track (for any reason) and is trying to stay at full speed is breaking the rules. Sure, individual cases need to be judged on their own. But slowing down to avoid a crash, even if it costs a few spots, is better than having a crash. If nothing else, getting passed costs a second or two, but a real crash can take five or more seconds to recover from, if at all. But, I'm a newbie here, and would like to hear from those with experience.
Great, thoughtful example. I initially had flashbacks to math class eons ago...

If Carol gained an advantage, she needs to appreciably lift off the throttle to self-penalize. If her accidental excursion gained no time, and she safely reentered without others having to change their racing line or speed, well done!

Some leagues use no passing until after the first turn. It has some merit. We discussed it once or twice, most recently... Last summer or so? Maybe spring 2013. We left the option to pass before the corner open. Forcing a pass that early, or bulling through other drivers, jostling like you are boarding the subway... Yeah, that is not cool. But the guy who is snoozing at the start, or struggles with some of the crazy-sauce hp cars (Yes, I am looking at you Mr. Cerbera at High Speed Ring!), not allowing a pass would be bad.

Good judgement is needed in any division.

I really liked the question, thanks!
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@Skills just click the reply button and just make your selections, remember to delete the quotes.

As of this post, here is the most current list of ButtKicker 4D Sports Challenge picks. If you have not made your picks yet, please check for more current lists posted after this one. Before making your picks, you need to first make a post on this thread that you agree to the terms and conditions of the contest and that you are ready to make your picks. Once @fastfox400 replies to your post, simply click the Reply button below and then add your name next any numbers that are still available (don't make more picks than the number of picks you have earned). Once you're done making your picks, you need to delete the [qu0te="username, post: 1234567, member: 123456"] above the ButtKicker logo and then hit Post Reply. Please be sure that you are replying to the lastest list of picks before making your picks!

00 - Dragonwhisky
01 - Hooker4
02 - chatva
03 - dabneyd
04 -
05 - Dragonwhisky
06 -
07 - TEX
08 - dabneyd
09 - Dragonwhisky
10 - Hooker4
11 - TEX
12 - Hooker4
13 - Dragonwhisky
14 - chatva
15 - Dgaf
16 - cmbeal317
17 - Dgaf
18 - Hooker4
19 - JLBowler
20 - cmbeal317
21 -
22 -
23 -
24 -
25 -
26 -
27 - cmbeal317
28 -
29 -
30 -
31 -
32 - dabneyd
33 - Hooker4
34 -
35 - Hooker4
36 - TEX
37 - cmbeal317
38 -
39 - chatva
40 -
41 -
42 -
43 -
44 - dabneyd
45 -
46 - Hooker4
47 -
48 -
49 - Dragonwhisky
50 -JLBowler
51 -
52 -
53 -
54 -
55 -
56 -
57 -
58 - chatva
59 -
60 - dabneyd
61 -
62 -
63 -
64 -
65 -
66 -
67 - Dragonwhisky
68 -
69 - chatva
70 -
71 -
72 - cmbeal317
73 -
74 -
75 - Dgaf
76 -
77 - chatva
78 -
79 - TEX
80 - Dgaf
81 -
82 -
83 - cmbeal317
84 -
85 - Dgaf
86 -
87 - chatva
88 - dabneyd
89 - TEX
90 - dabneyd
91 - JLBowler
92 -
93 - cmbeal317
94 -
95 - Dgaf
96 -
97 -
98 - Dgaf
99 -

I am need of 2 hosts for tonight's official practice.
I am sure that there wont be enough people on to justify
3 rooms, But due to the rapid growth of SNAIL. I feel it
is necessary.

Here are the room names along with who should go where.

Blue Room- D1/D2/ Top 3 finishers in D3 from sunday night
Red Room- Remainder of D3/D4/Top 5 finishers in D5.
Green Room- Remainder of D5/D6/D7.

I will be hosting the Green Room. @ 9:30 I would like Practice room host to PM the numbers of racers in their perspective rooms. This will give me live feed back on the number of rooms that will be needed in the future. Thank you for all of your cooperation.

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I am need of 2 hosts for tonight's official practice.
I am sure that there wont be enough people on to justify
3 rooms, But due to the rapid growth of SNAIL. I feel it
is necessary.

Here are the room names along with who should go where.

Blue Room- D1/D2/ Top 3 finishers in D3 from sunday night
Red Room- Remainder of D3/D4/Top 5 finishers in D5.
Green Room- Remainder of D5/D6/D7.

I will be hosting the Green Room. @ 9:30 I would like Practice room host to PM the numbers of racers in their perspective rooms. This will give me live feed back on the number of rooms that will be needed in the future. Thank you for all of your cooperation.
I'll be joining the green room
@Skills just click the reply button and just make your selections, remember to delete the quotes.

As of this post, here is the most current list of ButtKicker 4D Sports Challenge picks. If you have not made your picks yet, please check for more current lists posted after this one. Before making your picks, you need to first make a post on this thread that you agree to the terms and conditions of the contest and that you are ready to make your picks. Once @fastfox400 replies to your post, simply click the Reply button below and then add your name next any numbers that are still available (don't make more picks than the number of picks you have earned). Once you're done making your picks, you need to delete the [qu0te="username, post: 1234567, member: 123456"] above the ButtKicker logo and then hit Post Reply. Please be sure that you are replying to the lastest list of picks before making your picks!

00 - Dragonwhisky
01 - Hooker4
02 - chatva
03 - dabneyd
04 -
05 - Dragonwhisky
06 -
07 - TEX
08 - dabneyd
09 - Dragonwhisky
10 - Hooker4
11 - TEX
12 - Hooker4
13 - Dragonwhisky
14 - chatva
15 - Dgaf
16 - cmbeal317
17 - Dgaf
18 - Hooker4
19 - JLBowler
20 - cmbeal317
21 -
22 -
23 -
24 -
25 -
26 -
27 - cmbeal317
28 -
29 -
30 -
31 -
32 - dabneyd
33 - Hooker4
34 -
35 - Hooker4
36 - TEX
37 - cmbeal317
38 -
39 - chatva
40 -
41 -
42 -
43 -
44 - dabneyd
45 -
46 - Hooker4
47 -
48 -
49 - Dragonwhisky
50 -JLBowler
51 -
52 -
53 -
54 -
55 -
56 -
57 -
58 - chatva
59 -
60 - dabneyd
61 -
62 -
63 -
64 -
65 -
66 -
67 - Dragonwhisky
68 -
69 - chatva
70 -
71 -
72 - cmbeal317
73 -
74 -
75 - Dgaf
76 -
77 - chatva
78 -
79 - TEX
80 - Dgaf
81 -
82 -
83 - cmbeal317
84 -
85 - Dgaf
86 -
87 - chatva
88 - dabneyd
89 - TEX
90 - dabneyd
91 - JLBowler
92 -
93 - cmbeal317
94 -
95 - Dgaf
96 -
97 -
98 - Dgaf
99 -
Don't know how high snail standards are but I got a reading of 24.95...lol

As stated ping test is critical as well.

I hosted well on a 30 / 6 connection with an A Ping rating.

Seeing 60 / 11 now with an A Ping rating. Wanted the extra speed to ensure there was plenty as well my kids like to game online. I don't allow any connection outside mine on Sunday night league or any other series I host. Practice rooms and such I let them game on their devices. All wifi. My stuff is hard wired.