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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Points Of Interest
This week S.N.A.I.L. will be competing at Monza, Cote d' Azur (Monaco), and Silverstone International. The only new circuit this week is Silverstone International. Monza is back for a third week and Cote d' Azur is around for it's second appearance. New to the group this week is Silverstone International, however, this is the second appearance since the launch of GT6.

Autodromo Nazionale Monza was constructed in 1922 in the area around Monza Italy and was first added to the GT series for GT5. The track has used multiple layouts over its long history including a 10km layout that used the current course along with the oval loop. The cars would run parallel to each other down the front straight, one lane on the current track and one lane on the oval loop to the inside of the current track. Track position is at a premium as the best opportunities to make passes are under heavy braking and will cost both drivers time when completing a pass. If possible, it is best to make passes coming out of the tight corners on the long straights.
Track boundaries are always an issue at Monza because the track is so narrow and the turns are so tight in the two chicanes and Ascari. When you combine this with the extra room beyond the rumble strips that is there only for the safety of F1 drivers, you have a possibility for mayhem. I have included pictures below for further explanation of the track boundaries.
This picture serves as an example for the entire track. The red/white painted area here is considered to be part of the track. The green painted area is NOT considered to be part of the track.

This photo is taken at the exit of Ascari (turn 7 in the map). In this specific place on the track, the white line constitutes the edge of the track surface.


Cote D’ Azur is Gran Turismo’s version of the famous Monaco Gran Prix Circuit. Formula One has been racing here since 1929. The track is a very tight city course that places a premium on qualifying and track position during the race. Opportunities to pass are at a minimum here so it’s important to be out front early and not make mistakes. You don’t have to be the fastest here, you just have to find yourself up front to have a chance to win the race.
As with most city courses, the walls make up the edge of the track at Cote d’ Azur. There is one notable exception to this rule and it is shown in the photo below. In this instance, the red/white curb is considered to be part of the track. The paved area to the right of the curb is NOT part of the track.

The following photo is thrown in because I don't feel you can have a description of Monaco without including a photo of the world famous Grand Hotel Hairpin.


Silverstone was opened in 1943 as an airfield. When the war ended in 1945, there was not another racing circuit in the area and the decision was made to lease the airfield and convert it to Silverstone raceway. The original layout utilized two runways that faced each other so canvas was erected between the two runways and crowds were not allowed in the area for fear of damaging growing crops. In 1949 the layout was adjusted to a more permanent version.

The track made it's first appearance in the GT series with the 2013 GT Academy time trial. The track was then included in GT6 with all three versions available.

With the multiple layouts of the track, there are some questionable areas when it comes to track boundaries. These areas along with basic examples are included in the photos below.

This photo shows the inside of turn one or "Abbey" on the map. The red/white rumble strips are considered to be part of the track. The green painted area and the two red squares are NOT part of the track here or on any other part of the track.


This photo is taken at the exit of "Abbey" on the outside of the track. In this case the white line represents the edge of the track until you reach the red/white rumble strips which are part of the track. As always, cones and pylons are not to be contacted at any time.


This photo is taken at the apex of the "Village Corner." There's nothing out of the ordinary here but the red/white rumble strips are part of the track. The red painted area is NOT part of the track in this, or any other spot on the track.


This photo is taken at the exit of the "Village Corner" just before the "Link." This shows a red/white rumble strip which is part of the track and the green painted area that is NOT part of the track here or anywhere else.


This last photo is taken at the exit of the "Link" and may be the most ambiguous area of the track when it comes to boundaries. This is the spot that the other layout of the track would meet with this layout so there is open pavement and curbs and lines that don't apply to this layout. As always, cones are NOT to be contacted at any time. In this area of the track, the white line will serve as the track boundary. The red/white rumble strips used for the corner on the other layout are NOT part of this track.

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Times of great calamity and confusion have been productive for the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace. The brightest thunder-bolt is elicited from the darkest storm.

Charles Caleb Colton

Remember, the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability.

Ho Chi Minh


As Gran Turismo 5 began to fade, talk on the thread turned to preparations for the Big Transition. As I look back we tried to make predictions based on logic and make little adjustments along the way to conform with how we do business. We all knew that there would be a few pot holes along the way and that a little growth could be expected. What we did not see was the massive storm that was brewing just over the horizon. How could we?

There was just no way of knowing what was coming. Even if we did I don't believe would could have prepared for it. No private lounges for race night. Connectivity issues beyond anything we have ever seen before. No other league out there does business quite the way we do and I am sure that no other organization puts such a high level of importance to race replays. Add to this we more than tripled in size. Combine this with all of the other little inconveniences could have been the end of it all. Any other rational group would have just buried their PS3 and copy of GT6 in the yard and downloaded a copy of Candy Crush.

We are not rational. There is no measurable level of sanity around here. What I have witnessed over the past few weeks should have the lot of us locked away in a rubber room doing the Thorazine shuffle. I am honored to be a SNAIL. The League has really shown what it is made of. The last League night was a total disaster but we raced and raced hard no matter what was thrown into our path.

There were very few drivers that had to go due to time constraints but by and large, everyone stuck with it. When a room would blow up, someone was right there getting a replacement room set up whether they were a host or not. Everyone communicated effectively where the new room was and who was on a full PS3 restart and to make sure we waited. No matter what the next obstacle was, everyone stepped up to recover and keep the night going. These men wanted to race no matter what it took. When we were actually racing, it was like nothing ever happened. Solid, clean, SNAIL brand of racing took place. We acted like professionals.

After the night was over, the level of dedication continued with the Replay Roulette. Many hours were spend trying to load replays only to have to risk damage to their PS3 by yanking out the power cord... over and over and over again. There is a time where enough is enough and when that came, you could feel the level of disappointment. You could really tell that each member that had to endure this torture gave it everything they had. If someone read somewhere that the "work around" for freezing replays was to stick a banana in your left ear while removing belly button lint with your DS3, our guys tried it. more than once. (And reported some levels of success) We are all nuts.

There will be a day that we look back on all of this and reminisce about the "dark days" of GT6. Every notable organization goes through some kind of "dark" era on their way to greatness. Our trying times are far from over but with this unique and amazing group of people I have no doubt that we are all going to come out this storm better and stronger. I am honored to be a SNAIL. I am even more honored to be a member of Team SNAIL.


With so much growth mixed with random chaos it is easy to forget some of the basics. Over the next couple of months I want to start bringing SNAIL 101 back to the public eye. @Dragonwhisky has inspired this movement with a little excerpt from the SNAIL OLR.

"The nuts and bolts of racecraft during on line events, and in SNAIL, has been summed up by the statement "It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free."
The Spirit of SNAIL racing however, has been encapsulated in the following rules, which we all accept, when driving in a SNAIL sanctioned event. These are;

01: S.N.A.I.L. OLR General Rules:

You are expected to compete in a fair and honest manner. Fair and honest means according to the S.N.A.I.L. online racing rules, not according to your own interpretation of fair and honest.

D: You are expected to drive responsibly in a way that's not likely to ruin the racing enjoyment of your fellow drivers.

You are expected to behave like sporting gentlemen and women at all times.

Violating the rules above is no less penalty worthy, than the more technical ones, governing corner rights or track boundaries, or any other rule in the OLR. The SNAIL Steward Corp has been charged with interpreting all of the rules in the OLR and applying those interpretations to incidents reported or witnessed. If you drive in the SNAIL Sunday League Night, you accept that as well."

I think the guys in the white outfits are signaling to me that it is time for another dose. Thank you to everyone in the League for making even the craziest of nights a huge amount of fun. Now I think I am going to head to the post above this one. I saw it go up and have been chomping at the bit to check it out. Pretty cool stuff!

Race Clean, Race Hard, Race S.N.A.I.L.
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That's quite helpful. I will add another piece of helpful information here for @basswerks. You can't do any aero mods to your car even if it doesn't add PP to the car.
Thanks I'm actually practicing in the Elise right now with a bunch of idiots doing donuts.... Lol
So when should I look for the friend request on psn? Will I be able to race on Sunday?

I will do the placement tonight sometime and you can expect a friend request either tomorrow or Sunday. Make sure you accept the request early enough that you and the sender have time to exit to the XMB menu after accepting or you won't be able to get into the room.

+1 wheels are no longer allowed in a tuning prohibited room.

Why do you have to spout stuff that just isn't correct? I just entered a tuning prohibited room with +1 wheels and +2 wheels and found no problems. If you're going to open your mouth and present things as fact, you might want to do a little testing first.
I will do the placement tonight sometime and you can expect a friend request either tomorrow or Sunday. Make sure you accept the request early enough that you and the sender have time to exit to the XMB menu after accepting or you won't be able to get into the room.

Why do you have to spout stuff that just isn't correct? I just entered a tuning prohibited room with +1 wheels and +2 wheels and found no problems. If you're going to open your mouth and present things as fact, you might want to do a little testing first.

I did several time the other night and was not able to enter a tuning prohibited room.
I have run into a strange bug in the last week or so. It happened with the Elise and RX-7, both cars had been painted and plus size wheels put on them. It would not let me enter the course, even though I had not tuned the car in any way besides paint and wheels.

I can't seem to duplicate the issue, it just seems to happen at random. It got to the point that I actually bought two or three extra of both cars so I can race on Sunday night if it decides to happen again.

Edit: handlebar and I ran into this issue last Saturday night, again I can't seem to duplicate the issue, it just happens at random.
The simplest solution to this wheel bug is, don't put +1 or +2 wheels on a car you plan to run in a tuning prohibited room.

Is the game on so Exo can win one?
It must be a bug of some kind. My Elise and RX 7 just went into tuning prohibited rooms with +1 and +2 wheels and then a minute later did not go into a different room with the same wheels on them and then went into another room with the same wheels.

Definitely another bug from PD and could only be affecting race cars as I was able to get the Dino in with +1 and +2 in all the rooms I tried. Definitely not the game being coded to not allow +1 or +2 wheels on all cars.
If you haven't figured it out already, the RX7 does not like those red rumble strips. Stay clear of them not just because its the rules, stay clear for fear of ending up facing the wrong direction!

I ran into the tuning prohibited bug as well - I agree it is not consistent. The only cars I have had problems with thus far are the Tc / Race Cars. One has stock rims, the other is new (original size) rims. Both have had a problem one night, and no problems several other times.

I think I am going to have a 'vanilla' backup car for the TC/RM cars on race nights for a bit. Just an oil change, exterior color, slap a number on it.

I may be on later this evening, around dinner or after. We will catch some Olympics action today and doing some 'life maintenance.'
If you haven't figured it out already, the RX7 does not like those red rumble strips. Stay clear of them not just because its the rules, stay clear for fear of ending up facing the wrong direction!


I found I could use the curbs in club, but thats about it.
It's all relative to your division. I saw the d1 guys in the 35s last night but if you aren't in D1 or D2 then it's probably not realistic to get a time that quick. I'm in d3 and my best was 1:37.5.

Monaco of all places is about consistency. Sure, you want to start as close to the front as you can. But if you spend 3/6 laps bouncing off the walls, you're not gotta finish well.
I will do the placement tonight sometime and you can expect a friend request either tomorrow or Sunday. Make sure you accept the request early enough that you and the sender have time to exit to the XMB menu after accepting or you won't be able to get into the room.

I will send any PSN Friend Requests as needed to new-to-D6 drivers once placements are done. If you know I am not on your PSN List, and you already know you are in D6, you can also shoot a Friend Request to "HandlebarMustash" if you wish.

D6 runs a Friends Only room, so make sure we both have accepted Friend requests by 8:45 pm Sunday night to ensure you can join the rest of us!

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